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Aaron Wan-Bissaka England flag

2021-22 Performances

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4.8 Season Average Rating
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Terribly limited footballer overall. 15-20 years ago he would have been ace, but a modern fullback he is not.

Would he? 15 years ago he would have been compared to Gary Neville, Jamie Carragher, Owen Hargreaves(when covering that spot), Wes Brown off the top of my head. All far superior players. He would have been ok, but a long way from ace. You could say they all were more modern than he is now, aside from Carragher who was a CB playing out of position.
Ole had his own personal scout (Simon Wells) who he trusted above all else from what I've read.

So whether the recruitment team presented 800 or 8000 reports on prospective RBs, Ole was always gonna go with the scout that reported directly to him.
Has he been handed his p45 together with Ole ? Cant find the info anywhere. Might as well sack all the scouts if Ole trusted blindly this moron who picked AWB out of 800 RB. One example of the downfalls of Ole regime. Too much trust on incapable individuals aka mates FC.

Beat people for fun?

Are we watching the same player?

:lol::lol: He cant beat a dead horse if its infront of him. To add more his dribbling is always loose because of his weird body movement. The most unnatural player I have seen in the last 10 years or so. Buttner moves better than him. He moves like a crap robot who is only programmed to go straight.
That goal, ball watching in his own half was one of the worst things i've seen. Imagine if this was Barcelona, and you stood day dreaming in your own half. Not one thought of helping your teammates play the ball.

Should be sat on the bench.
That goal, ball watching in his own half was one of the worst things i've seen. Imagine if this was Barcelona, and you stood day dreaming in your own half. Not one thought of helping your teammates play the ball.

Should be sat on the bench.
Why would I imagine if this was Barca? :confused:
Their RB is even more shit.
Why would I imagine if this was Barca? :confused:
Their RB is even more shit.

Let me rephrase it for your imagination.

Imagine if this was any other team making a serious claim to win the league for the Champions League. Can you afford players ball watching in their own half when team-mates are trying to keep the ball within the team?
Let me rephrase it for your imagination.

Imagine if this was any other team making a serious claim to win the league for the Champions League. Can you afford players ball watching in their own half when team-mates are trying to keep the ball within the team?
Thank you for your kindness.

Maybe you shouldn't have used a midtable La Liga team as an example of a team making serious claim to win the league and the CL? :lol:
My bad for not getting it, obviously.
That goal, ball watching in his own half was one of the worst things i've seen. Imagine if this was Barcelona, and you stood day dreaming in your own half. Not one thought of helping your teammates play the ball.

Should be sat on the bench.

no need to imagine it’s anyone other than United. Agree with you, he has been caught napping so many times this season.
So how much would you sell this slide tackle merchant with seemingly barely any other redeeming qualities for then? I have asked that question before and one guy said he’d want back what you paid (£50m), others said between £25m and £30m. Sounds a lot for a slide tackler to me so maybe he isn’t quite as dreadful as some are making out?

Here’s the thing, I watched AWB a lot at Palace. The guy was very raw and at times you could hear Andros Townsend coaching him through games…where to be, when to overlap…but he was full of potential. At that point I am not surprised he was at the top of a list of 800 RBs putting in the kind of performances he was in his debut season, he shut elite wingers down every week to the point where teams just gave up and attacked the other side in the end. He started like that for you as well, I remember all the praise clearly….spider emojis all over twitter etc. etc. Your coaches just haven’t developed him well enough IMO and he’s never really had a competent winger to work with in all of his time at Utd. Playing him at wing-back was absolutely ludicrous and seems to have knocked his confidence as well. It not working out for him at Utd feeks like an inevitability now, shame really.

Still, thanks for the new academy.
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So how much would you sell this slide tackle merchant with seemingly barely any other redeeming qualities for then? I have asked that question before and one guy said he’d want back what you paid (£50m), others said between £25m and £30m. Sounds a lot for a slide tackler to me so maybe he isn’t quite as dreadful as some are making out?

Here’s the thing, I watched AWB a lot at Palace. The guy was very raw and at times you could hear Andros Townsend coaching him through games…where to be, when to overlap…but he was full of potential. At that point I am not surprised he was at the top of a list of 800 RBs putting in the kind of performances he was in his debut season, he shut elite wingers down every week to the point where teams just gave up and attacked the other side in the end. He started like that for you as well, I remember all the praise clearly….spider emojis all over twitter etc. etc. Your coaches just haven’t developed him well enough IMO and he’s never really had a competent winger to work with in all of his time at Utd. Playing him at wing-back was absolutely ludicrous and seems to have knocked his confidence as well. It not working out for him at Utd feeks like an inevitability now, shame really.

