2021 American Civil War

98 repubs in the House voted to agree to the objection. It was 230 against.

Edit, counts still coming in: 103 yea’s now.
It’s irrelevant any as the senate already shot it down.
Onto the next state soon.
Excellent !! :lol: :lol:

Don’t disagree at all. It remains to be seen if this will move the needle, cause a bit of a cleave, or if it will be subsumed into the void, just be something else in our memory?

How we define the last four years will be important.
Four words. Blatant. Corruption. Incompetent. Evil
Again, it’s not zero sum here. We drop the truth, we coddle, we don’t bring up fact, we blunt our effect. This will in & of itself allow the fake news to keep perpetuating further, its effect diminished in force somewhat, but still rampant, embedded. I don’t want this to happen.

But, my party isn’t as resilient enough to do this to any appreciable effect, however. Unfortunate that this means it won’t happen. So, yes, we probably will drop bringing up their willful ignorance in return for an excommunicated Kayleigh & Kellyanne. Somewhat different impact.
Facts don't matter. Lies used to manipulate people's emotions is all that matters.

And they'll accuse you of being the asshole for presenting facts while they lie and lie and lie.
Excellent !! :lol: :lol:

Four words. Blatant. Corruption. Incompetent. Evil
We also need to define the specific mental deficiency of the Trump voting bloc & see if it is able to be effectively countered or able to be effectively rehabilitated.
The majority of the republicans still think it is a fraud.
Can't make that shit up.
The majority of the republicans still think it is a fraud.
Can't make that shit up.

They have.

What bothers me more than this is that Biden and pals all seem to be heading in the direction of not doing something about all this. There's no way they all hang Trump out to dry, a former president, I have a bad feeling they think this is all done when he's in, paving the way for more of this in 4 years.

It's one thing to want to bring the people together, but another thing not to quash this Trumpism phase and then tackle the deeper problem of the rise of the far right.
From Tommy Robinson’s Parler...

Rest In Peace

A woman who served her country is now dead.

There are no words...

Just lapping it up over there.
Going through Twitter it seems our racists, brexiteers, anti-maskers and conspiracy nuts are all lining up behind Trumpers. There are fecking Brits who are adamant the US election is stolen.
Going through Twitter it seems our racists, brexiteers, anti-maskers and conspiracy nuts are all lining up behind Trumpers. There are fecking Brits who are adamant the US election is stolen.

Every person that is a Trump supporter has been convinced by a forty year marketing campaign designed to make them believe he is successful, powerful and intelligent.

He has no substance that would make him likeable or elevate him to role model status.

He has no success. He has Trump Steaks, Trump University, and the Trump Taj Mahal Casino. All failures.

He is not powerful, as everything he and his supporters believe has undermined his presidency happened while he was theoretically the most powerful man in the world. He is a weak man who thinks shouting a lot makes you a powerful leader.

He is unintelligent, as exemplified by his business failures and rambling speeches.

These people need to take a good long look in the mirror and admit their naivety and ignorance. Unfortunately they will double down. They are as gullibile as those who've financed Trump's business ventures over the years.
Annoying how much I kinda love this guy despite probably definitely being a dickhead

This was the easiest photo I could link

I think we all love just how absurd it all is and we all deep down want to be as happy as him.

Also who wouldn't steal a lecturn from congress if you could.
Why Congress just not impeach him? It’s an emergency, it is Trump vs America. Pass all the necessary procedures in a couple of hours and impeach him. Pence will transfer White House to Biden. The fact that Trump is still President is a serious threat.
Why Congress just not impeach him? It’s an emergency, it is Trump vs America. Pass all the necessary procedures in a couple of hours and impeach him. Pence will transfer White House to Biden. The fact that Trump is still President is a serious threat.
Why Congress just not impeach him? It’s an emergency, it is Trump vs America. Pass all the necessary procedures in a couple of hours and impeach him. Pence will transfer White House to Biden. The fact that Trump is still President is a serious threat.
The boring answer is because there’s lengthy procedures that must happen to do that.

And yeah, what @Amarsdd said

If this is an answer (of course it is), then American political elite deserves all this shit. They became too bureaucratic and serve only themselves. Democrats or Republicans, they shouldn’t give a shit about partisanship when there is the first coup in US history is undergoing right in their work place.
Would this go into wikipedia as a "Failed attempted Coup". Would be hilarious.
Not confident democracy as in "will of the majority of people" will go well for much longer. So far it worked as long as the majority consisted of sensible people. The amount of anti-vaccine, Q, "stolen elections", "Covid is hoax", "my FB timeline is more trustworthy than Fake News Media" type of people is growing fast though.

If it wasn't for Covid-19, Trump would have a 2nd term easily. Instead of 50:50 the above people could also be the 70 or 80 % majority in a few years.

Instead of a low IQ baboon like Trump there could be a genuinenly intelligent figure with the same bad intentions in power.
Would this go into wikipedia as a "Failed attempted Coup". Would be hilarious.
Just not keen on using ‘coup’ to describe an attempt to keep power, a coup typically denotes seizure of existing power, not necessarily maintenance of power.

But, for lack of a better term, it’s definitely a failed coup.
Not confident democracy as in "will of the majority of people" will go well for much longer. So far it worked as long as the majority consisted of sensible people. The amount of anti-vaccine, Q, "stolen elections", "Covid is hoax", "my FB timeline is more trustworthy than Fake News Media" type of people is growing fast though.

If it wasn't for Covid-19, Trump would have a 2nd term easily. Instead of 50:50 the above people could also be the 70 or 80 % majority in a few years.

Instead of a low IQ baboon like Trump there could be a genuinenly intelligent figure with the same bad intentions in power.

I mean...history...
Would this go into wikipedia as a "Failed attempted Coup". Would be hilarious.

it is a failed coup. If Trump had had iron balls he would have presented some convincing “evidences” of “stealing” at the rally and seized the power. Congress is fecking useless. Founding Fathers saved America this time.Strong Institutions established by them prevented the worst from happening. What I am concerned about is that if the quality of politicians will not improve the Institutions themselves will deteriorate. The next coup will be successful one.
If this is an answer (of course it is), then American political elite deserves all this shit. They became too bureaucratic and serve only themselves. Democrats or Republicans, they shouldn’t give a shit about partisanship when there is the first coup in US history is undergoing right in their work place.
Bureaucracy is not a problem when the parties involved give a fcuk about facts, and also their own constitution and rule of law. Unfortunately, the Republicans have given zero fcuks about them for a long time now even if they are the loudest voices saying they are the only ones that do.
it is a failed coup. If Trump had had iron balls he would have presented some convincing “evidences” of “stealing” at the rally and seized the power. Congress is fecking useless. Founding Fathers saved America this time.Strong Institutions established by them prevented the worst from happening. What I am concerned about is that if the quality of politicians will not improve the Institutions themselves will deteriorate. The next coup will be successful one.
Might all depend on how many potential defectors from the Republican Party still exist & if they would align with the Democrats.

Gotta wonder what the hard percentage number of Republicans are Trumpists is.
Not confident democracy as in "will of the majority of people" will go well for much longer. So far it worked as long as the majority consisted of sensible people. The amount of anti-vaccine, Q, "stolen elections", "Covid is hoax", "my FB timeline is more trustworthy than Fake News Media" type of people is growing fast though.

If it wasn't for Covid-19, Trump would have a 2nd term easily. Instead of 50:50 the above people could also be the 70 or 80 % majority in a few years.

Instead of a low IQ baboon like Trump there could be a genuinenly intelligent figure with the same bad intentions in power.
Username checks out.
Why Congress just not impeach him? It’s an emergency, it is Trump vs America. Pass all the necessary procedures in a couple of hours and impeach him. Pence will transfer White House to Biden. The fact that Trump is still President is a serious threat.

They still may, but they're getting through this part (counting the electoral votes) first. If Pence were to try to execute the 25th Amendment, it would provide time and justification for the Senate to remove him or bar him from future office.
Might all depend on how many potential defectors from the Republican Party still exist & if they would align with the Democrats.

Gotta wonder what the hard percentage number of Republicans are Trumpists is.

The number fluctuates all the time. They will support whoever let them keep their seat. Not many of them are Trumpists now.
So, did they do a whole sweep of the Capitol after showing the protestors out? Am surprised the reconvened proceeding on the same day - who knows to which all areas the protestors gained access and what all they did or even what they left behind.