Shipperley's latest activity

  • I make it £104m give or take. Yours? We‘ve got Clyne at CB and Will Hughes in CM so this is not our best team either. I don’t think injuries are an excuse if you lose this tbh.
  • A good manager would probably still win the game with that line-up, plenty of good players in there.
  • It’s fine mate. If cash and carries, afro barbers and fried chicken shops are your jam you’d have a whale of a time
  • We’ve been there a lot this season to be fair, recently been playing Clyne and Lerma at CB ffs. Is nice to have most of the players back though, long time coming
  • Bet the eleven you put out still cost double ours :) Edit: I make our expected 11 ~£120m. Less than Antony and Mount haha.
  • Pretty sure we haven’t scored a single goal from a corner all season, Andersen couldn’t bully a paper bag when it comes to attacking set-pieces.
  • Well, firstly I said they’re in the conversation, I certainly didn’t say they’d all be in the team. Secondly I meant a currently fit eleven (for this game), not a fully fit eleven. For example I’m seeing Jonny Evans at CB and Wan-Bissaka at LB in...
  • He said big job offers :D
  • Thoughts on a combined fit eleven would be very interesting. Henderson, Andersen, Guehi, Richards, Mitchell, Wharton, Eze, Olise and Mateta would all be in with a chance IMO, maybe even Munoz!
  • I’m not sure I’ve ever seen such low expectations on a Utd forum before. Wow.
  • I mean this with respect, Man Utd have spent an incredible amount of money to be as sh*t as you are. That you might need to spend smarter rather than harder in the future is no bad thing IMO, would anyone have sanctioned that Antony deal if there...
  • Shipperley replied to the thread Crystal Palace 2023/24.
    Yeah he’ll be a star. Couple of things really impress me about him, firstly his football IQ way exceeds his age, he seems to know exactly when to shift it quickly and when to slow it down. Second is the weight and precision of his forward...
  • Shipperley replied to the thread Crystal Palace 2023/24.
    He spoke at length about being attracted to ‘the project’. We’ve got a Cat 1 academy in a talent hotbed, are about to start work on a new stand and have some absolutely class players that he can either build around or have significant funds to...
  • Shipperley replied to the thread Crystal Palace 2023/24.
    Ha he’s got the odd goal in him old Jeff, normally around renewal time. Didn’t see that one coming though! Adam Wharton by the way, what a player he is already. The game just seems to open up whenever he has the ball. I’ve always said Olise has...
  • Shipperley replied to the thread Crystal Palace 2023/24.
    Yeah although it feels a bit different this time as last season it was Leicester, Leeds and Southampton we beat in a row, this time it’s Liverpool, West Ham and Newcastle. I haven’t seen us play like this before tbh…high press, 8 players getting...