Donald Trump - GUILTY!

i don’t think it’s worth anyone’s time to debate trump, period. Doubt there’s any fact or even a lie used in a debate that would move the needle on his voter base - they’re too far gone. Corruption, scandal, lies, prosecution - i don’t think any of those have even moved the needle much against him. Trumps their savior.
We've been here before. Both candidates have significantly declined cognitively since 2020. Trump spouted lies then & the sky didn't fall. It's nothing new, you're not unearthing anything heretofore unknown.

Redcafe simply likes to downplay Biden senility. He's that bad. And yes I know Trump is worse.

The worst ever president nominee and the Dem somehow made it a neck to neck race
Sorry to jump in as a parachuter but what is the Supreme court deciding on now regarding Trump case?
Sorry to jump in as a parachuter but what is the Supreme court deciding on now regarding Trump case?
Whether states can determine who is on a presidential ballot, essentially. Colorado's supreme court agreed that what he had done is insurrection, and as such the 14th ammendment prohibits him from serving office. (just in Colorado)

Apparently if you're a true follower of the constitution as it's written, it's a really clear legal argument that he should be disqualified, but the SC will most likely take into account the bigger picture here and rule against Colorado decision.
What kind of reality am I living in??
Trump or Joe Biden!!!
Please can I wake up from this nightmare...
He puts it directly on his gums.

Another day in the life of abject failure of the Supreme Court of the United States.
They're probably right about this one as much as I'd rather they rule otherwise, the one that really matters is whether Trump has immunity from his crimes, if they rule he does then the country is fecked
They're probably right about this one as much as I'd rather they rule otherwise, the one that really matters is whether Trump has immunity from his crimes, if they rule he does then the country is fecked
There's no way they'll rule for him on that. But they might delay their decision til after November, which is all he's after.

"I'd encourage them to attack you.

You gotta pay your bills."
There's no way they'll rule for him on that. But they might delay their decision til after November, which is all he's after.
Best guess I have is that they won't take it up, which may have the same effect anyway
Can’t the CIA disappear him?

You don't know how much I would love that to happen. If the CIA has to activate one black ops cell for a greater purpose, it should be to get rid of that cnut once and for all for the sake of our world.

If they do it, I'd prefer they do it in a very public and brutal manner.
You don't know how much I would love that to happen. If the CIA has to activate one black ops cell for a greater purpose, it should be to get rid of that cnut once and for all for the sake of our world.

If they do it, I'd prefer they do it in a very public and brutal manner.
Well if the SC says Trump is immune from prosectuition then Biden should do us all a favor and sic Seal team 6 on him :D
You don't know how much I would love that to happen. If the CIA has to activate one black ops cell for a greater purpose, it should be to get rid of that cnut once and for all for the sake of our world.

If they do it, I'd prefer they do it in a very public and brutal manner.

You when someone who doesn't even believe in Hell wishes Western leaders would end up there:

Do we really need this kind of bigotry and wish for harm here? :nono:
Genuinely one of the weirdest posters of all time.

Does the notion of changing parameters ever mean anything to you? We are right into those right now.

Just like fascists of old, Trump is just too dangerous to be left alive if the law is incapable of getting the job done. And to be very honest, American laws suck balls when you see where we are compared to how other functional democracies are getting the job done against crooked ex-leaders.
Does the notion of changing parameters ever mean anything to you? We are right into those right now.

Just like fascists of old, Trump is just too dangerous to be left alive if the law is incapable of getting the job done. And to be very honest, American laws suck balls when you see where we are compared to how other functional democracies are getting the job done against crooked ex-leaders.

The most un-fascist thing to do would be to summarily execute your political opponents
The most un-fascist thing to do would be to summarily execute your political opponents

I hope that was only sarcasm. Truth is that the situation is now so fecked up that options for the sake of getting rid of Trump (at least the lawful ones) are running out. The rule of law in the US is proving to be weaker than never before. You only need to compare the US with any other established democracy out there that has seen a few ex-leaders convicted for their crimes to find out who is doing better. Faith in the American system of justice is close to nil for me.
I hope that was only sarcasm. Truth is that the situation is now so fecked up that options for the sake of getting rid of Trump (at least the lawful ones) are running out. The rule of law in the US is proving to be weaker than never before. You only need to compare the US with any other established democracy out there that has seen a few ex-leaders convicted for their crimes to find out who is doing better.

Not sarcasm at all. If the rule of law is so weak in the US then that is what needs to be addressed. Trump is a sympton of a broken system, not the cause of it. The second you accept it's reasonable to assasinate anyone who you think might be a threat to your way of thinking then you've dived head first into authoritarian territory. The exact thing Tump would love to enact.
I hope that was only sarcasm. Truth is that the situation is now so fecked up that options for the sake of getting rid of Trump (at least the lawful ones) are running out. The rule of law in the US is proving to be weaker than never before. You only need to compare the US with any other established democracy out there that has seen a few ex-leaders convicted for their crimes to find out who is doing better. Faith in the American system of justice is close to nil for me.

Just in the last week you've called for the murder of Trump, imprisonment and possible execution of Tucker Carlson, and for Robert Hur to be flogged. The longer we go back, the longer the list of your violent fantasies becomes. You've been doing this thing for years, it's not about Trump.
This is exactly why I wouldnt debate him if I was Biden. There is 0 benefit. And all the positives go to him getting more conspiracies and more nonsense out on the airwaves.
Yep I agree. You can't debate an imbecile.
It's like wrestling with a pig.
Just in the last week you've called for the murder of Trump, imprisonment and possible execution of Tucker Carlson, and for Robert Hur to be flogged. The longer we go back, the longer the list of your violent fantasies becomes. You've been doing this thing for years, it's not about Trump.

Get over yourself :lol:
Reading this thread and Trumps often crazy remarks and totally wrong claims, I can't believe he has a chance to win the election. 60% taxes on China, 10% taxes on all imports, openly questioning article 5 of NATO....

Trump will get the nomination of the GOP but his diehard base consists only of 30 to 35% of the voters. I refuse to believe that many independent and swing voters will vote for the lunatic.

However, lately many politicians and media in Germany starting to panic that the Donald might indeed become the next US president.

Should I get worried? What are the many American posters on redcafe thinking?

Does Trump has indeed a realistic chance to get elected?
Normally the incumbent president has an huge advantage to secure a second term. Especially when the economy is doing well, which is absolutely the case.
Reading this thread and Trumps often crazy remarks and totally wrong claims, I can't believe he has a chance to win the election. 60% taxes on China, 10% taxes on all imports, openly questioning article 5 of NATO....

Trump will get the nomination of the GOP but his diehard base consists only of 30 to 35% of the voters. I refuse to believe that many independent and swing voters will vote for the lunatic.

However, lately many politicians and media in Germany starting to panic that the Donald might indeed become the next US president.

Should I get worried? What are the many American posters on redcafe thinking?

Does Trump has indeed a realistic chance to get elected?
Normally the incumbent president has an huge advantage to secure a second term. Especially when the economy is doing well, which is absolutely the case.

Bidens approval numbers are horrifically low, the concern isn’t about people outside Trumps base voting for him, it’s about them not turning up because there’s absolutely nothing inspiring about Biden.

He should not be the nominee.