Recent content by worldgonemad

  1. Westminster Politics

    It's OK to be annoyed at it berba. It's a failing among many other serious failings. Still way off a 3rd world country though.
  2. Westminster Politics

    It does though berba. If the guy had to spend a year in a genuine 3rd world country he would crawl over hot coals to get back here.
  3. Westminster Politics

    Get a grip mate. Nothing of the sort. People in 3rd world countries are literally dying to get here. Comments like this really boil my piss.
  4. Westminster Politics

    You've not read the report have you?
  5. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    Fantastic news on the face of it. God that pantomime statement seems to be so false though. Why telegraph the retreat before it happens? Makes no sense to me.
  6. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    Something very odd going on in kherson. Looks like the bulk of the Russian forces have withdrawn to the other side of the river. Russian flag has been removed from the main administration building. Locals reporting only odd small groups of Russians remain. This smells very much like a trap to...
  7. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    Were they soldiers at war? Why bring your own political views into this?
  8. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    this 100% harms, massive respect to you man. Caught between a rock and a hard place. Keep your chin up, and keep safe for fecks sake. Easy for armchair rambos to say you should do this or that. Do what's right for you and your family.
  9. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    Thanks for posting this Raoul. A fantastic, moving, watch. It's easy to become complacent after time, but clips like this put things into perspective. The war for those people is real, and unrelenting. Death can come at any moment, and fear and suffering really is 24 hrs a day. Those brave...
  10. NonceUponATimeInEpsteinAndAndyLand

    Well, Maxwell has just been sentenced to 20 yrs. Will be almost 80 before she gets out. She will appeal, obviously, but that will fail. Then hopefully she will speak and tell exactly who else was involved.
  11. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    Do you have a source for that mate?
  12. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    Stay safe. I feel for you, even having to contemplate leaving your country, friends and family, and possibly job must be a terrible situation to be in. Unfortunately I think the situation in Russia will only get worse. Putin is like a rabid dog.
  13. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    Has anyone seen @harms here lately? Is he OK?
  14. Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

    Genuinely can't see a way for putin to get out of this way politically. No political avenues open to him, without him losing face, and that's not in his make up. I think militarily he will get bogged down in Ukraine, and at home the truth will seep out and undermine him. Not sure where that...