Recent content by Mihajlovic

  1. Gaming Returnal (PS5)

    Yes, love the game, and I think I'm getting better with every run. Not tried blading him, will definitely work on that, thanks :)
  2. Gaming Returnal (PS5)

    Thanks buddy! Will have a look through! God that Phirke boss is anooying as hell, never have enough health to go into battle!
  3. Gaming Returnal (PS5)

    Couldn't find an existing thread on this. What an amazing game, however, so bloddy frustrating. Has anyone played it and how on earth do you ever make any progress? I keep on dying non stop, so far 30 deaths and I've just about managed to get to fight the first boss, which is impossible! How do...
  4. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    ‘I’m truly surprised and kinda angry at myself’ that I haven’t told you earlier how much I enjoy irritating pretentious types like yourself who believe they hold the monopoly on all interpretation.
  5. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    I’m still not clear on the exact numbers, different sources cite different numbers. If the entire organization has ca 50000 people, how many of those are actually military (apparently anything between 15000-35000) and how many are part of the political/ administrative structure. And is it even...
  6. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    In my view Israel’s focus must be on destroying the tunnel network, all Hamas’ command centres, rocket launchers, ammunition depots, etc. I think Israel neglected this part for far too long, they got caught out with the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit which was a Gaza-Egypt tunnel, then after 2014...
  7. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    See, that right there is anti-semitism
  8. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    Damn. They were an apartheid state before they even had one.
  9. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    What year exactly did Israel turn into an apartheid state? It cannot possibly be 1948. Was it after 1967? 1973?
  10. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    Tons of tweets out there claiming it was Hamas that started shooting at civilians to prevent them from leaving. The same Hamas that’s not allowing civilians to seek shelter in 500km of tunnels.
  11. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    What year exactly did Israel turn into an apartheid state? 1948? Surely not. 1967?
  12. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    Agreed. Wasted opportunity for a meaningful, civilised discussion. I'm not so shocked about the general public doing it on the streets, massively disappointed that it's happening at universities, however.
  13. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    Just out of curiosity, what do you guys think about people tearing down posters of kidnapped Israeli children? Do you think the posters are a political stunt? Would you personally tear down those posters on the street or at your university? Would you condemn those who do?
  14. Israel - Palestine Discussion | Post Respectfully | Discuss more, tweet less

    That’s why I’m asking those questions. I do not care about preserving the life of any person that wants to kill me (unless such person can be arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned). However, I do care about preserving the life of any person that hates me but would never have to intention to...