Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I absolutely despise this type of video/reporting or whatever you want to call it. The loud music, the thumbs up, the whole feel of the video makes me cringe and also very sad.

I get it's a modern world, I get that social media is used in ways that many don't even know, or understand. But this type of propaganda is just sick. People are dying in these films, but they are dying to a soundtrack and in a video designed to gain support and to boost morale. I just find it all disturbing that people's lives and a war where war crimes and atrocities are being carried out every single minute of the day are being used in something that looks like a cross between an MTV video and an advert for the latest Call Of Duty.

I just think when things so serious and important are reduced in such a way that it's so sad that we have become as desensitized to genocide as we are with school shootings.

That says a lot about us as a species.
That's exactly what it is. Most of the content is made for Ukrainians and if you think they should feel sad seeing Russians dying, you are very mistaken.
Wondering how accurate the total amounts Russians have of each group. Destroyed counts should be fairly accurate as a big % of it is visually confirmed.

Already more dead than in every other post WW2 conflict combined.

I've hard time believing the KIA number is this low. I would expect it to be well over 100-150k.

Already more dead than in every other post WW2 conflict combined.

I've hard time believing the KIA number is this low. I would expect it to be well over 100-150k.

Yea, something is off. I have always assumed that Ukraine MoD reported a combined count of killed & injured (taken out of action) Russians, which is over 170k. However we have seen the US and UK intelligence suggesting that number to be around 220k. I see no reason why Ukrainians would report it as lower, it would be higher if anything. I wonder if their MoD reports deaths only there (probably quite inflated number) because I would also expect it to be over 100k.
Yea, something is off. I have always assumed that Ukraine MoD reported a combined count of killed & injured (taken out of action) Russians, which is over 170k. However we have seen the US and UK intelligence suggesting that number to be around 220k. I see no reason why Ukrainians would report it as lower, it would be higher if anything. I wonder if their MoD reports deaths only there (probably quite inflated number) because I would also expect it to be over 100k.
I thought "liquidated" was KIA and that's why UA's numbers were controversial as they looked way too high?
Yea, something is off. I have always assumed that Ukraine MoD reported a combined count of killed & injured (taken out of action) Russians, which is over 170k. However we have seen the US and UK intelligence suggesting that number to be around 220k. I see no reason why Ukrainians would report it as lower, it would be higher if anything. I wonder if their MoD reports deaths only there (probably quite inflated number) because I would also expect it to be over 100k.

I got it from a LawFareBlog article, which was made a few weeks ago, which would've suggested the numbers would've been relatively up to date....or perhaps not.
Personally, I disagree.

Having dialogue and offering opportunities/ avenues for compromise with people you don’t agree with is important. Especially given we’re moving closer and closer to another Cold War (if we’re not in one already).

At the very least, France can say they’ve tried. If China’s views don’t change, little has been lost.

It is, until one realizes it is part of Putin's strategy to create an illusion of negotiations for the consumption of Russian and European publics, so that it alleviates a bit of pressure back home and dupes Europeans into believing their politicians can resolve the war if they simply negotiated harder. Neither is of course the case since Putin has no plans on leaving Ukraine and the Ukrainians have no plans on ceding any of their territory to a fascist, totalitarian dictator.

Therefore Macron is simply playing the role of the useful idiot.
It is, until one realizes it is part of Putin's strategy to create an illusion of negotiations for the consumption of Russian and European publics, so that it alleviates a bit of pressure back home and dupes Europeans into believing their politicians can resolve the war if they simply negotiated harder. Neither is of course the case since Putin has no plans on leaving Ukraine and the Ukrainians have no plans on ceding any of their territory to a fascist, totalitarian dictator.

Therefore Macron is simply playing the role of the useful idiot.

Since the very beginning of this war, Macron has shown a strange inclination at offering any kind of off-ramp for Putin any way or another. What advantage is there for France to do that? Another way of spinning the question would be: What is the worst that can happen (from a French perspective) if Russia loses most if not all remnants of their occupation in Ukraine?

