11101's latest activity

  • The whole world would prefer a Rio or Nesta type player, but where are they? Our teams biggest problem at the moment is attitude and he's got it in spades. He's merely a good footballer otherwise, in the same way that Eric Cantona was merely a...
  • I'm tired of watching us play with him in the team. Starting him is giving the opposition the comfort that we won't even attempt to control the game and would rather rely on a scrappy counterattack to get our goal.
  • 11101 replied to the thread Baltimore bridge collapse.
    They probably thought they would hit the concrete abutment without realising the bow protruded enough over the bulb to strike the main structure.
  • Good. He knew what he was doing and gladly shat all over his customers and showed zero remorse about it. In some cases rehab is the right thing, but sometimes it needs to be good old fashioned punishment.
  • 11101 replied to the thread Baltimore bridge collapse.
    Perhaps it doesn't need to be. I know aircraft are held to higher standards but there's no testing for selecting reverse thrust whilst airborne; no pilot would ever do it and if they tried the aircraft says no. I'd assume anybody licensed to...
  • 11101 replied to the thread Baltimore bridge collapse.
    I'm not sure what relevance that has though. A ship that big, it doesnt matter how you put it in reverse its not stopping. As I said above I think a big lesson will be that engaging reverse whilst in forward motion will change the direction of...
  • PMs and Chancellors dont go to jail :nono:
  • Light sentence. 25 years is a lot when murderers can get less, but light compared to the 100 years he was originally facing. He'll be out in his 50s.
  • 11101 replied to the thread Baltimore bridge collapse.
    The other factor is that big ships are good at going forward. Slamming it in reverse whilst still in forward motion would introduce yaw which unfortunately appeared to have turned it towards the bridge support.
  • 11101 replied to the thread 'Pep' Guardiola sack watch.
    Didnt the Spanish courts order all the evidence destroyed after the cycling case was finished? I remember him saying Spain would lose its World Cup if he told all he knew. As far as I'm concerned Pep's legacy will always have a big cloud over it.
  • If we hire this chancer I'll give up watching us until he's gone. Which won't be long.
  • 11101 replied to the thread Westminster Politics.
    The US dwarfs the UK for lending and insurance, it was both hit less and recovered faster. I was working in the industry at the time and everybody knew problems were being stored up with some of the products we were layering on top of each other...
  • 11101 replied to the thread Westminster Politics.
    The UK was hit harder than its peers, and harder than it should have been had Brown not relaxed regulations and pushed the financial sector to take more and more risks to prop up his spending plans. Through the GFC the UK economy was hit harder...
  • 11101 replied to the thread Westminster Politics.
    Economy was back in growth and the budget deficit was being reduced. For that 5 or 6 years until the referendum everything was going in the right direction.
  • They'd win it, easily. Assuming they were training the modern way too. In virtually every position we would be the best in the league. Right back maybe not, possibly one of the midfielders. Otherwise who is better? If it was literally lifting...