Amy Coney-Barrett | Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

Is there really such a clearcut chance that the reps will steal an election? Surely there's enough checks and balances in place in the US to prevent this from happening? Or am I being naive?
Interesting that you'd want to broadcast this level of ignorance.

It's just how I feel about it - you can view me as ignorant and that's fine because honestly I don't care. The fact the US has politically motivated nominations to their highest court is an absolute aberration to me. It's their system that is the problem and until that changes I'll view it in the same way.
I just don't like statements like 'the UK is racist' - I can agree completely that certain people within the UK are racist and that the society as a whole may be intuitionally and systemically racist in many ways all of which needs to change and I hope that it will. I just don't like big statements like that because it is a cop out from actually saying what you really mean.

I think it's unfair and untrue to say the entire country is racist.

Well that's your opinion. I think America is a cesspit and a complete moral vacuum but that's just me.

2020 is one hell of a year.
Hypocrite too, almost surprising.

Would be awesome if you actually read the entirety of my posts - I'm saying that the American system is utterly terrible and not fit for purpose - I have stated the feelings I have on the large amount of American's who will not be supporting the new SC Judge nomination.
2020 is one hell of a year.
That is some stretch you are making there wow. I'm talking about the American system of government and legislation - I'm not talking about the American people generally. You are honestly trying to suggest that because I dared to say that most people in UK are not racist that somehow related to my comments in this thread? Honestly blows my mind that in order to try and 'call me out' you would trawl through old posts of mine to try and do a 'gotcha' - without having the understanding of what I was actually talking about. This place is mad.
Would be awesome if you actually read the entirety of my posts - I'm saying that the American system is utterly terrible and not fit for purpose - I have stated the feelings I have on the large amount of American's who will not be supporting the new SC Judge nomination.

All that does is make a bollocks of your original statement. You have immense pity, but are also apathetic.
Would be awesome if you actually read the entirety of my posts - I'm saying that the American system is utterly terrible and not fit for purpose - I have stated the feelings I have on the large amount of American's who will not be supporting the new SC Judge nomination.


I just view America now as a total lost cause - the place is a total shit show. The fact that it is still quite possible that they could vote Trump in for a second term means I have zero pity for them and they have brought all of this on themselves. Am I pissed off that what happens there still has some influence around the world? Yes of course? Can I do anything about that? Nope so why worry.

Maybe you should read the entirety of your own rubbish before hitting “post”.
Ignorance no, apathy yes absolutely. Their electoral system is a joke and needs serious reform - that's on them to do that but they won't because they are indoctrinated from a young age to believe that America is the greatest country in the world and the best at everything. Not all Americans of course and I feel immense pity for those who don't buy into all that nonsense but it's on them to change things not me.

There is still a lot of American exceptionalism. I get the sense that it's also tied to the religious right as well. America and God, all wrapped up in one nice little package. I still find it odd that we sing out national anthem before every sporting event, even if it's not an international event. It's like we need to keep reminding ourselves that America is awesome. It's a bit embarrassing.
All that does is make a bollocks of your original statement. You have immense pity, but are also apathetic.

I am apathetic to a right wing judge getting nominated to supreme court because that is a result of the ridiculous and corrupt system that America has - I'm apathetic because I know that nothing will change without that system itself changing. I can still feel that way but also feel pity and empathy for the millions of poor sod Americans who have to live there and watch in horror as it happens. They however are the only ones who can change it, so in a way they are part of the problem. Perhaps a bit harsh but nobody can change the situation other than the Americans themselves.

Maybe you should read the entirety of your own rubbish before hitting “post”.

So American's have no responsibility for Trump getting elected? Sorry I'm not sure what your saying? In a way I'd agree with that to an extent as again the SYSTEM which I am talking about allows a person to lose the popular vote but still win the election. That is a ridiculous system. Again, my point is that Americans are the only ones who can change it.
Jesus Christ, I’m done banging my head against this particular brick wall thanks.

Your ignorance is there for all to see.
Is there really such a clearcut chance that the reps will steal an election? Surely there's enough checks and balances in place in the US to prevent this from happening? Or am I being naive?

My money is very firmly on a Trump EC victory now. He’s going to have very high Republican voter turn out for in person voting and and it will be enough to claim victory on the night. They will then proceed to get hundreds of thousands, if not millions of absentee votes thrown out across the country and SCOTUS will rule in his favour.

The next 4+ years are going to be an absolute shit show that will make the last 4 years seem like a holiday.

EDIT - Trump still at 15/8. Seems like very good odds to me all things considered.
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Is there really such a clearcut chance that the reps will steal an election? Surely there's enough checks and balances in place in the US to prevent this from happening? Or am I being naive?
Ask Al Gore and Gerry Mandering. Stealing elections is what Reps do.
Jesus Christ, I’m done banging my head against this particular brick wall thanks.

