Recent content by KristianKrystal

  1. André Onana | 2023/24 Performances

    That was furosemide, a diuretic drug. Although I guess needing to have a wee could make you edgy and on your toes.
  2. Edwin Van Der Sar

    I’m not a neurologist, but as I understand he has suffered a bleed in the subarachnoidal space, which is pretty severe with high fatality. The risk of fatality is mainly with the main bleed (should be over by now) and with rebleeds. It’s sounds like he’s stable and able to communicate which is...
  3. Qatar World Cup: TV 2 Denmark reporter forced off air

    What I meant is it is out of character from the TV channel.
  4. Qatar World Cup: TV 2 Denmark reporter forced off air

    It isn’t. However the clip/comment is definitely out of place and to me it’s sound extremely akward. Apparently they received a lot of complains and therefore had to apologize.
  5. 63% of Liverpool squad "asthmatic" - any substance to this article?

    Didnt consider extra pulmonary effects. Could be a point there. The questions is whether this can be extrapolated to increased performance in footballers or not and whether such high doses are even allowed?
  6. 63% of Liverpool squad "asthmatic" - any substance to this article?

    For the first part I believe footballers to have a fairly low O2 consumption compared to other athletes ie cross country skiers. I also don’t think cold weather disposes you for asthma - from what I’ve read it’s mainly those few sports which requires and extreme ventilation, so footballers...
  7. 63% of Liverpool squad "asthmatic" - any substance to this article?

    Its actually relative common in certain sports to develop asthma. Especially in sports requiring the biggest O2 intake, such as cross country skiing fx., the mechanisms are unknown but it’s believed to be caused by the mechanic stress on the airways and drying out the airways. So it’s not that...
  8. Champions League Round of 16 (15th Feb - 16th Mar)

    Most cases are mild, but there’s a risk for cardiac arrest so he’ll probably be sidelined for a while. In Denmark you’re not allowed to play for half a year if I recall correctly.
  9. Martin Atkinson

    Guess the difference is that no foul was committed in this case, and that it’s more sportsmanship/gentleman agreement to stop play. Without VAR maybe he could deem the goal invalid but with it it would be harder as there might not be an actual rule he could refer to?
  10. Transfer Tweets - 2021/22 | Check the OP for blacklisted sources before posting

    How does that actually work? If they are obligated to buy, they must have to agree on (and sign) a contract immediately surely? But does that then mean the terms of the contract is effective now or in two years?
  11. Paul Pogba | 2019/20 Performances

    Agreed. Think it’s caused by the consequences. More likely than not if Pogba has had a bad game we’d have lost or drawn and the performance is blamed for that. It’s the same with our defenders, when they make mistakes it’s often scrutinized more than in other clubs and again I think it’s...
  12. Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

    I think the difference in genes means that we react differently to the virus ie. from few symptoms to severe symptoms. If you’re young and healthy and have a genetic disposition to get more sick in general you should still be fine, but young people can also get sick and with when if enough get...
  13. Day 3: Uruguay vs. Costa Rica

    Why does all the uruguayan players look like adonis, did Kevin Sorbo impregnate the entire country in the 80's and 90's?? And btw they obvouisly shop the same place as Robben..