Was that the worst game in your lifetime?


Full Member
Sep 18, 2017
Now that the dust has settled and I’ve had nearly 24 hours to think about it, the same question keeps coming to me;

“Was that the worst game of my life as a Manchester United fan?”

Now I know that title might seem over the top and dramatic, but I think it’s a question worth considering. To qualify the question, I should mention I’m in my mid-20s so never saw us get relegated, or the country being dominated by Liverpool in the 80s so I’ve no idea how disappointing or embarrassing that might have been past what family members have told me. The first 20 years of my life I was spoiled and saw us win everything.

As if the torture of watching yesterday’s game wasn’t bad enough, I was then racking my brains to think of my lowest moments as a United fan...

Manchester United 1- 6 Manchester City (2011)

This was the first and obvious example, and afterwards that obviously really really stung, got worse with the added context of losing the league on goal difference to them lot. But we were playing well 11 vs 11, went a man down and then started chasing the game once we scored to make it 3-1 - which was the score up until injury time.

Manchester United 0 - 3 Liverpool (2014)

Whilst not the heaviest defeat, to me it kind of signified the (hopefully temporary) end of us as the club I grew up supporting. We weren’t as abject that afternoon as we were yesterday, but it was the first time in my life we felt levels below our rivals and the best teams around and I felt little hope that we’d get much better.

Manchester United 1 - 2 Norwich City (2015)

That December period under LVG was the first time I think I started to resent watching United. I didn’t look forward to it like I used to, and not just because of the results but also because the club didn’t resemble the thing I fell in love with in any way.

Sevilla 0 - 0 Manchester United & Manchester United 1 - 2 Sevilla (2018)

The game(s) Jose Mourinho lost me. I really thought Mourinho, with the players we already had and the financial backing we’d give him, was going to get us back to the pinnacle of English & European football. With plenty of dull and abject performances leading up to it, that tie vs Sevilla was the culmination of the proof that he was never going to that for us. He’d turned us in to a cowardly unambitious club masquerading as the biggest club in the world. Then of course there was the infamous “football heritage” rant that followed to rub salt in to the wounds.

Manchester United 4 - 4 Everton (2012)

This is up there with the angriest I’ve ever been at a group of players in my life. We threw away two 2-goal leads at home which effectively threw away a league title to City.

Sunderland 0 - 1 Manchester United (2012)

I don’t want to talk about it.

Manchester United 1 - 2 Real Madrid (2013)

This is the angriest I’ve ever been at a referee. Even if now when I look back at it with a clearer and older head I think it probably was a red for Nani, at the time I thought it was the worst decision of all time. I was convinced we were going to win the Champions League that season, the only team I was at all worried about was Bayern but I just don’t see a version of events where Fergie’s last ever game as manager is the CL final and we don’t win.

Manchester United 1 - 4 Liverpool (2009)

Obviously the result was terrible and watching the game was dreadful, but the real kicker for this game was going to school the Monday after. It wasn’t just Liverpool fans... I got stick from everybody for days after that. Just one that sticks in the memory for me.

Manchester United 1 - 2 Manchester City (2008)

I hadn’t experienced many Manchester Derby defeats by 2008, but that’s not the reason this one sticks with me so much. I watched this game with my late grandfather who remembered the Munich Air Disaster, and I can’t think about this game (I don’t really remember much about it, I don’t think we performed that badly, just one of those games) without just remembering how upset he was before kick-off and throughout the game. It’s one of my clearest memories of him, he passed away in 2010, and it’s the only time I ever saw him cry.

Barcelona 2 - 0 Manchester United (2009) & Barcelona 3 - 1 Manchester United (2011)

Now that I’m older, wiser, and can appreciate that period of time’s Barcelona teams for how good they were and that cushions the blow for these two defeats. That said, they were both bitterly disappointing, 2009 especially, I thought we had a great chance of winning and we just never really got close. That first final was also obviously Ronaldo’s last game (or so I thought) which was just an added bitter taste. 2011 also has an added bitter taste because that’s the last Champions League final we played in, and it was over a decade ago now. That’s a horrible thought.

