2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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It will be Cuban vs Trump
I would love to see Biden run, I love Bernie to bits but can’t help but think that he would get ripped to pieces by fake news campaigns.

Biden is just pure class and I think he’d have a calming, authorative influence over centrist swing voters.
Cuban vs The Rock

Bernie will not be the democrat runner. They will do everything possible to stop him.
The Dems would rather lose another election to Trump than have Bernie take over their party. Hillary to run again.
Fake news on Zuckerberg’s own site would be his undoing.
Page 11 shows 10% of Trump voters going for Bernie, which is good. His slender lead and low numbers (he won NH with ~60% IIRC) is bad.

Those are probably the 10% who Bernie turned away from Hillary when he kept asking for her Goldman transcripts.
Those are probably the 10% who Bernie turned away from Hillary when he kept asking for her Goldman transcripts.

OH MY GOD, that's true! There's no way Trump would have come up with that original and so-smart attack on his own. What a unique genius Bernie was to dig up something from the obscurity of the front page of NYT.
That would indicate the so-called age argument isn't as big a deal as people make it.
Biden or Bernie should go for it. At worst if they're too old and their health becomes a problem during the Presidency itself then they can step down and hand it to their VP. Trump won't be able to go for the age attacks considering he'll be a 74-year old who'll no doubt be tired after dealing with four years in office.
Biden or Bernie should go for it. At worst if they're too old and their health becomes a problem during the Presidency itself then they can step down and hand it to their VP. Trump won't be able to go for the age attacks considering he'll be a 74-year old who'll no doubt be tired after dealing with four years in office.

Bernie would probably win against Trump. He's hard to attack so Trump would have a tough time going negative on him.
Bernie would probably win against Trump. He's hard to attack so Trump would have a tough time going negative on him.

The only worry would be that the GOP had some stuff stored away on Bernie that they'd then be able to pull out when it came to election time. They'd likely ramp up the "dirty socialist" rhetoric to unprecedented levels. Still, he doesn't have pretty much any of the weaknesses Hilary had against Trump and is a far, far better debater than she is as well.
Much as id love Bernie to run, he surely can't? he's what, 77 now? by the time the next election rolls around he'll pretty much be 80 and 2 terms (if he attempted a 2nd go) would take him to 90 odd! It aged Obama horrifically and he's in his 50's, imagine what it's going to do Sanders? How can you inspire confidence as a leader whilst slamming it around on a zimmer frame - FDR aside (who tried to hide his disabilities) This is however the problem (one of many) the Dem's have, their best Candidate is way too old and already been screwed over by the DNC, However minus Sanders my personal choice would be Al Franken imo.

I would love to see someone like Joe Kennedy run for President, however bashing the incumbent Republican out of the nomination might be a lil hard.
The only worry would be that the GOP had some stuff stored away on Bernie that they'd then be able to pull out when it came to election time. They'd likely ramp up the "dirty socialist" rhetoric to unprecedented levels. Still, he doesn't have pretty much any of the weaknesses Hilary had against Trump and is a far, far better debater than she is as well.

I think Trump's kryptonite is a positive, aspirational character like Sanders, who doesn't go negative and puts forth a lot of good policy ideas that connect with people. It would be very difficult to beat that.
Shouldn't have a midterm election thread first? Not that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive, but the broader presidential campaign is damn long already. lol

For now anyway, Zuckerberg as another Bloomberg type figure (and that is likely being generous).
Shouldn't have a midterm election thread first? Not that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive, but the broader presidential campaign is damn long already. lol

For now anyway, Zuckerberg as another Bloomberg type figure (and that is likely being generous).

I'm sure we will have one once the mid terms become newsworthy. Obviously most people are looking ahead to 2020.
Poor Delaney. He's the only one who's declared they're running and he cant even get 1% :lol:
70s. I wish she ran this previous cycle.

There's an article from 2014 explaining that her donors (who happen to be also Hillary donors) told her they wouldn't fund her if she did. Bernie only ran after understanding that Warren was out...

Edit: https://www.thedailybeast.com/elizabeth-warrens-biggest-donors-warn-her-not-to-run-for-president

And the quote about bernie is here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...016-democratic-presidential-primary/80411020/
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