Recent content by deanobaggio

  1. Milton Keynes Dons vs Manchester United

    Absolutely, Ando over Cleverly all day long, lets see how fit he is, how determined he is, Cleverly had his chance against Cattermole and got bossed. Anderson, Pearson, anyone.
  2. Sunderland vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    one tackle in the first ten from Cattermole and he'll go into hiding mode once again
  3. Sunderland vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    Cleverly and Fletcher? Such a depressing combination, hopefully they don't get over run by Rodwell and Cattermole, but theres every chance they will
  4. Sunderland vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    This is where we are going to get exposed . . . Cleverly will be hiding from Cattermole, he shouldn't be, but its more than likely going to happen
  5. Sunderland vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    Anyone but Cleverly in centre mid today…..Rather see Pearson given a chance than watch another Cleverly bottle job