Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp | Depp wins on all 3 counts


Refuses to acknowledge existence of Ukraine
Jun 17, 2017
Of course the majority have sided one way, what do you expect? There are so many evidences that shown Amber is such a horrible person and has put Johnny into such ordeal over past few years, yet she still manages to get away with it. For this reason alone, of course everyone will hate her.
Why side with someone who is as equally if not more culpable in this though?
Why does it have to be one side or another?
Why not just treat both as they appear to be, domestic abusers, albeit Depp has actually been found guilty of this in essence in court and Heard not as yet?


Full Member
Aug 12, 2011
One of the obvious issues here is that they both are actors, performing, playing the victim, being convincing in court is something that will come naturally to them both.
Not sure how it will turn out. They both are, or were at least,clearly a pair of druggies. Don’t really have sympathy for either.


Full Member
May 18, 2015
Feck me. You’re definitely one of the worst in this shit show of a thread. Not everyone who once broke their nose looks like a fecking boxer. Never mind a Hollywood actress with access to the best plastic surgery money can buy.
Despite her not getting surgery on the broken nose? Broken nose will give you black eyes for weeks, yet she had no black eye 1 & 2 days after her nose was broken? Jog on.


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
Despite her not getting surgery on the broken nose? Broken nose will give you black eyes for weeks, yet she had no black eye 1 & 2 days after her nose was broken? Jog on.
You can get a broken nose without having black eyes you know?


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
Huh? It's almost as if people want her to be beaten harder to have a case.

You do know in order to say that is is damning evidence you have to prove that a certain person did that.

They're are no winners in this case that I can see Depp has already lost and admits he lost because he has been found guilty based on Amber's word and it's difficult to prove otherwise.

However he has damning evidence of her admitting she has abused him on numerous occasions.

She doesn't seem to have any real evidence like that.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
Her black eye and busted lip?
Not saying that she would, but she could over exaggerate it with makeup to make it appear much worse than it is/was

Then again, who knows what truly happened? Theres already audio evidence of her saying no one will believe him if he reports that she abused him isn't there?

Also, there seems to be a bruise, but i don't really see much swelling? Surely there would be quite a bit if she took "minutes of physical abuse"?


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
You do know in order to say that is is damning evidence you have to prove that a certain person did that.

They're are no winners in this case that I can see Depp has already lost and admits he lost because he has been found guilty based on Amber's word and it's difficult to prove otherwise.

However he has damning evidence of her admitting she has abused him on numerous occasions.

She doesn't seem to have any real evidence like that.
The only person she's accused of doing it is Johnny Depp, so I don't really understand the argument? Logic follows that if you believe the injuries in the picture are genuine and not makeup, you believe Johnny Depp inflicted the injuries.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
I have broken my nose about five times in my life. The first I had a slight black eye and you wouldn’t have known anything (without the cut) within two days.


Full Member
May 18, 2015
The only person she's accused of doing it is Johnny Depp, so I don't really understand the argument? Logic follows that if you believe the injuries in the picture are genuine and not makeup, you believe Johnny Depp inflicted the injuries.
No? I could break my nose in sport, combat training, accident on set, accident at home etc. The presence of a broken nose, which we don't have proof of as she never got surgery for it & thus there is no medical record of it, doesn't automatically make JD the one that 'broke' it.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
People need to calm down and also actually understand what evidence is. Whole issue with this trial is it’s just one person’s word versus another, you can’t just see a picture and say that is ‘proof’. In the same way you can’t discount if someone’s nose is broken because it doesn’t look bad enough. Start with the basics. Was it broken? Surely that will be easy for her to prove (regardless of how it broke) as she’d have gone to some kind of medical professional. Then it’s case of if that kind of trauma is consistent with what she says happened which a doctor could testify to.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
I've not really followed the case, or know much about the situation as i don't follow celeb stuff, but did she ever go to the hospital with these injuries? Even if she didn't say how she got them etc?


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
I have broken my nose about five times in my life. The first I had a slight black eye and you wouldn’t have known anything (without the cut) within two days.
I don't believe any of this happened if you didn't have surgery on your broken nose.


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
The only person she's accused of doing it is Johnny Depp, so I don't really understand the argument? Logic follows that if you believe the injuries in the picture are genuine and not makeup, you believe Johnny Depp inflicted the injuries.

Really? I honestly don't get the logic in that at all.

You just can't assume a person is guilty based on nothing other than the other person word's whether they have been injured or not.

In their case you have too much doubt involved when you look at what she would have to gain in accusing him even if she's making it up.

I just would like real proof before destroying someone's life

Have other witnesses come forward to back up her accusations?