Your ignorance is there for all to see.

Fair enough, just put me on ignore if I'm doing your head in so much. It's ok to disagree with somebody you know and not get annoyed by it. You will note that I haven't called anybody ignorant just because I disagree with their point of view. That's what you did. Just making that point.
So American's have no responsibility for Trump getting elected? Sorry I'm not sure what your saying?

I think you're having trouble articulating your thoughts clearly. You have zero pity for "them", because "they" are on the verge of possibly reelecting Trump. Who are the "they" in this sentence? We know we can discount the millions who are voting against him because for those you have "immense pity". Surely it can't be those that are actually voting for Trump because they are getting what they want and don't require it. So, discounting those two sets of people who exactly remains to be covered by the word "they"?
Jesus Christ, I’m done banging my head against this particular brick wall thanks.

Your ignorance is there for all to see.

Fair enough, just put me on ignore if I'm doing your head in so much. It's ok to disagree with somebody you know and not get annoyed by it. You will note that I haven't called anybody ignorant just because I disagree with their point of view. That's what you did. Just making that point. (now waiting for one of you to trawl through many years of postings I've made to find that one post where I called somebody ignorant just so you can call me out for the disgrace that I am and hereby win the internet).
Are you capable of looking at context at all? Certainly doesn't appear like it.
Just take the L. You said a dumb thing about a country which contains over 300 million people and a electoral system you have a very limited understanding of. We've all done it at certain points on here due to frustration tbh.
It’s one thing to lose faith in USA the country’s ability to self-correct, given their institutional structure, it’s another thing entirely saying the people deserve it when the majority of those living have no real influence on this diabolical system they live under, and is bearing the brunt of the social and economic policies of the ruling elites.
I think you're having trouble articulating your thoughts clearly. You have zero pity for "them", because "they" are on the verge of possibly reelecting Trump. Who are the "they" in this sentence? We know we can discount the millions who are voting against him because for those you have "immense pity". Surely it can't be those that are actually voting for Trump because they are getting what they want and don't require it. So, discounting those two sets of people who exactly remains to be covered by the word "they"?

I think you are right to call me out on that because I didn't make it clear enough what I was talking about - I have been trying to rectify that in my more recent posts. I have nothing against the American people - however I am totally against many of the structures and systems they have in place re: legislators, elections and frankly much of the American culture. Trump is a result of it and in many ways is the perfect embodiment of everything that has gone wrong in America. I hope that he gets soundly beaten by Biden in the election and then perhaps I can start to regain a bit of hope for the country but at the moment I've don't have much.
Just take the L. You said a dumb thing about a country which contains over 300 million people and a electoral system you have a very limited understanding of. We've all done it at certain points on here due to frustration tbh.

No I just expressed an opinion - you may think it's dumb but that's ok. I do have a reasonable understanding of the electoral system as it happens but you have already made up your mind about me. I am happy to discuss why you feel I am wrong and have a bit of a debate about it but unfortunately you and that other guy would rather just shout me down and make assumptions. It is very similar to the sort of stuff I had to put up with in the Corbyn thread when I dared to express the opinion that I didn't support the guy as a leader. I'm getting flashbacks here.
I think you are right to call me out on that because I didn't make it clear enough what I was talking about - I have been trying to rectify that in my more recent posts. I have nothing against the American people - however I am totally against many of the structures and systems they have in place re: legislators, elections and frankly much of the American culture. Trump is a result of it and in many ways is the perfect embodiment of everything that has gone wrong in America. I hope that he gets soundly beaten by Biden in the election and then perhaps I can start to regain a bit of hope for the country but at the moment I've don't have much.

I might be wrong but I actually think that pretty much sums up the view of the majority of people posting here.
No I just expressed an opinion - you may think it's dumb but that's ok. I do have a reasonable understanding of the electoral system as it happens but you have already made up your mind about me. I am happy to discuss why you feel I am wrong and have a bit of a debate about it but unfortunately you and that other guy would rather just shout me down and make assumptions. It is very similar to the sort of stuff I had to put up with in the Corbyn thread when I dared to express the opinion that I didn't support the guy as a leader. I'm getting flashbacks here.

Soz I didn't know we had such a sensitive soul on the cafe.
I think a better way of considering the US right now is:
a. The shrinking demographic of 'christian' whites is doing all it can to maintain governing power to match its financial power, no longer able to trust voting so switching to the courts where both incumbency and wealth have more sway.
b. The growing demographic of non-GOP voters is, therefore, being denied its rights, despite all the efforts made to win elections.

