Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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A club that masters in leaks would have most definitely let leak information that would have helped Greenwood's case, if they had it. I just refuse to believe the club and the player both have this wider context to the clips and are sitting on it, knowing that it can actually clear the player or dilute the original charges and the audio clip.
That would depend on what the evidence is, if it looks bad on his wife then the amount of abuse she'd receive from Greenwood fanboys and a certain part of the United fanbase would be too much.

The right decision in the end, let's just move on now as a club and concentrate on the season.
Also the state of some of the posters in this thread. At least it's a handy way of topping up the ignore filter for the future.

Get this straight - even if he is innocent in the eyes of the law, no-one owes him a job. He fecked up enough to never represent United ever again, and that's United's decision as his employer to make. They're not sending him to jail or forcing him to never play football again. He did enough to get sacked, and they've been far more supportive than they had any need to be - damaging their own reputation heavily in the process.

Stop making out like is a victim and politicising the issue.
I hate this cancel culture talk so much. How about not treating women like shite, so there's no canceling to be done in the first place? Weird concept, I know.

good riddance.

Plus, he hasn't been cancelled. He will continue his career as a professional footballer, which is one of the most prestigious and highly-paid vocations there is. It just won't be at Manchester United.
To those who think he will be loaned and return ‘In the end, the club confirmed on Monday that they would work with the player to continue his career elsewhere and the club say they do not expect an eventuality where a loan move leads to the player representing United again in the future.’
Such a talent, huge wasted potential, could have genuinely been a top top player but its hard to move past what happened off the field.
It was because key witnesses had withdrawn from the process.

Go and read the CPS report which sighted new evidence which came to light, which you are conveniently ignoring.
The amount of people in here that think he was actually cleared in a court of law is staggering too.

Let's not forget that if it had been Phil Jones or Harry Maguire on those recordings attempting to rape his partner the lot of you would have been calling for him to be sacked immediately. The moral fickleness based on the supposed talent and value of the player in question is grotesque.
The pictures and the voice recording
I've seen both and so have the club yet despite the public pressure the club have still come out saying they don't believe he did it, I would feel better if they said they weren't convinced those images & recording were fake (Photoshop/ deep fake etc/ not him) and he was guilty and he was moving on.

I'll accept the decision the club has made but for me it should have been we believe he did it, he's moving on OR we believe he didn't do it, he's staying. The idea of we believe he didn't do it but he's moving on is just harder for me personally to hear
Well I'm pissed right off, some club is getting a top quality player, and it will be for peanuts...
I wanted him back in , but UTDs board have given in to peer pressure from other quarters..

I hope the boy goes on and plays his football abroad and scores shit load of goals , comes back as a visiting player in CL or Europa league or conference league and scores a Hattrick .... and i will cheer every fecking goal, I've followed this club since 8 yrs of age and I'm seriously thinking of feck it now .....
Did you listen to the recording?
Actually, they fecking can. He was legally proven innocent so there isn't anything "legal" about it.

The club statement just says "we know he's innocent but we bent over to sponsors/the girls team and to everything related to MG that can hurt our precious little club".

We didn't do the same to Cantona or Ronnie.

It doesn’t say he is innocent the statement says they didn’t have access to all the evidence but from what they did have access to they are satisfied he did not do it. They don’t have all the evidence or expertise to determine he is innocent. They have deliberately avoided proclaiming him as innocent.
I was brought up to know that violence or abuse in any relationship is wrong, I did not do the things I was accused of, and in February I was cleared of all charges.

However, I fully accept I made mistakes in my relationship, and I take my share of responsibility for the situations which led to the social media post.

He wasn't cleared and seems to be admitting to something to do with those pictures/audio.

People can justify it all they want, but it turns out that evidence is real and whatever the full length/reasoning behind it all is, either one or both of them have done something very stupid.

So this is the right decision. Hiding behind "omg cancel culture!" Is just pathetic.
The evidence isn’t sufficient to make an accurate and objective decision. Stop being true to your username.