I think that’s it for a greatest (worst) hits of moments supporting United, and at this moment in time, I believe this most recent defeat has me feeling lower than any of those ones did. We have; David De Gea, Raphael Varane, an £80m Harry Maguire, Paul Pogba, Jadon Sancho, Marcus Rashford, Bruno Fernandes, Edinson Cavani, Mason Greenwood and Cristiano fecking Ronaldo, and we still look absolutely miles off.

Liverpool didn’t just make us look poor yesterday. They didn’t just embarrass us. The match highlighted every single issue we have and exposed it for the whole world to see. We’re an absolute shambles. I don’t think before yesterday I would say that before yesterday I was ever ashamed to be associated with Manchester United, but yesterday came close. I usually conversations about desire, passion, fight and respect for the badge and the club to be reductive and pointless - but when we were so totally devoid of any kind of positive going for us from a footballing perspective, it was so much more noticeable how little of the other stuff we had too. Even Pogba’s red didn’t feel like a defiant outpouring of rage at the state of the game, it just felt like a guy who doesn’t really care about the club checking out of the game.

On to more footballing related matters; the way we set up was hilarious. There’s been a lot of conversation about how and why we don’t press properly, which I’m not going to have again now, but was blatantly obvious in the first 5 minutes when we conceded the first goal. Wan-Bissaka was basically leading our ‘press’, our midfield was nowhere to be seen, our central-defenders had no idea where to position themselves and it left Luke shaw ‘defending’ against a 3 vs 1. It set the tone for the whole game. We were horrendous.

This is all before we consider who we were up against. Liverpool, our oldest and biggest rivals, and the players’ performances and body language suggested they couldn’t have given less of a shit, as they just took the piss out of us for 90 minutes. They were missing plenty of first-teamers and most players to injury throughout the game and didn’t need to get out of second gear either, they didn’t play that well and put us to the sword for an hour until they took their foot off the gas. And even then we barely created anything and still looked at risk every time Liverpool were within 40 yards of our goal.

Sorry this has turned in to a bit of a rant. I appreciate any of you who have taken the time to share in my woe. If any of you can think of a time you’ve felt worse than I do now, I’d appreciate it.
Honestly, the sad thing is I somewhat expected it. I was numb and pretty emotionless watching goal after goal go in on Sunday. So not sure I could dignify it as the worst game in my life.
You’ve covered most. The only thing I would say it that while most of these were one-offs or aberrations, the Liverpool one in 2014 and the one yesterday were wholly avoidable if the board had recognised the signs that were smacking them in the face.
Yesterday's is up there, I struggle to think of any other game at OT that was over before half time. The Europa League Final as well, playing for penalties against Villarreal I thought was unforgivable. There was a 4-1 loss at Boro around 05 that was really dismal too.
Easily the most humiliating one out of those. There's difference between having just a shit or awful game that leaves a bad taste in your mouth, and between feeling completely humiliated and embarrassed. That's what I felt yesterday.
Honestly, the sad thing is I somewhat expected it. I was numb and pretty emotionless watching goal after goal go in on Sunday. So not sure I could dignify it as the worst game in my life.
I totally understand what you mean, but to me that being a sign of the times makes it seem so much worse. We’re so bad that a 5-0 (that could have been touching double figures if they wanted it) drubbing felt normal and expected.
I know it isn't the worst game in history but the 4-4 draw with Everton the year of aguero was probably my biggest nightmare.
Yesterday's is up there, I struggle to think of any other game at OT that was over before half time. The Europa League Final as well, playing for penalties against Villarreal I thought was unforgivable. There was a 4-1 loss at Boro around 05 that was really dismal too.
Last season’s Europa Final has just kind of been blocked out in my memory I forgot about it. That would probably make my list.
I know it isn't the worst game in history but the 4-4 draw with Everton the year of aguero was probably my biggest nightmare.
It was. Totally avoidable and handed the title to City.
yesterday was the worst for me and im supporting united since 1977. Realistically, it could have been 10 + if they had kept going.
"Zero hopes for today other than the hope we don't lose 0-5.
It's not going to be pretty"

That's a copy of a text I sent to my mate yesterday as true as the days my sons were born.