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
Despite her not getting surgery on the broken nose? Broken nose will give you black eyes for weeks, yet she had no black eye 1 & 2 days after her nose was broken? Jog on.
If only modern technology had invented a way to conceal bruising. Some sort of flesh coloured cream, maybe? If such a deceitful lotion existed the inventor could call it “concealer”.


New Member
Aug 29, 2021
Her black eye and busted lip?
There's barely a "black eye". It easily could have been make-up. This is Rihanna after getting punched 3 times by Chris Brown in a car:

The difference is quite noticeable, isn't it? If we assume Johnny Depp punched her, it's probably the weakest punch in history or some scuffle that accidentally ended with him hitting her. Or make-up. Either of the three are plausible I guess, but a real punch would definitely result in way more serious injury than a little dark spot .


Wishes to be oppressed.
Aug 17, 2003
Why side with someone who is as equally if not more culpable in this though?
Why does it have to be one side or another?
Why not just treat both as they appear to be, domestic abusers, albeit Depp has actually been found guilty of this in essence in court and Heard not as yet?
People can have their own opinion based on the facts present to them, don't they?

Even you don't necesarily agree with every decisions the ref have made on the pitch, do you? People do not necessarily fully agree with every decisions made from authority, we are not at N.Korea, we can have our own opinions and voiced it out.

Besides, there are lots of damning evidence showing Amber was a serial lier, abuser, horrible person too, Yet Depp has been the only person responsible for all these shite and loss all his reputations and most of his incomes over past few years, its just not right. Its only normal people will feel he has been treated unfairly, even if he is also a horrible person at times and deserves some of the consequences he is taking, Amber shouldn't be the one acting all innocence and gets get away with all the horrible things she has done, without any consequences at all.


Full Member
May 18, 2015
If only modern technology had invented a way to conceal bruising. Some sort of flesh coloured cream, maybe? If such a deceitful lotion existed the inventor could call it “concealer”.
Assume you don't wear make-up because you have no clue about the limitations of things like foundation and concealer.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
I don't think she had any proof had she?

Weird in all the recordings they have been making of each other he seems to have a lot of tapes off her admitting to hiting him but unless I missed it she doesn't have the same on him.

He could just be better at not admitting it I guess

Lot of pictures of him sleeping or crying in the bathroom are all I've really seen so far
We'll see now that it's her turn to take the stand. But the pictures she has won't be admissable in court unless she produces the metadata for them.

The photos that allegedly shows the havoc left behind by Depp's rage at some point have been proven to be staged or enhanced by her and her friends. Some of the pictures overlapped eachother and in that overlap spillage can be seen in one photo but not the other, indicating that things were added between shots.

Either way it's going to be very interesting since the court will just have to take her word for much of the "evidence" she has. After getting caught in so many lies I doubt her word will weight heavily like it did in the UK.


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
Really? I honestly don't get the logic in that at all.

You just can't assume a person is guilty based on nothing other than the other person word's whether they have been injured or not.

In their case you have too much doubt involved when you look at what she would have to gain in accusing him even if she's making it up.

I just would like real proof before destroying someone's life

Have other witnesses come forward to back up her accusations?
I'm not taking a side here. I'm just arguing against the people completely disregarding anything she says because they have already decided she's a liar in favour of Depp.

Depp's life is hardly destroyed, and I don't think either of them are going to come out of this looking particularly good irrespective of who ultimately 'wins'.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
If only modern technology had invented a way to conceal bruising. Some sort of flesh coloured cream, maybe? If such a deceitful lotion existed the inventor could call it “concealer”.
Wouldn't you notice if someone was caked up in concealer though? Plus you wouldn't be able to keep it pristine throughout the entire day, especially with interviews etc where the heat would be building. Someone would notice something

For the record, i have no idea how makeup and concealer works (Just going by what my daughter said haha)


Full Member
May 18, 2015
We'll see now that it's her turn to take the stand. But the pictures she has won't be admissable in court unless she produces the metadata for them.

The photos that allegedly shows the havoc left behind by Depp's rage at some point have been proven to be staged or enhanced by her and her friends. Some of the pictures overlapped eachother and in that overlap spillage can be seen in one photo but not the other, indicating that things were added between shots.

Either way it's going to be very interesting since the court will just have to take her word for much of the "evidence" she has. After getting caught in so many lies I doubt her word will weight heavily like it did in the UK.
The photos are admissable because they've been submitted. She's going to be torn apart on it though because they'll want to know why she refused to submit the metadata showing the dates of the photographs. The only reason you'd withhold that is if the pictures weren't taken when she claimed & that she was just using them to try display injuries from fabricated stories. She would have been better off not submitting any photos than photos with omitted metadata.