More Americans will vote against Trump than for him. That is guaranteed. He has a -10 approval rating. Many millions of Americans are volunteering, donating and doing all in their power to get the man out. Basically every American that has ever visited more than 2 countries is not voting for the guy.

At the same time there is a huge population of intellectually suppressed voters that are basically treated like cattle by the GOP: farmed for votes. They're fed a fat diet of misinformation, kept poor and sick and then wheeled out to ensure that a tiny number of rich old white men remain unfathomably rich for a few more years. Thus as it ever was, you could say, but it's still pretty scary.

Just watch the post election figures on educated v non-educated whites. It's utterly terrifying.

The GOP's strategy will fail, which is why I find it so fascinating for younger GOP members. Fine, Trump and McConnell will be dead and buried by the time those chickens come home to roost, but it's all based on only appealing to a shrinking minority. More than 50% of kids being born in the states aren't white. The 2024 election will see millenials as the larges demographic. So your human frat paddle Matt Gaetz and which blonde is currently press-sec are really setting themselves for the wrong side of their adult lives.

For the rest of the world, as lovely as it is to 'laugh' at the US we should really be desperately hoping they sort it out. The Bush/Cheney era obviously did immeasurable harm but ceding global power to Russia and China is absolutely not a good course correction for that.
I might be wrong but I actually think that pretty much sums up the view of the majority of people posting here.

You would think that but I'm not so sure considering the response I've had in here this morning. My view also is that the American people are the only ones who can change things and that is why I do have apathy towards it all - essentially because I can do nothing about it myself so why should I waste valuable time worrying about it. Not sure exactly why some folk have a problem with that but perhaps if they actually engaged in a discussion rather than just shouting at people and flinging insults then we could be onto something.

Soz I didn't know we had such a sensitive soul on the cafe.

More personal jibes. Come on you can do better than that. Not once have you even tried to counter my argument or engage in any sort of discussion. It's just a lot of hot air from you and it's frankly dull as hell.
I think a better way of considering the US right now is:
a. The shrinking demographic of 'christian' whites is doing all it can to maintain governing power to match its financial power, no longer able to trust voting so switching to the courts where both incumbency and wealth have more sway.
b. The growing demographic of non-GOP voters is, therefore, being denied its rights, despite all the efforts made to win elections.

More Americans will vote against Trump than for him. That is guaranteed. He has a -10 approval rating. Many millions of Americans are volunteering, donating and doing all in their power to get the man out. Basically every American that has ever visited more than 2 countries is not voting for the guy.

At the same time there is a huge population of intellectually suppressed voters that are basically treated like cattle by the GOP: farmed for votes. They're fed a fat diet of misinformation, kept poor and sick and then wheeled out to ensure that a tiny number of rich old white men remain unfathomably rich for a few more years. Thus as it ever was, you could say, but it's still pretty scary.

Just watch the post election figures on educated v non-educated whites. It's utterly terrifying.

The GOP's strategy will fail, which is why I find it so fascinating for younger GOP members. Fine, Trump and McConnell will be dead and buried by the time those chickens come home to roost, but it's all based on only appealing to a shrinking minority. More than 50% of kids being born in the states aren't white. The 2024 election will see millenials as the larges demographic. So your human frat paddle Matt Gaetz and which blonde is currently press-sec are really setting themselves for the wrong side of their adult lives.

For the rest of the world, as lovely as it is to 'laugh' at the US we should really be desperately hoping they sort it out. The Bush/Cheney era obviously did immeasurable harm but ceding global power to Russia and China is absolutely not a good course correction for that.

If I could rec a post you would have one.
I think a better way of considering the US right now is:
a. The shrinking demographic of 'christian' whites is doing all it can to maintain governing power to match its financial power, no longer able to trust voting so switching to the courts where both incumbency and wealth have more sway.
b. The growing demographic of non-GOP voters is, therefore, being denied its rights, despite all the efforts made to win elections.

More Americans will vote against Trump than for him. That is guaranteed. He has a -10 approval rating. Many millions of Americans are volunteering, donating and doing all in their power to get the man out. Basically every American that has ever visited more than 2 countries is not voting for the guy.

At the same time there is a huge population of intellectually suppressed voters that are basically treated like cattle by the GOP: farmed for votes. They're fed a fat diet of misinformation, kept poor and sick and then wheeled out to ensure that a tiny number of rich old white men remain unfathomably rich for a few more years. Thus as it ever was, you could say, but it's still pretty scary.

Just watch the post election figures on educated v non-educated whites. It's utterly terrifying.

The GOP's strategy will fail, which is why I find it so fascinating for younger GOP members. Fine, Trump and McConnell will be dead and buried by the time those chickens come home to roost, but it's all based on only appealing to a shrinking minority. More than 50% of kids being born in the states aren't white. The 2024 election will see millenials as the larges demographic. So your human frat paddle Matt Gaetz and which blonde is currently press-sec are really setting themselves for the wrong side of their adult lives.