That match yesterday was like a death row inmate on the way to the gallows

By far my worst experience following United in my life
Still Barcelona finals. We were on the verge of absolute history and it was the highest level of football we could have played. Opposition was excellent but so were we, I suffered a longer while after those defeats.

yesterday was extremely painful but expected and doesn’t really result in us having a better or worse season as we don’t challenge for the league anyway.

Barcelona 2 - 0 Manchester United (2009) & Barcelona 3 - 1 Manchester United (2011)
"Zero hopes for today other than the hope we don't lose 0-5.
It's not going to be pretty"

That's a copy of a text I sent to my mate yesterday as true as the days my sons were born.

That match yesterday was like a death row inmate on the way to the gallows

By far my worst experience following United in my life
This is just it isn’t it. The inevitability of it all makes it 100x worse. I can take us being crap on the day and getting out to the sword, or games getting away from us like that weird 6-1 vs Tottenham last year. But heading in to what I still see as our biggest game in the season, the one I want win above all others, expecting to get mauled and coming away from it without an ounce of surprise and only a tiny crumb of gratitude it was *ONLY* 5 is the biggest signifier of how far we’ve fallen in the last decade. It’s awful.
@ToToMarshall Thanks for bringing up a load of bad United memories :lol:

Result wise yesterday was an all time low foe me. Wasn't really angry about it as I knew it was coming, Nani getting sent off against Madrid brought out some rage though, my seat ended up in pieces that night.
It was for me. Just slightly worse than the 6-1 vs City. Don't mind United losing, hate to see them humiliated.

No matter how poor Liverpool were in the 90's, they never allowed themselves to be humiliated at Anfield against us.
Yesterday wasn’t the worst definitely but it had potential had Liverpool decided not to stop at 5 and shown us some mercy which is humiliating in itself.

It wasn't the result, or even the manner of the defeat that devastated me. But rather that Liverpool weren't even particularly good. They didn't need to be.
In a lot of the examples from the OP I was frustrated, or I was angry, because you expected the team to do a lot better.

After the game yesterday I was just deflated. 2-2 v Fulham, the one with 81 crosses, had a similar feeling afterwards for me. Because we had put in 70-odd crosses and put on another winger (Depay), and then a wingback who always kept crossing (Valencia). Yesterday's game was a lot worse, but it was a similar feeling of not being able to change anything to improve the performance, and not really expecting it to be much better in the next game.

And then when the players kind of gave up mid-game too. That was a kick to the groin.
Honestly, the sad thing is I somewhat expected it. I was numb and pretty emotionless watching goal after goal go in on Sunday. So not sure I could dignify it as the worst game in my life.

Very much so.
As soon as Ole said that United were going to play on the front foot; against the team the will play with a much higher intensity and choke you by their organised pressure, I had a bad feeling.
And after the first 2 goals went in, I just felt numb.
Because everything went wrong.
Teamwork, effort and discipline.
In truth, Liverpool could have and did score at will.

It was just terrible.
Helpful input cheers mate.
He's 100% right. Some real kneejerkers in here.

We were played off the park by Barca and Milan a decade ago. Genuinely felt like we had no chance. Yetserday felt more like the city 6-1, the game just ran away from us.
The result against Liverpool was our worst home defeat since 1955, but it was the culmination of dire performances throughout this season and the lack of any cohesion between the players that Ole has been incapable of addressing. I predicted a 6 nil win to Liverpool but had they not stopped trying to score it could easily have been 8 or 9 nil
United couldn't keep a clean sheet even if they owned a launderette!
For the players we have actually got this is not acceptable!
He's 100% right. Some real kneejerkers in here.

