Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

What does this say about Putin that he launches sustained missile attacks on Ukrainian cities whilst refusing to attend the G20 but having Lavrov blame the west in another mad rant at the G20 on his behalf?

This is going to get worse. Russia's total defeat is necessary. Or Putin needs to be assasinated.
Is scary out there!

Sad that these guys had to go down like this, especially as many of them are probably in Ukraine against their own will. On the other hand, completely unexpected given that the Ukrainians are defending the existence of their own country.
What does this say about Putin that he launches sustained missile attacks on Ukrainian cities whilst refusing to attend the G20 but having Lavrov blame the west in another mad rant at the G20 on his behalf?

This is going to get worse. Russia's total defeat is necessary. Or Putin needs to be assasinated.

I think the Western strategy is to simply weaken Putin from within by getting Ukraine to win the war. Its a much cleaner and sane way to get rid of Putin without actually going to war with Russia.
I think the Western strategy is to simply weaken Putin from within by getting Ukraine to win the war. Its a much cleaner and sane way to get rid of Putin without actually going to war with Russia.
However, there will be almost no intact Ukrainian cities left soon - the number of casualties, especially civilian, on Ukraine's side will start to become a number so high that it will become a driver for more decisive action.
However, there will be almost no intact Ukrainian cities left soon - the number of casualties, especially civilian, on Ukraine's side will start to become a number so high that it will become a driver for more decisive action.

Most Ukrainian cities other than those in Donbas plus Mariupol have come out of this relatively fine. Kyiv has gotten hit at times, but is still in good shape. Ditto with Lviv. Odesa has barely been touched at all. Once the war is over, all of them will be rebuilt with more modern buildings (as compared to Soviet holdover infrastructure of the present).
What does this say about Putin that he launches sustained missile attacks on Ukrainian cities whilst refusing to attend the G20 but having Lavrov blame the west in another mad rant at the G20 on his behalf?

This is going to get worse. Russia's total defeat is necessary. Or Putin needs to be assasinated.
Putin might be the rule / leader, but I think they have enough men who think like him so the regime would continue with a new leader.

I'm not saying I think WWIII will happen or to totally defeat Russia by the way, just that I don't think getting rid of Putin would solve the problem the west has with Russia and their current government
The fact that these soldiers don't immediately hit the ground when the first guy is hit, tells me that they are very poorly trained.
The fact they group into a tight pack is mental.
The fact that these soldiers don't immediately hit the ground when the first guy is hit, tells me that they are very poorly trained.

Its all at night. That and surprise factor probably hit them hard. However it all looks very amateurish. Once you suspect there is a sniper you gotta hit the ground or get out ASAP.
I fear the most difficult times for the civilians are yet to come. Energy infrastructure is already critically damaged in some parts and with temperatures starting to drop below 0, it will be a real challenge.

I fear the most difficult times for the civilians are yet to come. Energy infrastructure is already critically damaged in some parts and with temperatures starting to drop below 0, it will be a real challenge.

Apparently, it’s not over as Iranian drones have just been launched too going towards the Ukraine.
I don’t understand why United States and EU have not officially recognized Russia as a terrorist state/organization yet? What else they need to see to make sure? What the heck. I’m raging here.
I don’t understand why United States and EU have not officially recognized Russia as a terrorist state/organization yet? What else they need to see to make sure? What the heck. I’m raging here.

I agree with this.
I fear the most difficult times for the civilians are yet to come. Energy infrastructure is already critically damaged in some parts and with temperatures starting to drop below 0, it will be a real challenge.

Russia should have waited for the seriously cold weather to hit power supplies. They might have given Ukraine chance to repair some before it comes. I'm assuming a limited supply of cruise missiles though, I suppose.
However, there will be almost no intact Ukrainian cities left soon - the number of casualties, especially civilian, on Ukraine's side will start to become a number so high that it will become a driver for more decisive action.

You clearly don’t have any idea what is going on in Ukraine.

More people died in the Manchester arena bombing than have in many (most?) Ukrainian cities since the start of this fresh invasion.
This is just horrible. Time the West stepped up and started bombing military targets in Russia, or at least draw a fukcing red line and act on it...
Putin might be the rule / leader, but I think they have enough men who think like him so the regime would continue with a new leader.

I'm not saying I think WWIII will happen or to totally defeat Russia by the way, just that I don't think getting rid of Putin would solve the problem the west has with Russia and their current government
I agree. I think we'd get someone even worse (yes it's possible) since I think the hardliners are actually the strongest opposition to Putin. I cannot envision a Putin succesor pulling out of the Ukraine without paying a huge political price.

This is just horrible. Time the West stepped up and started bombing military targets in Russia, or at least draw a fukcing red line and act on it...
The former is not going to happen since it'd start WW3. I think the current model of arming the Ukranians is working well enough for most decision makers in the West
However, there will be almost no intact Ukrainian cities left soon - the number of casualties, especially civilian, on Ukraine's side will start to become a number so high that it will become a driver for more decisive action.
Basically all of the Western and Central Ukraine have barely been touched in recent months and casualties among civilians have been low so far.

While that shouldn't spark a NATO military response Russia should at the very least be warned the next time it happens it will spark one. Which should hopefully discourage them from firing inaccurate missiles from the caspian sea.
I wonder how stray 'stray' turns out to be.

It is extremely close to the border and they fired rockets at Ukrainian towns that are 15-20 km from over there... so probably just an accident. Polish sources describing it as a tractor explosion for now though.
Just... why? The launch bases for the missiles aren't in ATACMS range, so I don't understand the connection between those topics

Because the US has been withholding them to avoid escalation, and now Russia has bombed Poland. Giving Ukraine these missiles would put all of Crimea into range of the Ukrainian forces and would be a reasonable response to Russia’s own escalation. It’s avoids any military intervention by NATO but punishes Russia’s incompetence or malice.
Seems like a less than zero percent chance that Russia deliberately targeted a NATO country. There's nothing to gain, and potentially a lot to lose. I don't think NATO is going to invade Russia or anything, but they could step up arms deliveries to Ukraine.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Of course, Russia has ample supply in both malice and stupidity so sometimes it's hard to tell...
Seems like a less than zero percent chance that Russia deliberately targeted a NATO country. There's nothing to gain, and potentially a lot to lose. I don't think NATO is going to invade Russia or anything, but they could step up arms deliveries to Ukraine.
Either that or NATO entering west Ukraine to create a buffer of some description and really pressuring Russia
Or maybe russia wsnts NATO to get in, win the war, wrap it up and tell the guys "we couldnt do anything against +20 countries. Will get revenge one day"

Much better losing directly to NATO than against ukraine with indirect help
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Of course, Russia has ample supply in both malice and stupidity so sometimes it's hard to tell...

I agree that it’s most likely incompetence, but the Russians should account for their weapons’ inaccuracy to when picking targets. They aren’t accidentally bombing Lebanon when they meant to hit Syria. They’re hitting NATO.