For the rest of the world, as lovely as it is to 'laugh' at the US we should really be desperately hoping they sort it out. The Bush/Cheney era obviously did immeasurable harm but ceding global power to Russia and China is absolutely not a good course correction for that.

Great post and utterly terrifying.
I think a better way of considering the US right now is:
a. The shrinking demographic of 'christian' whites is doing all it can to maintain governing power to match its financial power, no longer able to trust voting so switching to the courts where both incumbency and wealth have more sway.
b. The growing demographic of non-GOP voters is, therefore, being denied its rights, despite all the efforts made to win elections.

More Americans will vote against Trump than for him. That is guaranteed. He has a -10 approval rating. Many millions of Americans are volunteering, donating and doing all in their power to get the man out. Basically every American that has ever visited more than 2 countries is not voting for the guy.

At the same time there is a huge population of intellectually suppressed voters that are basically treated like cattle by the GOP: farmed for votes. They're fed a fat diet of misinformation, kept poor and sick and then wheeled out to ensure that a tiny number of rich old white men remain unfathomably rich for a few more years. Thus as it ever was, you could say, but it's still pretty scary.

Just watch the post election figures on educated v non-educated whites. It's utterly terrifying.

The GOP's strategy will fail, which is why I find it so fascinating for younger GOP members. Fine, Trump and McConnell will be dead and buried by the time those chickens come home to roost, but it's all based on only appealing to a shrinking minority. More than 50% of kids being born in the states aren't white. The 2024 election will see millenials as the larges demographic. So your human frat paddle Matt Gaetz and which blonde is currently press-sec are really setting themselves for the wrong side of their adult lives.

For the rest of the world, as lovely as it is to 'laugh' at the US we should really be desperately hoping they sort it out. The Bush/Cheney era obviously did immeasurable harm but ceding global power to Russia and China is absolutely not a good course correction for that.

To add to your post. I have found it terrifying and fascinating to discuss this election with Republicans. When you ask them why they are voting for Trump you can see the Fox News Bot boot up behind their eyes. The thing is, after even a few minutes of discussion the Bot runs out of scripted talking points and what you are left with is an empty eyed shell that can not explain why they want Trump other than he is "INSERT CAMPAIGN SLOGAN HERE".

It's like one of those cheesy 1980's movies/tv shows where someone gets hypnotized to do something, and they do it but have no idea why they are doing it as they admit it is against what they would normally want to do.
Fair enough, just put me on ignore if I'm doing your head in so much. It's ok to disagree with somebody you know and not get annoyed by it. You will note that I haven't called anybody ignorant just because I disagree with their point of view. That's what you did. Just making that point.

Bloody hell, you wrote off a population of 330 million people and now you’re crying about being called ignorant.

This here:

Just take the L. You said a dumb thing about a country which contains over 300 million people and a electoral system you have a very limited understanding of. We've all done it at certain points on here due to frustration tbh.

Is a good suggestion. Stop digging in and rethink about what you actually said.
Bloody hell, you wrote off a population of 330 million people and now you’re crying about being called ignorant.

This here:

Is a good suggestion. Stop digging in and rethink about what you actually said.

I am going to give @balaks the benefit of the doubt and assume he/she is a performance artist and his has been a real-time example of how the republican brain works. Bravo sir/madam, bravo.
To add to your post. I have found it terrifying and fascinating to discuss this election with Republicans. When you ask them why they are voting for Trump you can see the Fox News Bot boot up behind their eyes. The thing is, after even a few minutes of discussion the Bot runs out of scripted talking points and what you are left with is an empty eyed shell that can not explain why they want Trump other than he is "INSERT CAMPAIGN SLOGAN HERE".

It's like one of those cheesy 1980's movies/tv shows where someone gets hypnotized to do something, and they do it but have no idea why they are doing it as they admit it is against what they would normally want to do.
I think that - from what I can tell - many of these types of people honestly still believe the American dream includes them and guys like Trump is telling them that they can become rich and powerful just like him and he will make it happen. That and the distrust and fear of other people.
I think that - from what I can tell - many of these types of people honestly still believe the American dream includes them and guys like Trump is telling them that they can become rich and powerful just like him and he will make it happen. That and the distrust and fear of other people.

I used to think this, but I am pretty sure this is not it anymore. The Trumpian message is not "Look, YOU can be great and let us help you get there", instead it is "Look, American can be great and those people are keeping it from happening." The blaming of the other has shifted the mindset so that it validates the misery people live in, and make no mistake, majority of Trumpers live poorly. It lets them blame their situation on others, usually minorities, but offers no path out.