We were played off the park by Barca and Milan a decade ago. Genuinely felt like we had no chance. Yetserday felt more like the city 6-1, the game just ran away from us.

The game 'just ran away'?

They stopped attacking after 60 minutes and pissed around the last half hour. Did it have to be 10-0 for you to feel real humiliation?
I could see it coming everyone could bar our Manager and the rest, thats why I didn't watch it. I knew I've watched highlights since. And that's bad enough. It's the worst display ever, and for thousands to leave at half time tells you enough.
The defiant ones who stayed and hoped I applaud you all.

I can remember early 2000s Newcastle away lost 4-3 .but that was just a bad day . And we didn't lose another game after that. This result is not a one off and that's what makes it the worst ever for me, as it was avoidable if the issues were addressed after the leicester game.!!
The game 'just ran away'?

They stopped attacking after 60 minutes and pissed around the last half hour. Did it have to be 10-0 for you to feel real humiliation?
They stopped attacking after Pogba almost snapped one of their legs. And yes, the game ran away. Same as the 0-4 to Everton two years ago.
He's 100% right. Some real kneejerkers in here.

We were played off the park by Barca and Milan a decade ago. Genuinely felt like we had no chance. Yetserday felt more like the city 6-1, the game just ran away from us.
Getting battered by a team better than us, when I have faith in the manager and team that they will come back from it and put it right I can take.

Going in to the biggest game of the season expecting to get hammered and coming away from it grateful that our biggest rivals took pity on us and didn’t pile more than 5 past us, and having no expectation or hope of things getting better as they are, is up there with the lowest I’ve felt as a United fan.

I don’t believe the question was silly enough receive such a snarky retort. Just my opinion, you’re welcome to yours.
The 6-1 against City at Old Trafford, or the 5-1 at Maine Road. They were the worst for me.

As for yesterday....Liverpool have been miles better than us for 7 years now, we're in terrible form and from the first minute we looked like it would be bad.
Yesterday was right up there.
Actually the other one that i always think of wasn't a humiliation, we actually won in injury time but was just the worst game I've ever watched - the cup game against league 1 Sheff Utd under LVG. At home we had 2 shots on target both in the last 20 minutes.
It was the 10th home game in a row we had failed to score in the first half and we could barely muster an attack at home to a league 1 team.
They stopped attacking after Pogba almost snapped one of their legs. And yes, the game ran away. Same as the 0-4 to Everton two years ago.

I would class the game 'running away' after 3 minutes as 'we had no chance' but whatev.

And the fact they could stop attacking and drop a gear or two still grinds my gears.
Sitting in the Stretford End for this was harrowing. I mean its only football at the end of the day, but yesterday's experience can only be described as torturous. I sat there till the very end as did almost everyone else around me but I'm not sure I'd have watched it on telly all the way through - I'd definitely have stopped watching after the Pogba red card. I genuinely believe without hyperbole that Liverpool could have gone to any other professional club in England on Sunday and been given more of a challenge than we did yesterday.

This was the worst loss by far. All the losses you've listed were gut-wrenching for different reasons but this was the single most listless and clueless I've ever seen us play. After the third goal went in I honestly felt everyone kind of zoned out - the players and the fans too tbh, if it was a boxing match it would have been called off right then.
4 4 v Everton was the worst for me live.

Any loss in a final was worse than yesterday tbh.
He's 100% right. Some real kneejerkers in here.

We were played off the park by Barca and Milan a decade ago. Genuinely felt like we had no chance. Yetserday felt more like the city 6-1, the game just ran away from us.
The game ran away from us after 5 minutes? Ole is that you?

The way yesterday's played out is nothing like the 6-1 game.