Antonio Conte Sack Watch (Napoli)

He sort of saying that Spurs need 10 new players to compete again. Déjà vu. When did we hear that before?
Seems like he’s had enough though and is just counting down the days until he leaves.

Bit worrying given you’re still in the top four mix? How do you see it playing out

I think he will likely be sacked/leave this week following that interview. We might still get top 4 who knows but everything he said I agree with and we need a total change at the top of the club.
He isn't signing the shitty players is he.

They gave him Richarlison and he's been on the bench all season

Levy with his new DoF he appointed from Italy thinking they're doing a good job and to them they probably are. Top 4 is the aim there's no point in denying it.

Sad thing is I think Kane is comfortable with this as well, qualify for top 4 no real pressure on pushing on, score a few goals and play for England is what he's all about
Stop just making stuff up - it makes your entire argument null and void instantly.
It's about time people realise all top managers are narcissistic egomaniacs. It's not a profession where shrinking violets succeed.

Pep, Klopp, Mou, Fergie are/were all total egomaniacs and self serving pricks which is why they got to the top. They just express themselves differently.

If you're too nice and sentimental you end up as a Pochettino.
You've answered your own question. Why quit and give up millions?
There must be some sort of legislation regarding actively trying to get sacked for the payoff? He's obviously sick of it but Spurs are in with a shot of CL football. Burning the club's house down for a few extra mill isn't a great look.
He’s a scapegoating incompetent piece of shit. The man is a thunder cnut of the highest order. Utterly useless in Europe. Unable to develop players and only knows 5-3-2, feck off you useless sack of shit cnut. Thoroughly unpleasant vermin, looking for a pay off after he’s failed as a manager.

My second favourite meltdown today :lol:
It's about time people realise all top managers are narcissistic egomaniacs. It's not a profession where shrinking violets succeed.

Pep, Klopp, Mou, Fergie are/were all total egomaniacs and self serving pricks which is why they got to the top.

If you're too nice and sentimental you end up as a Pochettino.
Is Conte on any of their level, though? They talked the talk and walked the walk with European success to show for it. Conte doesn't have that pedigree.
There must be some sort of legislation regarding actively trying to get sacked for the payoff? He's obviously sick of it but Spurs are in with a shot of CL football. Burning the club's house down for a few extra mill isn't a great look.

Until he starts picking Lloris upfront and Kane on the bench, that's impossible to prove.
The interview suggests he’s been calling them out on this behind the scenes for a while but now feels it’s time to go public.

Must be toxic at the moment behind the scenes

Yeah, if history shows anything, the manager will leave, the players will start playing for the new manager (for a month or two) then slack off and the process will be repeated.

Life of a millionaire footballer.
Similar to when Jose was managing Utd. Some fans believed everything he said and refused to accept he was a big part of the problem
Everything he has said is true
To be fair, it's not about being true or not, you just don't say this type of stuff. I agreed with Jose on virtually everything, he was still rightfully sacked. I'm sure Ten Hag is pissed about a lot of things, but there's a reason you don't make these kinds of comments as a manager.
It's just the final stages playing out that were always going to happen when you hire Conte.

Shudder to think this could have been us.
It's about time people realise all top managers are narcissistic egomaniacs. It's not a profession where shrinking violets succeed.

Pep, Klopp, Mou, Fergie are/were all total egomaniacs and self serving pricks which is why they got to the top. They just express themselves differently.

If you're too nice and sentimental you end up as a Pochettino.

I agree with your overall point.

However, they’re not egomaniacs - they’re psychopaths.
To be fair, it's not about being true or not, you just don't say this type of stuff. I agreed with Jose on virtually everything, he was still rightfully sacked. I'm sure Ten Hag is pissed about a lot of things, but there's a reason you don't make these kinds of comments as a manager.
I think it should be said more. Levy needs called out as do the players. It's not good enough.
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He’s telling the truth and people are shocked because they’re not used to this.
Stop just making stuff up - it makes your entire argument null and void instantly.

He’s missed a lot of games right? Or am I imagining that?

He’s had 9 starts all season thats a huge amount I do apologise….
This is what happens when you hire a manager without thinking through what he'll ask for, and without planning to match his expectations.

He's right about everything he said in that press conference.
Antonio Conte rejected Tottenham in the summer. Why did he accept their offer afterwards when it is clear that he had doubts about their project from the beginning. Yeah the money in his contract are good but still i have no doubt he knew how the things are gonna unfold in time..
He’s missed a lot of games right? Or am I imagining that?

He’s had 9 starts all season thats a huge amount I do apologise….
He's been injured for large parts of the season. You conveniently ignored that.
That has to be the most rogue press conference I've seen
The guy is a good manager but a total prat.

So who's responsibility is it to create a team from individuals, Antonio? Is that Daniel Levy's job?

Is it Daniel Levy's fault you've spent the best part of 200 million net over the last couple of seasons and then complain about no improvement? So when you ask for money for the team does it not come with a condition you take that and actually do your job...improve the team and foster a team spirit?

The guy has some balls to be firing at the owners and throwing out that they haven't won anything when they've given you a great stadium to play at, great facilities, backing in the market. Why do you think they brought in Antonio Conte if not to reverse that situation...did they bring you in to point out the obvious I wonder.

Total self serving idiocy. I mean it's kinda smart in that there's a large section of the support that hate the ownership, so it's the perfect shield to protect against his own inadequacy. Unfortunately it's wholly transparent.
He’s a scapegoating incompetent piece of shit. The man is a thunder cnut of the highest order. Utterly useless in Europe. Unable to develop players and only knows 5-3-2, feck off you useless sack of shit cnut. Thoroughly unpleasant vermin, looking for a pay off after he’s failed as a manager.

so you do or don’t like conte?
He's been injured for large parts of the season. You conveniently ignored that.

Been on the bench a lot too hasn’t he to the point where he went public complaining.

Not sure why you called out my post in all honesty, if you’re trying to tell me he’s been starting for Spurs whilst at the same time trying to call me a liar we’ll leave it here because it’s a pointless conversation
fecking hell, IMAGINE if he replace Solskjaer, though? Looking at him getting angry while still sitting 4th, what would be have been like last year?
When managers do that (the press conference), they always end up looking worse after it. He's right though but there's no win win in that situation because it also reflects back to himself. It serves no purpose when it's said during a season, it just adds fuel to the negativity/circus.

He's done, they'll bring in Poch.
If every manager, staff member and player told the truth publicly about everything going on behind the scenes, in the dressing room, about what they think of their owners/board/manager/players, all of them would be sacked on the spot.

Conte is doing it as he can’t wait to be sacked and get his big paycheque. Absolutely no idea why people find this kind of behaviour acceptable, good or honourable at all.
Yet some people would have chosen Conte instead of ten Hag.

Incredible that Spurs interviewed ten Hag and end up choosing Conte. He's Mourinho's level of toxic on steroids.