Still, thanks for the new academy.

This is how I see it too.

Wan Bissaka was shutting down players vs PSG and City with ease at the start of his career.

Now he hasn't developed and whilst the player should take some blame- I don't necessarily blame him fully or even mostly for what we are seeing now.

A player who only had like 3 years experience as a fullback, he has come here under a manager who has no coaching or training ability - and just like he was learning off Townsend at Crystal Palace; I constantly talked about him not learning from a competitive natural grown RB or even an experienced RB here - he hardly had a RW to even learn how to attack in partnership until this season;and even to this day a player like Sancho is having just as much games or more on the left than he does on the right.

The only player I see him learning or even being shouted at is by Lindelof - who has arguably gone to be our 3rd in line CB this season aswell.

I don't see players being guaranteed to "reach their potential" just like they do in video games; just like how a student with the highest potential to be a doctor will most likely not become one if they don't have a good teacher teaching them at all.

I really hope that wan bissaka can improve with some better coaches in Rangnick and the next one - because I did really enjoy the earlier potential I saw in Wan bissaka; but it's hard to argue that he doesn't have a hard step up to make.
So how much would you sell this slide tackle merchant with seemingly barely any other redeeming qualities for then? I have asked that question before and one guy said he’d want back what you paid (£50m), others said between £25m and £30m. Sounds a lot for a slide tackler to me so maybe he isn’t quite as dreadful as some are making out?

Here’s the thing, I watched AWB a lot at Palace. The guy was very raw and at times you could hear Andros Townsend coaching him through games…where to be, when to overlap…but he was full of potential. At that point I am not surprised he was at the top of a list of 800 RBs putting in the kind of performances he was in his debut season, he shut elite wingers down every week to the point where teams just gave up and attacked the other side in the end. He started like that for you as well, I remember all the praise clearly….spider emojis all over twitter etc. etc. Your coaches just haven’t developed him well enough IMO and he’s never really had a competent winger to work with in all of his time at Utd. Playing him at wing-back was absolutely ludicrous and seems to have knocked his confidence as well. It not working out for him at Utd feeks like an inevitability now, shame really.

Still, thanks for the new academy.

to start, I think the sum we paid for him was way too much for a defender with one season under his belt. But nothing to do about that and I do not think he is worth that much now anyway.

i agree that probably coaches haven’t developed him well. Last season, he was very good defensively. I remember him shutting Sterling down on every occasion, his tackles were almost perfect. The coaching staff failed to build on that. He has actually regressed defensively and he still seems to lack the creativity (if not the basic skills) to go forward. The rotation up front at right wing didn’t help also. He never built any connection with a winger (like for instance neville-beckham, evra-ronaldo).

However, a bad carpenter always blames his tools. We don’t want that. He has to reflect on what he’s done wrong as well. A major issue with him is his attitude on the pitch especially this season. He seems to be indifferent, very casual, sloppy and sometimes I really feel he doesn’t know where he is - he lacks this sense of awareness which is a major problem to have for a defender.

he never really played as a proper wingback. Although we’ve gone with such formations under Ole, his role was largely defensive given the way the team was set up (not his fault and I think he’ll be a terrible wing back anyway).

it’s an important season for him. If he doesn’t prove himself, given Dalot’s form especially if he improves defensively, AWB will find himself outside the starting 11 soon.
So how much would you sell this slide tackle merchant with seemingly barely any other redeeming qualities for then? I have asked that question before and one guy said he’d want back what you paid (£50m), others said between £25m and £30m. Sounds a lot for a slide tackler to me so maybe he isn’t quite as dreadful as some are making out?

Here’s the thing, I watched AWB a lot at Palace. The guy was very raw and at times you could hear Andros Townsend coaching him through games…where to be, when to overlap…but he was full of potential. At that point I am not surprised he was at the top of a list of 800 RBs putting in the kind of performances he was in his debut season, he shut elite wingers down every week to the point where teams just gave up and attacked the other side in the end. He started like that for you as well, I remember all the praise clearly….spider emojis all over twitter etc. etc. Your coaches just haven’t developed him well enough IMO and he’s never really had a competent winger to work with in all of his time at Utd. Playing him at wing-back was absolutely ludicrous and seems to have knocked his confidence as well. It not working out for him at Utd feeks like an inevitability now, shame really.

