sparx99's latest activity

  • We’ve had decent high turnover stats all year. The problem seems to come when they break the initial press the midfield and defence aren’t high enough to create a 2nd press. It’s just the space to attack.
  • I know that’s a popular take at the moment but given that we have dozens of back room staff from doctors to physios to sports scientists and fitness coaches I’m sure they would changed things if it was training based. Having said that the style...
  • Do you genuinely see no talent?
  • I’d rather play an 18yr center back (Jackson is it on the bench) than Casemiro or Evans. He might get physically bullied but he’d have the legs to play higher up the pitch.
  • I know he said to Neville that even with injuries he’s trying to play the same way so that the team can develop or whatever. But surely, given he’s having to play Casemiro and Evan’s at CB it’s time to just play a low block and hit on the...
  • You can criticise him but calling him shit seems daft. There is somewhere between R9 and shit.
  • It’s pretty damning even in an injury crisis. Is there no younger lads who could come up from the u21’s? Having the legs to run would be preferable surely.
  • I mean its nearly two years ago now but it seemed like the pursuit of Timber happened earlier and we moved for Martinez after he said no and Arsenal were pursuing Martinez. It's possible he wanted Timber to play as a fullback too I suppose.
  • On top of that they've sold Haaland, Sancho and Bellingham for big fees.
  • Which is fine. Of course he signed off on Malacia and Martinez. Both of those seemed like decent signings last year as well. Certainly, their injuries this season being basically the whole season couldn't have been predicted. I mostly took his...
  • Timber possibly and then a LCB last summer I'd guess. Timber seemed fairly adept even at LB for Arsenal so he seemed capable. I think ETH was of the view that Timber was too big a talent to let him go elsewhere. In the end though having signed...
  • Well, that first summer was a bit messy and it seems like there were plans when Rangnick was around which got changed late in the day as ETH came in. That being said if ETH was pushing Antony so hard then why didn't he push earlier for them to do...
  • Why would you go back though? If you move onto your 2nd choice you don't then buy the 1st choice again at the next opportunity. We do know we looked at CB's last summer with Pavard linked if Maguire left. It's likely though that Timber and...
  • I don’t see how you can argue Antony was a top choice when that signing was not prioritised. And by definition, Timber being first choice and then moving onto Martinez makes Martinez 2nd choice. Costa and Onana I have no way of knowing what ETH...
  • This gets exaggerated though. Rangnick had a long handover with ETH by phone I think. The problem was that Rangnick was hired on a consultancy whereas it was John Murtoughs job he should have got. I think in the end John Murtough didn’t want to...