Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion


Full Member
Apr 25, 2014
No no no

That’s a hole different ball game if NATO soil is touched by Russia

Entirely different ball game

That won’t happen, let’s say it did, guaranteed WW3.

NATO not protecting NATO would be an utter catastrophe and as weak as what they’ve been imo in this Ukraine situation, Ukraine weren’t NATO, we won’t have any excuses not too act if NATO is touched.

Touching NATO soil would be all out war you can bet all you have on it.
I'd say Russia being able to just Annex a Sovereign country with population of 44 million is already a catastrophe. At the very least this will mean open season on Taiwan. I believe west should've made it absolutely clear that they will come to the aid of Ukraine in case of full scale invasion.

Water Melon

Because of what? You absolute hypocrites.
Because of this

Ah the morally correct westers warmongers, starting countless wars all over the world in the last 70+ years, outraged over Russia sorting out it's doorstep. The only tragic thing here is innocent people dying, Slavic brothers killing each other, while the US makes a buck.
What is Russia sorting out on it's doorstep? Where were you when Crime and Abkhazia happened? How on Earth are US making the buck? Slavic "brother" has just attacked his Slavic brother nation. Have you heard Putin's speech?
By the way, I was born in USSR, am native Russian speaker and have absolutely no idea why you think that what Russia is doing can be justified. And please tell me how on Earth I am a hypocrite?


Full Member
Mar 4, 2014
It is what it is. Send Russians back home in body bags as much as possible.
Its a horrible situation, the Russian army is just doing their job, they too want too go home too their families. It’s their leader that needs wacking, that sadly won’t happen, and instead thousands of Russians and Ukrainians will die.


Full Member
Feb 3, 2013
I'm sure NATO will take your advice under consideration.

In all seriousness when there's a madman like Putin loose on the world, what choice do you have.
Well if they didn't heed my words, I'll probably already be dead from Russian bombings.

I don't know what choice we have. We have to stop Putin, he's clearly mad, but I can't see a way to do it without a massive cost of life.


Full Member
Nov 10, 2009
Any polls or articles as to how the Russian population feel about this?


Is it Gaizka Mendieta?
Apr 28, 2008
None of your business mate
The greatest team in history
I remember reading this article 6 years ago, post Brexit. It's scarily prescient in sentiment if not detail...

With a fractured EU, and weakened NATO, Putin, facing an ongoing economic and social crisis in Russia, needs another foreign distraction around which to rally his people. He funds far right anti-EU activists in Latvia, who then create a reason for an uprising of the Russian Latvians in the East of the country (the EU border with Russia). Russia sends ‘peace keeping forces’ and ‘aid lorries’ into Latvia, as it did in Georgia, and in Ukraine. He annexes Eastern Latvia as he did Eastern Ukraine (Crimea has the same population as Latvia, by the way).

A divided Europe, with the leaders of France, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and others now pro-Russia, anti-EU, and funded by Putin, overrule calls for sanctions or a military response. NATO is slow to respond: Trump does not want America to be involved, and a large part of Europe is indifferent or blocking any action. Russia, seeing no real resistance to their actions, move further into Latvia, and then into Eastern Estonia and Lithuania. The Baltic States declare war on Russia and start to retaliate, as they have now been invaded so have no choice. Half of Europe sides with them, a few countries remain neutral, and a few side with Russia. Where does Turkey stand on this? How does ISIS respond to a new war in Europe? Who uses a nuclear weapon first?


Dec 19, 2011
With this happening, I guess that Germany and France should shut down their intelligence systems and start doing what they are best: making helmets and being late.

US’ intelligence system has been proven 100% right at everything.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
There's a strong chance that Putin isn't entertaining any diplomacy but i do hope there's some back channel diplomacy to just split Ukraine.

Some might argue thats rewarding aggression but if it's going to happen anyway then diplomacy is the better route.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Any polls or articles as to how the Russian population feel about this?
I'm sure Russia Today will report unanimous and enthusiastic support for the Glorious Leader and his Crusade for Justice and Self-Defence among the general public.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
With this happening, I guess that Germany and France should shut down their intelligence systems and start doing what they are best: making helmets and being late.

US’ intelligence system has been proven 100% right at everything.
Apart from all the times they were wrong, apart from them 100%.