Still, thanks for the new academy.

Ouch. This hurt
Probably best not to judge one’s intelligence based on posts on a football forum. You’d be surprised
Oh I’ve been around for long enough to know that even the smartest person can come off badly by what they’ve written either in the spur of the moment, what they truly believe for whatever reason or have had their opinion influenced by others.
He's 24, he's having a bad run, don't think we should give up on Wan-Bissaka just yet. Like Shaw, he played a lot of games and Dalot offering proper competition might actually motivate him.
Oh I’ve been around for long enough to know that even the smartest person can come off badly by what they’ve written either in the spur of the moment, what they truly believe for whatever reason or have had their opinion influenced by others.
In all seriousness, do you think AWB is Utd quality? If we are talking about a Utd that we would like to see challenging for titles?
I actually don’t think he’s as bad at some things as people make out. I like when he just drives with the ball and he can do that quite well. However I don’t think he has faith in his ability to move the ball quickly and maybe doesn’t trust his technique with some things?
Nowhere near as bad as people make out, he’s been poor recently and positionally needs work, going forwards he’s shown improvement season on season, people pretend it’s a complete myth that he can play and link well under pressure and beat a press quite well, can beat a man from a standing start as well as anybody in the team, just needs some good coaching.

He’s still raw but has the attributes to improve and be a good player imo.

Dalot has impressed recently but prior to that was horrendously bad, things can change quickly, people write off players far too quick.
In all seriousness, do you think AWB is Utd quality? If we are talking about a Utd that we would like to see challenging for titles?
Based on this season, no. He has a lot to turn around now as even his defending has regressed. First season he was like a wall. Completely locked down his flank. Now he looks lost. So, he’s got a lot to do if he wants to turn it around
Aaron Wan-Bissaka admitted to driving while disqualified and without insurance after he was stopped by police officers in Stockport, Greater Manchester

He is an arrogant idiot.
He signed for the biggest club in the world, i think that is the reason he is having a crazy moment off the pitch.

Once he sorts everything out, he will go back to the level when he was unbeatable. I trust in this young man.
Now that his health is back on track, are you think that AWB will come good on the attacking aspect with the help of Ralf ?
Now that his health is back on track, are you think that AWB will come good on the attacking aspect with the help of Ralf ?
I really like the marauding runs he pulls out time to time i feel we could work out something from there maybe releasing the ball faster or
Working on his one twos

And even though he has the speed to compensate for it i feel he needs to more scrupulous regarding his positioning

I always felt awb was the future of our rb even when even when everyone was giving him shite but ain't too sure anymore

Dalot who needs to be given credit has really used his game these past 3 games and awb just hasn't presented himself in the best light

I don't if Ralf likes to have favorites or not but awb will have a hard time getting back in a fancy from oles tenure where he was a guaranteed starter
I see he liked an Instagram post from Maddison where he claimed anfield has the best atmosphere in the uk. He’s doing himself no favours.
I see he liked an Instagram post from Maddison where he claimed anfield has the best atmosphere in the uk. He’s doing himself no favours.

Well I find this true too.

I find United supporters shit both on and off the pitch.
Man Utd 3:1 Burnley
This guy for me sums up how poorly run a club United have been over the last few years. Surely as a player who was playing in England we had enough information available to us about him and so the fact that someone decided to spend big money on him is just crazy. Every touch he has annoys me no end as it’s just a reminder that he is nowhere near good enough to be a United player
Horrendous footballer. Abysmal first touch, can't pass a ball, headers are completely without control. The only thing this guy is good at are tacklings. Wouldn't have looked out of place playing in that Burnley team.
I’ve always tried to stick up for AWB but that was poor tonight from him. Poorer than usual. Rusty I hope.

Dalot was on the pitch 10 mins and showed him up.

Shame as in 20/21 AWB was showing improvement.
Said it before we signed him. He's a bottom half of the table footballer and always will be.
I thought he was solid defensively but Shaw was a lot easier on the eye on the other side.
I thought he was fine but that one mess up at the end has obviously clouded peoples minds.
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