2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Ya know, if the top 10% paid their fair share of taxes, then they can enjoy tuition free college too. Seems simple.
Say what you will about Yang, 1) he’s not a phony 2) he’s not an idiot. That automatically puts him ahead of 99% of most politicians imo.
Bernie supporters will understand what he's alluding to but I don't think everyone else understands that his plan to get M4A passed is through a mass movement of protests and demonstrations to pressure their reps.
Where does this $30 trillion stat come from? Is it assuming healthcare is paid for at full price advertised before it's negotiated down? Because if so, then that's super super misleading.
Unfortunately a lot less than 99% of voters fall into category 2.
Based on what I've seen, many of those cat 2 folks (Republican/conservatives/Trumpers) are far more partial to Yang than the other Dems. I don't think he requires only a smart voting block.
Hmm that's interesting. Do you know what about him in particular is appealing to them?
I can't speak for everyone, but my take is that he:
  1. speaks normally and direct and in addition, backs his statements up with facts almost every time
  2. he addresses major problems that is rarely talked about in the media and by the other Dems
  3. acknowledges that Trump voters are more than just racist rednecks but instead, many working class people who have been left behind by the government
I can't speak for everyone, but my take is that he:
  1. speaks normally and direct and in addition, backs his statements up with facts almost every time
  2. he addresses major problems that is rarely talked about in the media and by the other Dems
  3. acknowledges that Trump voters are more than just racist rednecks but instead, many working class people who have been left behind by the government
Well put. Let’s be honest, Yang ain’t gonna win. Prolly 8 years too early and definitely too self-deprecating. But he’s bringing up important issues that nobody else is talking about and more and more people are starting to catch on.
Well put. Let’s be honest, Yang ain’t gonna win. Prolly 8 years too early and definitely too self-deprecating. But he’s bringing up important issues that nobody else is talking about and more and more people are starting to catch on.
Probability wise, very low chance. But I wouldn't put it past him to sneak the nomination. We're living in weird times and more surprises are yet to come. But he's already outlasting Kamala, Tulsi, Castro, and Booker and how many people can honestly say they expected that?
Was that Biden genuinely stuttering or was he doing some ill-conceived impersonation? The fact I can’t tell is disturbing.

I suspect it was an attempt to amplify the stutter to make a point but his own natural stutter got in.

I know a stutterer. Stuttering is the only disability that even nice people laugh at. It's no laughing matter. When a young person with equal quality of knowledge and expertise misses out on opportunities because a) they get judged down or b) they are in a shell where even picking up the phone is a problem.
I know a stutterer. Stuttering is the only disability that even nice people laugh at. It's no laughing matter. When a young person with equal quality of knowledge and expertise misses out on opportunities because a) they get judged down or b) they are in a shell where even picking up the phone is a problem.
Oh, I totally agree. Making fun of someone's physical handicaps is just distasteful and poor form. Thought The King's Speech did a great job shedding some light on what it's like to be a stutterer. Come a long way from A Fish Called Wanda.
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CNN again with an opion piece undermining Bernie. I'm not a big Bernie fan but that's just not right. It's shady when any outlet hides their bias by masking it as opinion pieces.
He is, but she is looking pretty desperate for attention as well.

She was, but she made a compelling case in the post-debate saying Mayor Pete has a very thin resume which consists of running and not winning. To wit he lost a race in Indiana by 20 points and lost the DNC chair election. He's not proven that he can win the highest office in the land other than giving a few flowery speeches. Mayor of South Bend to President of USA is too big a leap.
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