Recent content by tonneturner

  1. Day 18: Germany vs. Algeria

    big upset, algeria to win!
  2. Wayne Rooney Brute aftershave ad spoof

    Funny thing is I'd probably buy it just cause the bottle looks so cool
  3. Do people who refer to their favourite national teams as "we" or "us" bug you?

    No, there are other things that bug me more, like finishing 7th when liverpool are 2nd
  4. Can Colombia win the thing?

    nah, they are gonna do it!
  5. Wayne Rooney Brute aftershave ad spoof

    Has anyone else seen the spoof aftershave ad for wayne rooney? I hate to say it as a Man Utd fan but it's pretty funny/accurate after his performances in an england shirt this year! They've taken the mick out of a few other World cup players like balotelli - although i think the mickey taking...
  6. Can Colombia win the thing?

    They've had 4 good results/performances ;)
  7. Can Colombia win the thing?

    I think the Germans will get a tuning from France
  8. Can Colombia win the thing?

    I think the longer the tournament goes, the more the European teams will struggle. Especially if it heats up... I fancy a South American winner, and I'd like to see an upset... Brazil haven't looked impressive so far
  9. Can Colombia win the thing?

    Is it going to be the same ol' finalists, or could these guys breakthrough?