Allegri sacked for touchline conduct

Juventus are just the dustbin-bothering racoons of world football. They were always going to sack him, but using what happened at the weekend, they probably see an angle to avoid paying him off.
“Behaviour incompatible with the values of Juventus”.

Those bastions of moral value, Juventus
Juventus are just the dustbin-bothering racoons of world football. They were always going to sack him, but using what happened at the weekend, they probably see an angle to avoid paying him off.

My thoughts also. They'll claim breach of contract for not 'representing the values of the club' or some bullshit like that to try an weasel them out of paying. That excuse would look even more ridiculous if he was only sacked once the season was over so by doing it immediately they're at least trying to make it look less obvious.
What did he do exactly? Take off his shirt?
Even if he fingered a goat right in front of the family section of the stand that still doesn’t feel to me like it would be in breach of any Juventus moral code written or otherwise.
Juventus are just the dustbin-bothering racoons of world football. They were always going to sack him, but using what happened at the weekend, they probably see an angle to avoid paying him off.

If it’s true that they are using it as an excuse to avoid a payout, that’s so fecking low. I hope any half decent manager looking at that, if that’s what happens, and refuses to go there.

Hopefully, and potentially, they have shot themselves spectacularly in the foot. How could anyone trust a potentially employer who does that?
It is an excuse.

He plays shocking football and has been on borrowed time for a while.

Everyone knew he was leaving, but it’s not the getting sacked part that is surprising about this. It’s the how, when, and most importantly why? It does look like they are trying to invoke some sort of a breach of morals clause to avoid paying him out. Which, aside from the hilarious hypocrisy of Juventus talking about morals and codes of conduct, is a very troubling and dishonourable thing to attempt.

Hopefully that’s not what they are doing, but it sure does look that way.
at least it's not for "caught with illegal substance" this time.
He verbally assaulted and physically threatened a journalist


Also was blatantly telling Giuntoli - the guy who just sacked him - and the rest of the front office to stay away from the team's celebrations on the pitch, which is reason enough for the sack, but obviously it's the whole ASSAULTED SOMEONE - Allegedly! - that is the main issue here
Crazy he's managed Juve for 8 years in the last decade. Some Juve fans don't consider him a success cause he couldn't get them a CL they're desperate for, although he has been close.
Even if he fingered a goat right in front of the family section of the stand that still doesn’t feel to me like it would be in breach of any Juventus moral code written or otherwise.

Would be a very undignified way to treat Messi.
Meh, they just needed a reason to appoint Motta


if you think that ETH's pileup was bad then they haven't seen what Allegri had been enduring throughout the season from the inside and the outside. It was only a matter of time before he cracked.
“Behaviour incompatible with the values of Juventus”.

Those bastions of moral value, Juventus
:lol:Wonder if someone actually wrote that with a straight face.

Thing that surprised me most in that story is that Allegri is only 56. Could've sworn he was mid-60s.
:lol:Wonder if someone actually wrote that with a straight face.

Thing that surprised me most in that story is that Allegri is only 56. Could've sworn he was mid-60s.
He’s been 56 for at least 25 years. Juventus just refuse to disclose his real age
Nah, if Vaciago's version of events proves true then he's getting sacked with just cause. He's also not coaching anybody else in Italy for a while, as he's essentially made himself radioactive
“The dismissal follows certain behaviours during and after the Italian Cup final which the club deemed incompatible with the values of Juventus and with the behaviour that those who represent it must adopt.” :lol:

This from the calciopoli club. I’m assuming it’s a pretext to sack him on misconduct grounds to avoid paying him his severance clause. Entirely in keeping with the grubby nature of that club.