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  • If you would give centaurs basic rights in the wizarding world, you clearly know nothing about them. They have their own territory in the forest where they are let to live in peace. If any human enters they territory they rape or possibly kill them. That's what happened to Umbridge in the 5th book. So they already have basic rights, not in human's world but they have their own place where they can live as they wish.
    As for houselves their situation will get better but we don't see the end of it in the books. Hermione tried to free them, which was a terrible idea because they have nowhere else to go. Houselves have a good place at Hogwarts, and there are many families who treat them well.
    A lot should be changed of course but we know the Hermione continued to work on it after the books. It's a work in progress, you can't expect everything to be nice and rosy just because Voldemort is finished.
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