Full Member
Feb 23, 2012
EU has no say over US troops deployments withing the EU, are you daft?
Sorry for stating the truth but yes, what legal mechanism does the EU have to supersede bilateral security treaties? The EU is an economic union. If the Baltics, Poland, and Romania want US troops in the 6 figures (and they all seem like they would jump at the opportunity) it will happen. EU is irrelevant when it comes to security concerns, which is why Macron was trying to change that over the last few months. EU is more important when it comes to measures like sanctions.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2012
The doctrine of mutually assured destruction protects a rogue actor from doing some crazy shit. I'm not convinced Russia invading a NATO member would result in all out war. Some might call it weak, but I think the west would recognize the catastrophe that would result in all out war with Russia. The only way for there to be real change in Russia is from within, and it can't be western driven, there has to be a Russian inception to make a profound and lasting change.


Full Member
Mar 4, 2014
I'd say Russia being able to just Annex a Sovereign country with population of 44 million is already a catastrophe. At the very least this will mean open season on Taiwan. I believe west should've made it absolutely clear that they will come to the aid of Ukraine in case of full scale invasion.
Of course it is already a catastrophe, this will be a horrendous costly un-winable battle for Ukraine.


You know who
Aug 7, 2008
I'd say Russia being able to just Annex a Sovereign country with population of 44 million is already a catastrophe. At the very least this will mean open season on Taiwan. I believe west should've made it absolutely clear that they will come to the aid of Ukraine in case of full scale invasion.
Because this sovereign country is not a NATO member.
By all means this is “expandable” to western nations.
If they attack a member and they do nothing this means the whole idea behind that union is absolute bollocks and they can’t allow that as they have responsibilities.


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
Any polls or articles as to how the Russian population feel about this?
It’s about as pointless an exercise as asking how the North Korean people feel about the South.

It should tell you much of what you need to know that Russian media is focussing entirely on Donbas and ignoring the rest of the attacks elsewhere.


New Member
Feb 9, 2017
Russia has 145 million people and 1.7 trillion GPA.

The European Union has 450 million people and 17 trillion GPA.

And yet, it is the EU that seems to be weak and helpless. How is this possible?

The whole problem was caused because Ukraine wanted to be a part of Europe and not a part of Russia, and Europe did nothing substantial to prevent the invasion.
The EU doesn't have it's own credible military force to protect it's borders, it relies on NATO which is majorly propped up by the US. The US and Russia have beef, the EU gets dragged into it. Having it's own military force would mean not having to pull along with every American idea. Maybe this could have led to better relations with Russia and less hostility?


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
The doctrine of mutually assured destruction protects a rogue actor from doing some crazy shit. I'm not convinced Russia invading a NATO member would result in all out war. Some might call it weak, but I think the west would recognize the catastrophe that would result in all out war with Russia. The only way for there to be real change in Russia is from within, and it can't be western driven, there has to be a Russian inception to make a profound and lasting change.
It might not result in immediate bombardment with nuclear weapons, but it would result in either collective war or the collapse of NATO. One of the two.


Dec 19, 2011
The doctrine of mutually assured destruction protects a rogue actor from doing some crazy shit. I'm not convinced Russia invading a NATO member would result in all out war. Some might call it weak, but I think the west would recognize the catastrophe that would result in all out war with Russia. The only way for there to be real change in Russia is from within, and it can't be western driven, there has to be a Russian inception to make a profound and lasting change.
Russia invading a NATO member doesn’t mean that the nukes will be flying the day after. It almost surely means a direct conventional war between Russia and the US though. Which likely means early advantages for Russia but in a few months after that, they will be in full retreat.

In meanwhile, there is so many things that can go bad for a nuke or two to fly. And then, all bets are off.

Gee Male

Full Member
Apr 10, 2009
With this happening, I guess that Germany and France should shut down their intelligence systems and start doing what they are best: making helmets and being late.

US’ intelligence system has been proven 100% right at everything.
100% right is a stretch. Didn't they say the 16th would be invasion day and then the 22nd? Third time "lucky" I guess.


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
The Financial Times is presenting a far more conservative map of Russian attacks so far. Ivano-Frankivsk is still included (which still seems batshit, but is presumably an airport of military significance) but a lot of other sites are not marked.



Full Member
Jul 9, 2013
wow that was crazy! Not sure if anyone is listening to OSIC on twitter. They were talking about some Polish activity on the border that they were watching on a border livestream and a few mins after the dicussion, the border livestream went dark. Officials are watching twitter CLOSELY.


