Gaming Monster Hunter World

Just bought Iceborne and started over completely.

should've just listened to the people in this thread. It will take me weeks before I actually get to the Iceborne stuff :lol:
Monster Hunter Rise, picked up the switch axe after so long out and honestly can’t remember any of the combos or chains, to reposition. Time to start the grind all over again as not having gems or that extended roll sucks balls. Time to put in like 500hrs of my life.
Tried to play last night, madness how have completely forgotten everything about the moves and combat after so much time put into world
Yup seems like there is so much new things to learn as well. Not sure how I feel about the wire bug. Just want my grappling hook back.
All these little endemic creatures that give boosts as well. Feels like the learning curve is gonna be steep. Can’t find any fecking sleep herb either to make tranc bombs.
@Grib how far are you in to it now? I’ve made it to HR7 but think I’m going to have to start farming monsters as my gear has reached its limit. Almost getting one shotted by slight brushes.

Speaking of, switch axe has a move called Zero sum discharge where you mount a monster. You shouldn’t be taking damage however on occasion I’m losing half my health. Not sure why.

Other occasions I dodge loads of attacks only to find that somehow I’ve got barely any health. You finding anything similar or is it just me?
Just finished story mode of Rise. Not feeling it in the same way I did World. It's good, but I don't have the same draw to it.
@Grib how far are you in to it now? I’ve made it to HR7 but think I’m going to have to start farming monsters as my gear has reached its limit. Almost getting one shotted by slight brushes.

Speaking of, switch axe has a move called Zero sum discharge where you mount a monster. You shouldn’t be taking damage however on occasion I’m losing half my health. Not sure why.

Other occasions I dodge loads of attacks only to find that somehow I’ve got barely any health. You finding anything similar or is it just me?
I'm on 7 also, had a few hunts no real issue from previous ranks. Do you not have any HR armour yet?

First HR mission I got slapped hard, but then just got a better weapon and was fine again (the damage jumps on weapons seem a bit extreme!)

I'm using gunlance only for now so was lucky enough there's some good skills on the armour from Barioth and something else pretty easy, I wouldn't call it farming though

Most of my problems are justing from being too greedy with attacks :lol:
I'm on 7 also, had a few hunts no real issue from previous ranks. Do you not have any HR armour yet?

First HR mission I got slapped hard, but then just got a better weapon and was fine again (the damage jumps on weapons seem a bit extreme!)

I'm using gunlance only for now so was lucky enough there's some good skills on the armour from Barioth and something else pretty easy, I wouldn't call it farming though

Most of my problems are justing from being too greedy with attacks :lol:

I do now but I had just been using some low rank one as needed extended evade. Pretty much cruised up to HR 7 without being fainted but was having the same issue of being too greedy and sticking in longer than I should have. But at 7 feckers hit way harder.

RNG is being a dick. Had to kill 10 Maria’s to get one part off of them that was needed for the coil. Seem to just be getting filth. Scales and pelts and that’s it.
I do now but I had just been using some low rank one as needed extended evade. Pretty much cruised up to HR 7 without being fainted but was having the same issue of being too greedy and sticking in longer than I should have. But at 7 feckers hit way harder.

RNG is being a dick. Had to kill 10 Maria’s to get one part off of them that was needed for the coil. Seem to just be getting filth. Scales and pelts and that’s it.
:lol: had a similar thing other night, needed a fin off some fish, 22% drop rate.. I had to kill so many of them that I had rechecked the wiki twice to make sure I was killing the right thing
:lol: had a similar thing other night, needed a fin off some fish, 22% drop rate.. I had to kill so many of them that I had rechecked the wiki twice to make sure I was killing the right thing
Yeah did exactly the same thing as it wasn’t clear when I checked the monster drops and the item I was looking for didn’t have a plus next to it. So thought maybe it was on a low class version.

Did you Remember to get the power charms then craft the power talons then re buy the power charms and stick them in your load out?
So Kushala Daora no longer a massive bell end who spends 90% of his time in the air spamming hurricanes at you. Has some new moves that are terrifying but was actually a fun fight compared to what it was on MHW.
Rampages are a bit of a bore, blue cheese is a bit of a bore, levels aren’t as cool as world but I’m waiting for some sort of tempered monsters to kick in but seems to just be for every 10HR you get you get challenged with an elder.
Saw this trailer for Wilds, looks awesome although looks more like a Final Fantasy game to me.

Inspired me to start MHW again from the start using Long Sword. If you have IceBorne you get a rarity 6 armour and weapon off the start so low rank is a peace of piss. Just walk through it. High rank now and just away to fight the elders so have now started farming for skills and armour I want. RNG still hates me. 45 Odagarons it took to get a gem, and when I eventually did get 1 I got a 2nd as a reward.

Going to make my way through all of this then jump on to IceBorne and hopefully be finished in time for Wilds. Also Devil-Jo just cruising about now is a dick move. First play through he was an addition later in the game so I was already equipped to deal with him. Now he and Bazel i sware hunt me down together.

Also sucks without all my decorations :annoyed: