2021 American Civil War


Full Member
Oct 26, 2018
So you believe they had no clue who they were dealing with that whole time?
i don't see any evidence of it. not in the social media campaigns which i don't think any political operation will question. here's info on your opponent coming from a republican grassroots organisation that seems legit, let's have it corroborated, as they did by independent intelligence agencies, and then use it if it's useful.

is there an example where trump campaign officials meet russian spies, receive information on the clinton campaign, and then knowingly reproduce that information?


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
i don't see proof for direct campaign dealings with russian intel as of yet. highly possible though. manafort and the rest aren't squeeky clean. the mueller report details stone having a meeting with potential sources but declining the information bceause he judged it was either false or dangerous. i do see proof of intermediary dealings where russian intel disguises itself and passes on info direct to the campaign. which is not collusion in the strict sense because you have to prove that the campaign knew they were colluding with russian intel not that they were the beneficiaries of it by proxy.
That definitive proof you so desperately want is likely never going to surface though. From the beginning Trump’s inner circle have pled the fifth or cried EP to avoid testifying and/or subpoenas. Some of them got pardons as thank you’s.

To put it another way. If I posted “Hey Caf mods, if you have the power to ban @neverdie I think you should do it” and then you were banned would you think I had nothing to do with it without definitive proof? If a mod inquest found that @Carolina Red did the banning and when questioned he claimed mod/caftard confidently would you go: “well, that’s that, I guess my banning was completely coincidental!”

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
i don't see any evidence of it. not in the social media campaigns which i don't think any political operation will question. here's info on your opponent coming from a republican grassroots organisation that seems legit, let's have it corroborated, as they did by independent intelligence agencies, and then use it if it's useful.

is there an example where trump campaign officials meet russian spies, receive information on the clinton campaign, and then knowingly reproduce that information?
So what did George Papadopolous plead guilty to?


Full Member
Oct 26, 2018
So what did George Papadopolous plead guilty to?
something to do with this:

Papadopolous was targeted by British and U.S. intelligence starting in late December 2015, when he is offered out of the blue a job with the London Centre of International Law and Practice Limited (LCILP)?. The LCILP has all of the hallmarks of an intelligence front company. LCILP began as an offshoot from another company?—?EN Education Group Limited?—?which describes itself as “a global education consultancy, facilitating links between students, education providers and organisations with an interest in education worldwide”.

EN Education and LCILP are owned and run by Nagi Khalid Idris, a 48-year-old British citizen of Sudanese origin. For no apparent reason Idris offers Papadopolous a job as the Director of the LCILP’s International Energy and Natural Resources Division. Then in March of 2016, Idris and Arvinder Sambei (who acted as an attorney for the FBI on a 9-11 extradition case in the UK), insist on introducing Joseph Mifsud to Papadopolous.

It is Joseph Mifsud who introduces the idea of meeting Putin following a lunch in London (from Papadopolous’s book “Deep State Target: How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump”):

“The lunch is booked for March 24 at the Grange Holborn Hotel,. . . . “When I get there, Mifsud is waiting for me in the lobby with an attractive, fashionably dressed young woman with dirty blonde hair at his side. He introduces her as Olga Vinogradova.” (p. 76)
“Mifsud sells her hard. “Olga is going to be your inside woman to Moscow. She knows everyone.” He tells me she was a former official at the Russian Ministry of Trade. Then he waxes on about introducing me to the Russian ambassador in London.” (p. 77)
“On April 12, “Olga” writes: “I have already alerted my personal links to our conversation and your request. The embassy in London is very much aware of this. As mentioned, we are all very excited by the possibility of a good relationship with Mr. Trump. The Russian Federation would love to welcome him once his candidature would be officially announced.”
And it is Mifsud who raises the possibility of getting dirt on Hillary:
“Then Mifsud returns from the Valdai conference. On April 26 we meet for breakfast at the Andaz Hotel, near Liverpool Street Station, one of the busiest train stations in London. He’s in an excellent mood and claims he met with high-level Russian government officials. But once again, he’s very short on specifics. This is becoming a real pattern with Mifsud. He hasn’t offered any names besides Timofeev. Then, he leans across the table in a conspiratorial manner. The Russians have “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, he tells me. “Emails of Clinton,” he says. “They have thousands of emails.”
Here again we encounter the lying and obfuscation of the Mueller team. They falsely characterize Mifsud as an agent of Russia. In fact, he has close and longstanding ties to both British and U.S. intelligence (Disobedient Media lays out the Mifsud mystery in detail).

Mifsud was not alone. The FBI and the CIA also were in the game of trying to entrap Papadopolous. In September of 2016, Papadopolous was being wined and dined by Halper (who has longstanding ties to the U.S. intelligence community) and Azra Turk, an FBI Informant/researcher (see New York Times).

The FBI disingenuously claims they ran Azra Turk at Papadopolous because they were alarmed ostensibly by Russia’s attempts to disrupt the 2016 election. But Papadopolous was not seeking out Russian contacts. He was being baited. It was Mifsud and others tied to British and U.S. intelligence who were bringing up the “opportunity” to work with the Russians.

Papadopoulos has claimed that this alleged entrapment was indirectly coordinated via the London Centre for International Law Practice, an organization that hired him and were among the first to find out, in 2016, that he was planning to join the Trump campaign. A 2017 investigation by reporters for The Washington Post found that no one was there at the supposed address for the LCILP during regular business hours, and that some of the people listed on the LCILP website as being members of the organization had no knowledge of it.[100]

Papadopoulos has also pointed to another 2016 meeting, with Stefan Halper, a Cambridge University professor with ties to the FBI and CIA, that he believes was designed to elicit incriminating statements from him. Papadopoulos has noted that Halper brought with him an attractive, flirtatious woman, who introduced herself as "Azra Turk", who Papadopoulos believes was meant to serve as a honeypot to elicit information.[101] A 2019 article in The New York Times seemed to confirm Papadopoulos's view of the meeting with Halper and Turk, describing Turk as an FBI informant.[66] The FBI has refused to comment on the matter.[66]

Donald Trump initially dismissed Papadopoulos's statements, referring to him in October 2017 on Twitter as "the young, low level volunteer named George, who has already proven to be a liar".[102] However, by May 2018, Trump came to agree with Papadopoulos's assessment, and coined the term "Spygate" to refer to the entire alleged enterprise.[66]

Status of Joseph Mifsud
Much of the discussion about the veracity of Papadopoulos's claims has centered around Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor who first met Papadopoulos about a week after Papadopoulos joined the Trump campaign. Papadopoulos has described him as working for Western intelligence, while others have called this a conspiracy theory and some have even called Mifsud an asset of Russian intelligence. Mifsud has not made any public statements since October 2017.[103] In September 2018, a court filing said that Mifsud was missing, had not been heard from in months, and "may be deceased". He officially remains missing, although in April 2019 the Italian newspaper Il Foglio stated that he was still alive and hiding out in an apartment in Rome.[104]

Stephan Roh, Mifsud's lawyer, has repeatedly stated that Mifsud was working for Western intelligence, and that he is hiding out for his own protection as a result.[103] Roh co-wrote, with Thierry Pastor, the book The Faking of Russia-Gate: The Papadopoulos Case: An Investigative Analysis, which argued this case; the book was self-published in June 2018.[103]


although in truth it doesn't matter if he was entrapped, which seems highly likely, if he was clearly willing to use the information. so this might be a good example on your part.


Full Member
Oct 26, 2018
That definitive proof you so desperately want is likely never going to surface though. From the beginning Trump’s inner circle have pled the fifth or cried EP to avoid testifying and/or subpoenas. Some of them got pardons as thank you’s.

To put it another way. If I posted “Hey Caf mods, if you have the power to ban @neverdie I think you should do it” and then you were banned would you think I had nothing to do with it without definitive proof? If a mod inquest found that @Carolina Red did the banning and when questioned he claimed mod/caftard confidently would you go: “well, that’s that, I guess my banning was completely coincidental!”
why would you call for a banning based on something you disagree with in a current events section dedicated to political disagreements?


Full Member
Oct 26, 2018
Considering he pled guilty to lying to the FBI about meeting with people he thought to be tied to the Kremlin, I would hope so.
indeed. though while i can easily say he seems like a fairly dishonest piece of shit and it looks like direct evidence of willingness to use russian info, if available, i doubt you'll reciprocate and give two fecks about democratic operatives engaged in the same variety of dirty tricks. there's an ideological hypocrisy here but to be expected i guess. it is a "civil war" thread afterall.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
No, he’s not.

Like last night when I told him I’d ban him for talking about David Ortiz use of PEDs. I wasn’t actually being serious in my rhetoric.
Exactly, I mean Ortiz wasn’t banned for using PED’s, so I was never in danger.

Sir Matt

Blue Devil
Jul 22, 2009


Live audio from Trump as he preps for some speech he's giving tonight:

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Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
This is going to be interesting. OANN and Newsmaxx are basically streaming only now (or soon) and the Murdoch empire appears to be turning on Trump. Obviously he is going to want to rage, so I wonder where he goes. I also wonder if he turns on the GOP if they begin to turn as well. Could be a disaster. Will be wild.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
This is going to be interesting. OANN and Newsmaxx are basically streaming only now (or soon) and the Murdoch empire appears to be turning on Trump. Obviously he is going to want to rage, so I wonder where he goes. I also wonder if he turns on the GOP if they begin to turn as well. Could be a disaster. Will be wild.
I see what you did there. You made a funny.

Sir Matt

Blue Devil
Jul 22, 2009
This is going to be interesting. OANN and Newsmaxx are basically streaming only now (or soon) and the Murdoch empire appears to be turning on Trump. Obviously he is going to want to rage, so I wonder where he goes. I also wonder if he turns on the GOP if they begin to turn as well. Could be a disaster. Will be wild.
I do worry that if Trump goes down in flames, DeSantis will be less toxic and have a better shot at winning in 2024. If Trump were smart, he'd try to torpedo him in the Florida governor's race to make sure he doesn't go into the primary as governor.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
I see what you did there. You made a funny.
Yep! I am enjoying my new favorite summer drink that will likely be ridiculed: bourbon water. Basically you take a few shots of mid grade bourbon and add to a water bottle full of ice water. It has a nice Smokey flavor but is ice cold and hydrating, perfect for a 90/90 night.


Parody Account
Oct 24, 2013
why would you call for a banning based on something you disagree with in a current events section dedicated to political disagreements?
Pretty sure it's a play on Trump's speech - "Russia, if you're listening...".


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
I do worry that if Trump goes down in flames, DeSantis will be less toxic and have a better shot at winning in 2024. If Trump were smart, he'd try to torpedo him in the Florida governor's race to make sure he doesn't go into the primary as governor.
If the Murdoch empire continues to move to more pro-Desantis I can see Trump going nuclear. I think it’s why they are slow playing this, they want to limp through the midterms without him tanking the whole thing.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
Chris Hayes right now talking about how Trump’s attorneys openly spoke in emails about sending fake elector votes to Pence to flip the election.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
Yep! I am enjoying my new favorite summer drink that will likely be ridiculed: bourbon water. Basically you take a few shots of mid grade bourbon and add to a water bottle full of ice water. It has a nice Smokey flavor but is ice cold and hydrating, perfect for a 90/90 night.
No shame there. Heavily diluted whiskey was a favorite of the greatest whiskey drinker of all time, Winston Churchill.