Edit: Also love how in the photo they told us was in December 2015 had the calendar behind her flipped at "ARY 2015". So either JanuARY or FebruARY. Never heard of DecemberARY.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
I don't know what the proof was in the high court but I am assuming it must have been solid proof against him if they found 12 cases of violence (of the original 14 he was appealing against). Unless I'm wrong, the current case is not about who has been the guilty party but if Johnny Depp has indeed defamed Amber Heard so how they gather proof for any of this will be interesting.
It was quite convoluted and loaded with circumstantial evidence and disputed testimony from people connected with both parties. But the (very heavily summarised) key gist was:

- It was established that on various occassions Depp indulged in drugs/alcohol excessively and behaved violently in terms of damaging property. In individual incidents he admitted he had written on the wall in his own blood and also admitted that he may have "accidentally" headbutted Heard.

- There were contemporaneous diary entries and text messages to various people from Heard in which she says Depp hit her. There were also photos seeming to show injuries which metadata indicated were taken at the time of the reported incidents and medical records indicating she had sought consultation for minor injuries on at least one occassion.

- A text message account from one of the few witnessess not connected to either Depp or Heard indicated they had both been violent towards each other on at least one occassion.

Based on that (among many other things, some disputed some not) the judge concluded that the most likely explanation was that Depp, in that established destructive mood, had indeed assaulted Heard on those occasions.


Refuses to acknowledge existence of Ukraine
Jun 17, 2017
People can have their own opinion based on the facts present to them, don't they?

Even you don't necesarily agree with every decisions the ref have made on the pitch, do you? People do not necessarily fully agree with every decisions made from authority, we are not at N.Korea, we can have our own opinions and voiced it out.

Besides, there are lots of damning evidence showing Amber was a serial lier, abuser, horrible person too, Yet Depp has been the only person responsible for all these shite and loss all his reputations and most of his incomes over past few years, its just not right. Its only normal people will feel he has been treated unfairly, even if he is also a horrible person at times and deserves some of the consequences he is taking, Amber shouldn't be the one acting all innocence and gets get away with all the horrible things she has done, without any consequences at all.
I'm not saying people shouldn't have their own opinions, however having positive opinions on a human who has lost a court case essentially calling him a domestic abuser is hard to fathom in my head.
Heard so far hasn't been found guilty by court of law of abusing Depp, however I am fairly sure she has abused him based on the evidence given.

Has he been treated unfairly? Surely rather than changing viewpoints around Depp, they should change their viewpoints regarding Heard. But then this is the other crux of the issue, people already hated her after the first Slander trial, even though the judge found the media's image of Depp to be correct (a woman beater).
The world's a messed up place when it comes to celebrity culture, popularity trumps actions.


Full Member
May 18, 2015
I’ll concede that a massive Jack Sparrow fan like yourself is probably more well versed than me in the dark arts of make-up.
If you believe a word out of her mouth, I honestly just feel sorry for you. Cbf wasting more time discussing this any more right now. Maybe you'll have reassessed by the 27th & I'll come back then.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Heard so far hasn't been found guilty by court of law of abusing Depp
You know the reverse hasn't happened either though?

A civil court finding in favour of the Sun is based on one judge's perception of balance of probability. Depp hasn't been found guilty in a court of law of anything.


Refuses to acknowledge existence of Ukraine
Jun 17, 2017
It was quite convoluted and loaded with circumstantial evidence and disputed testimony from people connected with both parties. But the (very heavily summarised) key gist was:

- It was established that on various occassions Depp indulged in drugs/alcohol excessively and behaved violently in terms of damaging property. In individual incidents he admitted he had written on the wall in his own blood and also admitted that he may have "accidentally" headbutted Heard.

- There were contemporaneous diary entries and text messages to various people from Heard in which she says Depp hit her. There were also photos seeming to show injuries which metadata indicated were taken at the time of the reported incidents and medical records indicating she had sought consultation for minor injuries on at least one occassion.

- A text message account from one of the few witnessess not connected to either Depp or Heard indicated they had both been violent towards each other on at least one occassion.

Based on that (among many other things, some disputed some not) the judge concluded that the most likely explanation was that Depp, in that established destructive mood, had indeed assaulted Heard on those occasions.
The judge found the allegations to be substantially true, on most counts.


Creator of Player Performance threads
Nov 27, 2014
Player Performance Threads
There's barely a "black eye". It easily could have been make-up. This is Rihanna after getting punched 3 times by Chris Brown in a car:

The difference is quite noticeable, isn't it? If we assume Johnny Depp punched her, it's probably the weakest punch in history or some scuffle that accidentally ended with him hitting her. Or make-up. Either of the three are plausible I guess, but a real punch would definitely result in way more serious injury than a little dark spot .
So she didn't get beaten hard enough for your standards?


