The Times: Glazers could sell share of future TV income

Unlike most fans, I actually have very little hatred for the Glazers. They spotted an economic opportunity and exploited it well. Fair play.

I save my vitriol for the pieces of sh1t in the FA who allowed it to happen. They allow murderous thugs to take over Newcastle and Man City and allow leveraged buyouts of Man United and Burnley (who incidentally are really up the creek without a paddle because of it. They'll probably be in administration within the next 3 years). If the "fit and proper" ownership test doesn't prevent takeovers for morally dubious reasons or financially disastrous reasons then what is it there for? Bunch of wankers.

I have enough hatred for them and the Glazers.
These clowns are going to leave the club in ashes by the time they're done.
Yep, sabotage the remaining assets enough that the asset itself loses its attraction to potential buyers. These gator feckers are abominable.
£200 million to fund expansion and improve training ground seems very cheap no? Considering the costs seen similar refurbishments...

Then you see the claims they spent 100 million plus on the stadium to move the disabled section and to bring in safe standing.. I don't think 200 is going to get us 15k more seats...
Would ruin the club going down this route (a la Barca) and would also sabotage a future sale to people who aren't idiots.
Doesn't seem like they are actually considering it and the circumstances are rather different.

Barca had to do something to generate funds and although you can argue it was the wrong something they did not have the option of simply ignoring their financial issues. United are not in anything like the sort of position Barca were in and will have far more sensible ways to raise capital if they need to. It is also worth bearing in mind that a big part of the justification for selling off a chunk of their La Liga tv money was due to two factors, firstly that the tv revenues have plateaued and don't look like increasing any time soon and secondly because the league as a whole was involved in similar scheme and Barca simply opted to negotiate on their own rather than collectively to get a bigger slice of the pie.

PL tv revenues are continuing to explode, already the PL generates far more revenue than any other European league and the most recent round of deals such as the renewal with NBC saw them almost doubling the money from the previous deal. It would take a monumentally stupid owner to choose to sell off a slice of those rights at this point and although the Glazer's are greedy leeches they are not stupid.

I agree with Everything you said except the bolded part, The Glazers are indeed a greedy leeches but they are also incompetent businessmen, and I'll explain why they are stupid.

United generated huge revenues in the post SAF era, yet, they (the Glazers) watched the club decline in football terms, just imagine if we were successful on the pitch between 2014-2022, or at least competing for the PL and regularly featuring in deep CL runs, United might've generated even more or even hit the 1B mark (in 2019 revenues were £627M, despite lack of success).

From the Athletic

From 2012, United’s revenue grew year on year, other than a slight dip in 2015, until it hit a record £627.1 million for the year ending June 2019. It then dropped to £509 million in 2020 and again to £494.1 million in their latest set of annual accounts (2021).

Despite failing to achieve sustained success on the pitch in the past decade, United were still able to generate huge sums of money because of their illustrious history.

That, however, can only last so long.

So, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that the Glazers, who watched a cash cow like United decline, would consider selling TV rights,
Would the Super League be on Sky Sports or would they try to move it all onto a streaming platform of their own? TV income probably wouldnt matter.
Did someone say 'levers'? Mortgaging our future. Again. Glazers that.
Selling off the silverware before scuttling off with the money. These cnuts are everything that's wrong in the world right now. Poster boys for a corrupt ruling class.
Stuff like this makes me want us to keep losing games. I fear that once we win a few games, and especially after all these signings, fans will ease up the pressure on the Glazers.
Anyone, and I mean anyone, who supports these parasites is either an idiot or not a United fan. They'll ruin this club
They could but if they did there would be riots. We are nowhere near as stupid or naive as the Barcelona fans seem to be, nor would any fan in their right mind accept the future of the club being gambled by a bunch of hedge fund investors.
They already have. It's just a matter of how much more damage can they do before they're forced out.
They've damaged it but this can literally ruin our ability to recover from their shitshow of an ownership. Proper scorched Earth approach.

In a way, I'm happy this is coming out now, so the pressure doesn't decrease. They need to be thrown out like the plague that they are
Ah it says they’ll be offered, not that they’re chasing it.
Bit of a misleading headline

This. Misleading headline.

I would be totally okay with them selling a stake and using it for infrastructure. Selling future income is a big no no.
Just fecking sell the club and feck off somewhere.
Absolute disgrace, fans should invade the pitch and stay until games are called off. Even if docked points how can people put up with this insolence.
They’ve clearly seen the stunts Barca have pulled and thought we’ll have a bit of that, it’s time to get rid of them before things get worse, hope the game ends up called off Monday
A reminder as a fanbase we can't get blinded by shiny new toys. This issue needs resolving as soon as possible, or things are going to get even worse.
This kind of practice needs to be banned, it’ll no doubt be adopted by some PL clubs in the future. It’s dangerous, easy to abuse, and could lead to clubs eventually going under.
This kind of practice needs to be banned, it’ll no doubt be adopted by some PL clubs in the future. It’s dangerous, easy to abuse, and could lead to clubs eventually going under.
At this point I'd actually want us to get relegated if it means having these owners out. I'm that desperate for a change. Rather have one year of misery than who knows how many more.
Is anybody surprised by them wanting to sell future TV rights. I said in the De Jong thread as soon as Barcelona started to pull levers, it would give the Glazer's ideas. Hopefully the Premiet League has rules against this. There is no guarantee that the money raised will be reinvested back into the club, the rumours are that any money raised by selling a minority share of the club is just going into the Glazer's pockets.
Is this materially different from taking out a loan to redo the stadium?

Yes it does as it ties any future owners hands. The debt on the other hand will feck off the moment the Glazers leave
A loan debt would be on the club surely?
When such huge deals are done, the fee would usually be reported as £Xbn, including debt. So the net proceeds to the Glazers will be whatever is agreed minus the money needed to pay off the debt (they saddled us with in this case).

The reason it didn't happen with Chelsea is because Roman wrote it off.
Jim! Help us Jim, they have learned from Laporta, we're all doomed!

In all seriousness, this is more evidence that the Super League is making a comeback.