Recent content by sjw2511

  1. Club Sale | It’s done!

    My order of disaster scenarios, the worst being at the top getting better as move down 1. Glazers staying no change 2. Minority investment by random 3rd party eg Apollo 3. Minority investment by SJR 4. Full purchase by INEOS 5. Full purchase by Jassim
  2. Taking long range shots

    Not just varane, all the usual suspects at it again
  3. Is Harry Maguire being a worldwide punchline deserved?

    Absolutely yes, hes a terrible player, but there are other terrible players, eg Weghorst, that are likeable and honest and work hard, they dont belong at United but I like them. Maguire is both, terrible player and terrible unlikable arrogant attitude.
  4. FA Cup Final: United v City

    They're wankers, but not because of that, but because their pay as actually fecking very good
  5. Club Sale | It’s done!

    Well any distrust would only be based on what I've ever read via Western Media, which after seeing the absolute blatant narrative being pushed by congress the other day, who knows whats actually true. Edit: I certainly don't trust our lot anymore really,
  6. Club Sale | It’s done!

    After seeing the ridiculous smearing attempts of China/Tiktok by the US Congress, I'm now cautious about any of these stories/propaganda we hear about these so called "bad countries"
  7. Club Sale | It’s done!

    Fax machine faulty, is obvious
  8. Post match vs Leicester City

    He wasn't called offside... because he wasn't offside. Strange that this is even causing doubts after seeing the VAR lines
  9. Who, with me, believes we can win the premier league?

    Next door neighbour, Liverpool supporter thinks we will do it, more so than me actually
  10. Club Sale | It’s done!

    Its always been the case that whatever the journalist, if they arent a man utd fan themselves then they are unable to maintain a neutral constructive position in their articles and cant help but write negative nonsense to massage their tribalist egos.
  11. City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches

    Why is everyone so sure they wont get demoted? Its the only punishment that would be meaningful and the PL need it to be meaningful. The consequence needs to be worse than the crime otherwise all teams will fancy their chances at gaining many seasons of success if the punishment is just one bad...
  12. Is there a more dangerous pitch than ours in the top leagues of Europe?

    The press pits at loftus road are lethal
  13. Enzo Fernández | signs for Chelsea

    Foolish, people havent learnt yet the mistakes of signing a player off the back of a good world cup.
  14. Should goals move to a value/rating based system?

    Wut??? No!!! The only thing that may work, is 2, or 1.5 goals if scored outside the area, similar to basketball 3 point line
  15. Raphael Varane | Signed for United!

    Oh Varane Varane Whatever will be will be He'll get us to Wembley Oh Varane Varane