Full Member
Nov 10, 2009
I'm sure Russia Today will report unanimous and enthusiastic support for the Glorious Leader and his Crusade for Justice and Self-Defence among the general public.
Oh absolutely:lol: But I was hoping for some kind of independant Russian pollster or journalist


Dec 19, 2011
100% right is a stretch. Didn't they say the 16th would be invasion day and then the 22nd? Third time "lucky" I guess.
It likely would have been the 16th with all the false flag operations Russia was doing. Ukraine didn’t respond to provocations so at that stage Russia just said feck it.

It is million miles apart from Germany and France sources who only two weeks before were saying that they see no sign of an invasion.


New Member
Aug 19, 2015
Mean machine 00
Does anyone, including the all knowing US intelligence knows - WHAT excatly is Putin's end game here?

Were there any kind of predictions made?
What, he want's Ukraine and that's it?

What the feck does he want with it? Half of it?

He's probably aware that at least the economic sanctions are coming his way? Although that is a question, seeing how the western leaders are fluffing about.

So, i ask again - what is his end game?
Just a show of strenght?
Is he dying soon so he want's to go off with his boots on? What?


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
The Financial Times is presenting a far more conservative map of Russian attacks so far. Ivano-Frankivsk is still included (which still seems batshit, but is presumably an airport of military significance) but a lot of other sites are not marked.

There's so much potential for things to go badly wrong in the west of Ukraine with four NATO countries bordering Ukraine. All it takes is one accident or misguided provocation and we're in a different world.


Full Member
Oct 6, 2005
Cake or Death?
100% right is a stretch. Didn't they say the 16th would be invasion day and then the 22nd? Third time "lucky" I guess.
I think part of the US strategy was that by announcing their intelligence, there was a small chance it could delay or even stop Putin from actually going through with it. It is possible it would have been the 16th if the US kept quiet about what they knew.


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
Does anyone, including the all knowing US intelligence knows - WHAT excatly is Putin's end game here?

Were there any kind of predictions made?
What, he want's Ukraine and that's it?

What the feck does he want with it? Half of it?

He's probably aware that at least the economic sanctions are coming his way? Although that is a question, seeing how the western leaders are fluffing about.

So, i ask again - what is his end game?
Just a show of strenght?
Is he dying soon so he want's to go off with his boots on? What?
I imagine installation of a puppet government in Ukraine and turning it into an effective client state for Russia. Trying to create another Belarus, basically. Ukraine isn't Belarus though.


Full Member
Jul 4, 2017
Skopje, Macedonia
What is Russia sorting out on it's doorstep?
If a warmonger pact like NATO wants to put weapons and troops and what not on your own border I think someone is preparing to attack you. NATO has been doing that for 70 years without regards. The last time the Russians tried the same in Cuba, the US threatened war. So how is this any different??

Where were you when Crime and Abkhazia happened?
Probably chilling somewhere like I do now.

How on Earth are US making the buck?
Who sells the weapons to Ukraine and NATO? Are you from Mars?

Slavic "brother" has just attacked his Slavic brother nation. Have you heard Putin's speech?
Yes he has, but he is not fighting and dying the ordinary soldiers of both sides do. Putin is no better, but much more straight forward than piece of garbage like Bidden and the lunatic sitting in London.

By the way, I was born in USSR, am native Russian speaker and have absolutely no idea why you think that what Russia is doing can be justified. And please tell me how on Earth I am a hypocrite?
Russia does not want NATO on it's doorstep end of. It gives them the reason to defend their interest the same way the US defended theirs when Russia wanted to put missiles in Cuba. I was born and live in Macedonia, felt the NATO and western hypocrisy when I was 6 and NATO bombed Jugoslavia, bombed Belgrade where my cousins live where they had to run for their lives. The same NATO helped and armed Albanian terrorist 2 years later to kill Macedonian policemen and civilians.
And Ukraine helped my country in 2001, so I have only gratitude for the people of Ukraine. We have felt war and the loss it brings, what happens now saddens me, but we have been living in this shitty world for too long to pretend all is black and white.


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
Mark down this day in your diaries and in history. The day that the West decided to not do anything to stop the fall of Ukraine back into Russian rule.
It failed to do anything to stop the fall of Crimea and that has led directly to this situation.
We in the West are going to have to wake up and decide what our future is going to be. A coward or a lion.

We all know from history what appeasement ends up with.


Full Member
Feb 23, 2012
100% right is a stretch. Didn't they say the 16th would be invasion day and then the 22nd? Third time "lucky" I guess.
They never gave an exact invasion date, utter nonsense. They have just said imminent repeatedly and people don't have reading comprehension.