Recent content by Appleyface

  1. WWC23 | England v Spain - Spain win the World Cup - and Rubiales gets sacked

    Your continuous playing down of a non consensual kiss is deeply concerning. Perhaps no one has ever taught you this but nobody should ever touch anyone, let alone kiss them, without clear consent, which he did not have. Acts like this are unacceptable, just because they are all too often...
  2. WWC23 | England v Spain - Spain win the World Cup - and Rubiales gets sacked

    Lads is it woke to be against sexual assault in the workplace? :nervous:
  3. Jordan Henderson | New Athletic Interview: I strongly believe that me playing in Saudi Arabia is a positive thing

    Wanted to add a perspective following a few recent posts on this thread. Whether people appreciate it or not people who claim to be allies of a community will be held to a higher standard than those who do not. Henderson went out of his way to show allyship to the LGBTQ+ community and...
  4. WWC23 | England v Spain - Spain win the World Cup - and Rubiales gets sacked

    The radical notion that women are people.