The criminal trial was dropped now this is in the domain of the public. The threshold for innocence isn't beyond reasonable doubt. The audio and pictures were enough for any reasonable person to assume something not so good happened. It up to Mason and his team to provide an explanation of the audio/pictures to ease the public concerns. If the audio/pictures were real and are not missing context then they are pretty damming. If there's some alteration or missing context so Mason should provide it to ease the concerns. If he can't legally, then his team can put out a statement saying there's missing context but because of legal reason we can't release it. But just expecting people to move on because the case was dropped isn't good enough to win people's trust back
I'm just surprised all of the people who wanted him to stay haven't identified any other English clubs who would want him if it's just cancel culture right?
Man City ? Why not ?

1) Cheap on a free. Low on wages too.
2) Pep being pep. The cynical side of him just to spite or twat Man Utd. Imagine MG scoring a winner against Man Utd ? Can you imagine his smug look ?
3) I doubt the owners of Man City would a give shit on such issues. Not that their home country is any saint.
Such a shambles and some of the wording in the statement is pathetic.

All the same, at least we can hopefully put this one behind us but fans should not forget they were ready to bring him back before they realised what a shitshow it would have caused.
Absolute waste of a generational talent. After listening to the way he treated that girl, it is impossible to get back from that. May be at League one, he would have been off the headlines and given a 2nd a chance, but was never going to happen here. It was a tough call, but the right one.. Time to move on..
The same fans that are cheering this decision are also wanting us bought by a regime that systemically abuses women!!!!

That is when I will consider by future as a United fan...
There aren't any photos or videos of it.
The decision is correct obviously but I’m not comfortable with how due process has just been ignored seemingly.

Also, there has been many pricks that have played for us. It’s hypocritical.
you do know that progress can happen, right? Society evolves. Just because things were glossed over in the past doesn't mean things can't change.
People mentioning other clubs having players playing who have been accused of similar offences, that’s true but none have a recording in the public eye like the Greenwood case. We’ve had players in the past who have been accused of crimes, Ronaldo and Evans come to mind.

It’s 100% the recording that’s led to this decision.

Its probably the right decision anyway, most fans, all media won’t let this go and it would possibly derail our season if we kept him.
We all heard the tape and saw the pics. I dont care what cock and bull story that he and his girlfriend made up after the fact to help clear his name. He did what he was accused of and had she not dropped the charges, i'm sure he would have been found guilty. We all heard him forcing himself on her when she told him to stop. We all saw the pictures.....


Of course, it is her prerogative to stick with him regardless of what he did to her, but you have to wonder, if the money, fame, lifestyle and pressure from family was not there, would she have continued with the charges?

The club have botched the process, but they have come to the right conclusion in the end.

Everyone will have their opinion, but if CPS and club are sighting evidence not in the public domain, then I'm going to go with that to be honest
Never understand this logic. Why, if he can have a football career, should it not be at United? Read the Athletic the other day and one of the writers was disgusted that he could play for a major club, but suggested a mid-table one might be okay. What size of club is the cut off?

Where do you want me to start? Club Size? History? The fact that Manchester United should hold itself to a higher standard then other clubs? Sponsor Pressure? Media? The fact that we're a worldwide brand?

Playing football for Manchester United is obviously quite different then playing football for say, Torino in Serie A
I think it’s totally ridiculous personally. I am totally in favour of him going but what was the point of this investigation if they’ve just let fan opinion dictate it regardless of what the evidence they found. A win for cancel culture.

The guy is obviously a dickhead but that’s such a weird statement.

Weak football club bowing to the mob.
Watch him sign for our rivals and become a world class performer.
It's shocking to me that the club took this long to reach this verdict. You can't help but feel this response feels highly reactionary to the recent "leaks" or reporting from The Athletic.

This should have been the established outcome months ago, all this kicking the can down the road hasn't helped the club or Richard Arnold to appear in a good light.
Shame it took this to realise the position he's in and go on to be a better person.
Best for the club.
Statement a bit off with the "convinced he didn't do this etc" so either he's lying, she's lying or they've both been set up.
So why hasn't this come out earlier so everyone can move on?
What a shame.

He's an idiot etc and it's the correct decision.

...But to throw away his career/us lose such a talent, shame.
Throwing our players under the bus like this will surely make us attractive.
If they avoid getting arrested for attempted rape and coercive and controlling behaviour, they’ll be fine.
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