Refuses to acknowledge existence of Ukraine
Jun 17, 2017
You know the reverse hasn't happened either though?

A civil court finding in favour of the Sun is based on the opinion of one judge's perception of balance of probability. Depp hasn't been found guilty in a court of law of anything.
He has in essence been found guilty of domestic abuse, the Judge found the allegations made against him to be substantially true, hence they were allowed to be printed.
This in essence is proof in the judges mind of Depp being a domestic abuser.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
I'm not saying people shouldn't have their own opinions, however having positive opinions on a human who has lost a court case essentially calling him a domestic abuser is hard to fathom in my head.
Heard so far hasn't been found guilty by court of law of abusing Depp, however I am fairly sure she has abused him based on the evidence given.

Has he been treated unfairly? Surely rather than changing viewpoints around Depp, they should change their viewpoints regarding Heard. But then this is the other crux of the issue, people already hated her after the first Slander trial, even though the judge found the media's image of Depp to be correct (a woman beater).
The world's a messed up place when it comes to celebrity culture, popularity trumps actions.
I'd say thats likely because there was proof that she abused him too, yet he lost pretty much entire career and she got off almost entirely free with no labels dropping her etc. Basically gave the impression that if you're a woman, it's ok to abuse a man with no comeback. Thats what i imagine people were annoyed with, understandably so too. Hell, she even admits it in audio recordings that he can tell whoever he wants that she's abused him, but who's likely to believe him


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
I'd say thats likely because there was proof that she abused him too, yet he lost pretty much entire career and she got off almost entirely free with no labels dropping her etc. Basically gave the impression that if you're a woman, it's ok to abuse a man with no comeback. Thats what i imagine people were annoyed with, understandably so too. Hell, she even admits it in audio recordings that he can tell whoever he wants that she's abused him, but who's likely to believe him
It didn’t give that impression at all. The trial was in relation to slander and it was found that Johnny Depp’s actions were true and therefore the claim was not slanderous. Amber Heard’s actions were not on trial and therefore no verdict could be reached in regard to those.


Full Member
May 18, 2015
Amber Heard when her Lawyer asked if she had touched JD's guitar: "No, I wouldn't, I have never played guitar".

Also Amber Heard:


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
He has in essence been found guilty of domestic abuse, the Judge found the allegations made against him to be substantially true, hence they were allowed to be printed.
This in essence is proof in the judges mind of Depp being a domestic abuser.
No, he hasn't. To be found guilty of domestic abuse it'd have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt by a jury of his peers.

Not one judge's opinion of balance of probability.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
One of the obvious issues here is that they both are actors, performing, playing the victim, being convincing in court is something that will come naturally to them both.
Not sure how it will turn out. They both are, or were at least,clearly a pair of druggies. Don’t really have sympathy for either.
The most likely outcome from the start was that both the suit and the counter-suit would fail.

The key issue for Depp is that unlike the UK libel case he already lost, the burden of proof for his suit this time is on him and not the defendant. He also has to prove Heard acted with "actual malice". In other words that the statement was made with deliberate knowledge it was false or reckless disregard as to whether it was false. That's an uphill battle.

Her counter-suit seems similarly difficult to prove. So this will most likely be an expensive, reputation-damaging waste of everyone's time.


Refuses to acknowledge existence of Ukraine
Jun 17, 2017
I'd say thats likely because there was proof that she abused him too, yet he lost pretty much entire career and she got off almost entirely free with no labels dropping her etc. Basically gave the impression that if you're a woman, it's ok to abuse a man with no comeback. Thats what i imagine people were annoyed with, understandably so too. Hell, she even admits it in audio recordings that he can tell whoever he wants that she's abused him, but who's likely to believe him
I get that aspect, but should we be feeling sorry for him?

Yeah she should get the same treatment, but we shouldn't be feeling sorry for Depp, he's also very much in the wrong, that's the issue here.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
The most likely outcome from the start was that both the suit and the counter-suit would fail.

The key issue for Depp is that unlike the UK libel case he already lost, the burden of proof for his suit this time is on him and not the defendant. He also has to prove Heard acted with "actual malice". In other words that the statement was made with deliberate knowledge it was false or reckless disregard as to whether it was false. That's an uphill battle.

Her counter-suit seems similarly difficult to prove. So this will most likely be an expensive, reputation-damaging waste of everyone's time.
To be fair, Depp's reputation has been pretty much destroyed already, so i imagine he sees it as he's got nothing to lose.
Heards reputation is going to be destroyed, i'd say similarly to how his is now.