What would happen to Putin and to Russia in the event that Ukraine finish the job in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine is not something that anyone should be concerned about at the moment. The energy Armageddon that Russia promised against Europe for supporting Ukraine has not happened at all this winter. Meanwhile, China has been spending their time threatening the EU after Ursula von der Leyen's most recent speech in Brussels. The timing cannot be any poorer for Macron.
Perhaps, but if this was Russia doing it people would be laughing at them for using ancient equipment.
Might as well use it though if needed
Expectations for Russian vs Ukrainian military strength aren't necessarily the same though.
Perhaps, but if this was Russia doing it people would be laughing at them for using ancient equipment.
Might as well use it though if needed

When Russia uses old equipment: Russians are losers on the verge of the defeat.

When Ukraine uses old equipment: Ukrainians are creative and resourceful geniuses for putting old stuff to use.

But I'm not sure of that post about old Soviet weapons used by Ukrainians . Maybe just April fool's joke. Ukrainians supposedly have most modern NATO stuff and all the intelligence that comes with it.
If this was the US bringing back M4 Shermans, M24 Chaffees, M41 Walker Bulldogs, M46/M47/M48 Pattons, and M26 Pershings into active service, the memes would be running wild all over the internet at the moment.
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If this was the US bringing back M4 Shermans, M24 Chaffees, M41 Walker Bulldogs, M46/M47M48 Pattons, and M26 Pershings into active service, the memes would be running wild all over the internet at the moment.

Right...and? It's not. End of the day a fat gun that can shoot 12 miles is better than no gun shooting no miles as long as it doesn't blow up and kill your own men. If they miss with all their shells then they'll be in no worse a position really and they might still demoralise the enemy a bit. It's quite different with ancient tanks that are vulnerable to enemy fire.
Right...and? It's not. End of the day a fat gun that can shoot 12 miles is better than no gun shooting no miles as long as it doesn't blow up and kill your own men. If they miss with all their shells then they'll be in no worse a position really and they might still demoralise the enemy a bit. It's quite different with ancient tanks that are vulnerable to enemy fire.
You’ve missed the point.
When Russia uses old equipment: Russians are losers on the verge of the defeat.

When Ukraine uses old equipment: Ukrainians are creative and resourceful geniuses for putting old stuff to use.

But I'm not sure of that post about old Soviet weapons used by Ukrainians . Maybe just April fool's joke. Ukrainians supposedly have most modern NATO stuff and all the intelligence that comes with it.
Except that they don't really. For one reason or another we send them the older models or downgraded ones, and not enough of them. It's a bid sad because if we did send our most modern stuff, a lot of civilian deaths could have been avoided. But I get your overall point. If you laugh at Russians bringing tanks from the museum, Ukrainians using stuff made in 1947 is hardly anything to boast about either (if that tweet is even true). But it shows that both sides are quite desperate and severely lacking more modern weapons.
You wpuld not get that reliability of products produced nowadays. That's upper echelon quality, nowhere to be found today.
April fools day was yesterday? :lol:

It was probably like:
"The state duma forces every region to contribute to the special operation. We need to send something, if we don't want to fall out the window!"
"But we're in the middle of nowhere, we don't have anything except horses?"
"Then send them"
So was USA against Iraq and Afghanistan. Turns out it is hard to defeat those that don't want to be conquered.

It's hard to administer countries that don't want to be conquered. The USA found it fecking easy to invade those countries with their infinitely superior tech though, just have to look at the vastly distorted body count. (And before you think I'm somehow pro war on terror, I think both those invasions were catastrophic and disgraceful mistakes).
Russian author Mikhail Shishkin:

Do dictators and dictatorships breed slave populations or do slave populations breed dictators? Ukraine was able to escape from this hellish circle, to escape from our common, monstrous, bloody past. For this reason it is hated by Russian impostors. A free and democratic Ukraine can serve as an example for the Russian population, which is why it is so important for Putin to destroy you.

In Russia, we had neither de-Stalinisation, nor the Nuremberg trials of the Communist party of the Soviet Union. The result we see: a new dictatorship. A dictatorship, by its very nature, cannot exist without enemies, which means war.
So was USA against Iraq and Afghanistan. Turns out it is hard to defeat those that don't want to be conquered.

Just out of curiosity, do you ever challenge your own opinion and try to see things from different perspectives?