Recent content by RedTintedSpecs

  1. Premier League 20 Seasons: Eric Cantona dominates shortlist

    exact duplicate of my votes barring gordon as best save - i went shmikes against the scouse
  2. Solskjaer

    its difficult with the resources he has though - let him win a few titles in norway, maybe get a semi decent prem club and improve them,challenging at least for the cups. If he took this route, that for me would justify him being a decent contender when the time arises. Ole seems to have good...
  3. Solskjaer

    :lol: Also the part at the end where he called his kids plastic mancs and they miss the place like him. My favourite player whilst he was here. Its not up for debate imo and to be fair none do but he;s a proper club legend
  4. Thank you Bryan Robson

    Even though i have been lucky enough to follow utd through a glorious period i do genuinely regret not seeing the true captain marvel. I have sketchy memories of robbo (watching live) and its a shame im not 5 years older.
  5. Congratulations Athletic Club

    good point
  6. Congratulations Athletic Club

    Whys That? i would much prefer to be beaten by that years best than an also-ran
  7. Congratulations Athletic Club

    Why didn't they give the ball back to our goalie when Rafa went down on that soft turf? it confused me that anyways - as people have pointed out - they were the best team i have seen at OT for a long time, i was their that night and they were awesome. They continued that last night. I too...
  8. Weekend football 10/11/12 December

    walking in a fergie wonderland.........again
  9. Weekend football 10/11/12 December

    my bad, didn't realize you meant this season. For some reason thought you meant ever, which means i can also add Southampton to the list. actually though, thats still not bad over prem history unless im missing one? anyways, great result and turnaround from last weeks despair
  10. Weekend football 10/11/12 December

    you forget the newcastle and chelski results
  11. Four more years for Fergie

    Wasn't that olmpikaos(spel?) away?
  12. Giggs - ridiculously productive

    its arguable ryan is our most consitant player based on his longevity. Taking him at 50/50, which is a slight disservice imo, thats about 430 very decent games for us at the top level.
  13. We're Man United...we do what we want!

    i also heard te support chanting, at 2-3 , "we were only teasing"
  14. Football didn't change much over the years

    But all the sports science and training programmes that are around now would be used to train/prepare Charlton as well giving him the same chance to progress as today's footballers. Imo, if you were born to be a footballer, you would have made it in any era
  15. United hero Solskjaer set for testimonial

    But Its Ole - he deserves everything he can get. He probably does enough for charity anyway but i see your point. I was at the sunderland game - very emotional and to top it off we got a wave from Keano