All ticket/travel information thread - 2019/20 edition - Touting will not be tolerated on the site

I’m so confused.

As a non-season ticket holder I was able to apply in the ballot for Barcelona away. How can that be?

In the ballot update email it has my membership ID listed as an executive membership too, which I don’t have.

I’ve never been able to apply for away tickets in the past, perhaps it’s a glitch or something?
I’m so confused.

As a non-season ticket holder I was able to apply in the ballot for Barcelona away. How can that be?

In the ballot update email it has my membership ID listed as an executive membership too, which I don’t have.

I’ve never been able to apply for away tickets in the past, perhaps it’s a glitch or something?

Same, got tickets as an official member having went to one game this season (Everton at home).
Same, got tickets as an official member having went to one game this season (Everton at home).

You managed to get away tickets to Barcelona as an official member only?

What is going on here?! :lol:
Domestic away games - Minimum silver season ticket (held for 3 years) and tickets are distributed randomly within 3 tiers - 1. Loyalty Pot 2. Exec 3. Normal ST.
European away games - Red season ticket (0 years) or membership and tickets are distributed on a credit system. Each European away game you attend over a 3 year period adds up 1 credit per game, those with the most credits get the tickets first.
Got a Barcelona away with only one credit! :)

Mental that. That means that everyone above 1 credit should have got one...

I need 1/2 spares for both the home and away Barca legs - away tickets will have to be on execs so it can be nominated in the user's name for collection. I can offer both City and Chelsea at home in return (up to 4 for each) so let me know if you can help! Thanks.
In fairness I’ve absolutely zero credits this year and only applied because I could as we’re all out there. But the other lads I applied with also chubbed and they had at least 2

Yeah fair enough.

I had 2 and I’ve been chubbed so not sure how anyone on 1 got one?
Thomas Cook have reopened applications for people who were chubbed in the ballot, it's £299 for direct flights in the morning of the game and then a flight straight after the game.
It's only open to people who were unsuccessful in the United ballot though.
Do you have a link for that mate, I can't find it on their website
In fairness I’ve absolutely zero credits this year and only applied because I could as we’re all out there. But the other lads I applied with also chubbed and they had at least 2
If you applied with them it goes by the lowest credit so you’ve no credit which means any other applicant with you would have got nothing either
Been successful in Barca away with 1 credit How the hell has that happened?!
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Applied separately as usual as like you said that’s the system.

Mad some got one with 1. I’m in Barcelona for 4 days that weekend anyway
One of my crew isn’t travelling now so they’ll be a few call backs. Barca charging €105 for a ticket is a complete joke as well, UEFA need to start cracking down.
One of my crew isn’t travelling now so they’ll be a few call backs. Barca charging €105 for a ticket is a complete joke as well, UEFA need to start cracking down.

I suspect Monday plenty of returns will be in the second ballot, in any case if your out there already ring the club and get put on the “last minute returns” list and I think you’ll get sorted.

Ring the club and they will tell you how many credits you have.
Domestic away games - Minimum silver season ticket (held for 3 years) and tickets are distributed randomly within 3 tiers - 1. Loyalty Pot 2. Exec 3. Normal ST.
European away games - Red season ticket (0 years) or membership and tickets are distributed on a credit system. Each European away game you attend over a 3 year period adds up 1 credit per game, those with the most credits get the tickets first.

It says on the website ‘All tickets will be balloted in order of those supporters who have applied for the most European away games over the rolling three season period.’ You say it’s based on how many you attend rather than apply. I take it what you say is a mistake or am I reading it wrong?

It says on the website ‘All tickets will be balloted in order of those supporters who have applied for the most European away games over the rolling three season period.’ You say it’s based on how many you attend rather than apply. I take it what you say is a mistake or am I reading it wrong?

It’s attend however a few years ago during Europa they gave credits to fans who applied.
One of my crew isn’t travelling now so they’ll be a few call backs. Barca charging €105 for a ticket is a complete joke as well, UEFA need to start cracking down.

Thanks mate. To be honest, half of us are a little relieved. Flying out Thursday before for my stag and come the Monday (when we go back originally) I doubt we'd want to be scrounging around sorting spares or ringing the club. Say that now, be different story when we're 3-0 up from first leg.
Any initial inklings of the pubs/area in Barcelona our fans will congregate? Got a hotel just off La Rambla so planning it out in my head now.
I suspect Monday plenty of returns will be in the second ballot, in any case if your out there already ring the club and get put on the “last minute returns” list and I think you’ll get sorted.

Ring the club and they will tell you how many credits you have.
I’m sorted I think you just hit reply to the wrong person
Thanks mate. To be honest, half of us are a little relieved. Flying out Thursday before for my stag and come the Monday (when we go back originally) I doubt we'd want to be scrounging around sorting spares or ringing the club. Say that now, be different story when we're 3-0 up from first leg.
No harm ringing the club next Monday morning and explaining your story.
Depends on who you’re talking to on the other line but I’ve been sorted before for a ticket by just letting them know my situation which was similar
I'm thinking of flying over for the Barca match and trying the touts. Would it be able to get s ticket by the ground?

It says on the website ‘All tickets will be balloted in order of those supporters who have applied for the most European away games over the rolling three season period.’ You say it’s based on how many you attend rather than apply. I take it what you say is a mistake or am I reading it wrong?
In previous years (everything before Aug 2018):
You got 1 credit for applying and being unsuccessful.
You got 2 credits for being successful and attending the game.

This season it's changed:
You get 0 credits for applying and being unsuccessful.
You get 1 credit for being successful and attending the game.

The new method makes it more difficult for new fans to get on the 'ladder' however it stops people exploiting the old system.
In previous years (everything before Aug 2018):
You got 1 credit for applying and being unsuccessful.
You got 2 credits for being successful and attending the game.

This season it's changed:
You get 0 credits for applying and being unsuccessful.
You get 1 credit for being successful and attending the game.

The new method makes it more difficult for new fans to get on the 'ladder' however it stops people exploiting the old system.
Thanks for explaining mate
Just been rejected. Had a bad feeling when they extended the Thomas Cook applications. Pretty upset as have flights booked and it would be a dream to sit with the United fans.

When you say you’ve booked flights already is that through the Thomas Cook package ? Or did you booo separately and hoped to get a ticket through Thomas Cook? How would the latter work as I’d assume you would have to travel with them to get the ticket
When you say you’ve booked flights already is that through the Thomas Cook package ? Or did you booo separately and hoped to get a ticket through Thomas Cook? How would the latter work as I’d assume you would have to travel with them to get the ticket

I bought flights separately. Would’ve just sacrificed them and cancelled the flight if I succeeded for the Thomas Cook package. Obviously keeping them now and will find a ticket in the Barca end now. Or maybe I’ll get lucky and get a return on Monday.