Barcelona: Charged with corruption .... again!

El Mundo] Joan Laporta is charged with bribing the former vice-president of referees. The judge considers that the bribery investigation should be extended to the first presidency of the Barça leader.

Barcelona's Court of Instruction number 1 has indicted FC Barcelona president Joan Laporta on charges of bribery. In this way, he has been implicated in the so-called 'Negreira case' along with the former presidents of the club Sandro Rosell and Josep Maria Bartomeu, the former directors Oscar Grau and Albert Soler, as well as the former vice-president of the Technical Committee of Referees José María Enríquez Negreira and his son Javier.

A week ago, judge Joaquín Aguirre made it clear that there was "more than enough evidence that Laporta committed the same acts as the subsequent presidents. These facts consist of FC Barcelona having paid large sums of money to José María Enríquez Negreira because he was one of the vice-presidents of the Technical Committee of Referees of the Royal Spanish Football Federation".

For this reason, he criticised Laporta for urging the club's legal services to be a prosecutor in these proceedings because "it is unethical that someone who committed acts identical to those of subsequent presidents should try to appear in the case as a private prosecutor under the legal instrument of FC Barcelona, as if it were an abstract entity with an 'I' of its own that is alien to that of the club's directors".
It's all a conspiracy by Franco who is buried under the retractable pitch of the Bernabeu. Don't believe any of it. Barsa would never do anything like that
Apparently this is now moving fast because they changed the judge. They previous one hid the fact that she is married to an official supplier of Barcelona.

It was all over the news yesterday in Spain.
I am fascinated by how little attention this is getting, which also makes me a bit worried that this will have very few actual consequences for Barcelona. I can only imagine the shitstorm we’d find ourselves in if this involved us, there’d be politicians crawling out from every hole imaginable going on about how the FA should instantly kick us out of the league. Just the financial stuff, and the absolute insane amount of deferred wages while bringing in new and expensive players, would be enough for me to seriously question my interest in continuing to watch football, then you have the bribery stuff as well, jesus. To top it off, there’s the Barcelona supporters going on about how none of this is suspicious, it’s all legit and if anything it’s a surprise that other clubs haven’t thought about it.

The hard reset button should’ve been pushed long ago.
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Apparently this is now moving fast because they changed the judge. They previous one hid the fact that she is married to an official supplier of Barcelona.

It was all over the news yesterday in Spain.
To be honest I don't think anything major will happen, they're the definition of too big to fail, la liga will become even more of a ruin than it is now.
To be honest I don't think anything major will happen, they're the definition of too big to fail, la liga will become even more of a ruin than it is now.
Not to mention that the sitting PM is trying to form a new government and can only do that with the help of the Catalan nationalist party. You can bet your entire allowance that they will not allow the PR powerhouse of their independence movement to continue to be dragged through the mud. They will find a way to sweep it under the rug for sure.
Feck me. I saw something about Vini on a Facebook page like Goalsport or whatnot... it was ridiculous the amount of vitriol aimed at the player, things he like he brings it on himself and antagonizes the rival crowd.

Thats basically what the Barce fans were doing in here.
cheating cvnts but they'll get away with it in Spain

I don't know. This isn't going to a sports court/regulator and the case against them looks pretty strong. They will need to put up a good argument as otherwise it will bring into question the entire judicial process in Spain.
Nice detail of Fcbarcelona on the most important day of the club: the annual assembly.

Those in the room rose to their feet for a minute's silence in honour of Sir Bobby Charlton.

Rest in peace Maestro.
Today the Spanish U-17 team played in the World Cup.
Barcelona, on the other hand, have eight players. Several of them very promising.

Héctor Fort (17): the only pure right-back in the squad. He has been part of the first-team squad quite a few times, with whom he has been called up three times this season.

Cubarsí (16): a jewel of Barça's youth academy. Centre-back with impeccable ball output. He is a starter at Barça Athletic and a regular in the first team, with whom he has been called up five times this season.

Cuenca (16): Left-footed centre-back. Although Cubarsí covers his place in the reserve team, he is undisputed in the Barça Juvenil A. He also has a great output of the ball.

Pau Prim (17): the captain of La Rojita and all the teams in Barça's youth categories in which he has played. Midfielder made in La Masia.

Marc Bernal (16): Left-footed. He has established himself at Barça Athletic and can play as an interior and pivot.

Junyent (17): Bernal's promotion to Barça Athletic has given him the reins of the midfield of the Barça Juvenil A.

Juan Hernández (16): His ideal position is as a midfielder, but in Barça's Juvenil A he sometimes plays as a striker. His cousin Guille Fernandez (15 ) is the jewel in the crown of La Masia.

Marc Guiu (17): Very good in the box, strong, fast and powerful. Two weeks ago he scored the first ball he touched with Barcelona's first team, 34 seconds after entering the field. A goal that helped Barça win against Athletic (1-0).

Barcelona also have Noah Darvich (17), a left-footed midfielder for the German national team. A player with a lot of technical quality and projection.
Most of the time wasn't Pep there Manager?? Loves a bit of skullduggery that guy and good lawyers..
Timelapse of the first 5 months of work at the Camp Nou.


Here's the project.


- Capacity for 105,000 spectators and 7,000 VIP boxes.
Very excited about the new stadium. Also very necessary to generate more income.

The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design, and the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies have just announced the winning projects of their International Architecture Award (IAA) 2023. Among them is IDOM’s design for the Nou Camp Nou, realised in collaboration with Nikken Sekkei and b720.

Now in its 20th year, the IAA is the oldest and one of the most prestigious international awards recognising the quality of projects worldwide. The 2023 edition received more than 750 entries.

Seriously, though, how does a bankrupt club do that?

They've sold off the rights over a lot of their future income. I can't see them not suffering for it in the long term though. They're an odd club. It's like the fanbase won't accept any short term suffering so they just need to push further and further.
They've sold off the rights over a lot of their future income. I can't see them not suffering for it in the long term though. They're an odd club. It's like the fanbase won't accept any short term suffering so they just need to push further and further.
Don’t forget that it’s probable that the Spanish government will throw them a bone with the WC coming over there in 2030. Specially with the coming amnesty to the Catalana nationalists. They’ll be able to give Barsa all sorts of benefits and exceptions indeed. Mes Que un Club indeed.
Very excited about the new stadium. Also very necessary to generate more income.

no one is escaping the cost of living crisis. apparently the refs all want an extra 15% per penalty, and won’t even agree to fix their prices for next season.
Yeah, a pretty disgusting and scandalous club parading under airs of righteousness and arrogance.
It really is the whole “more than a club”, shining example of sporting virtue facade that makes the stuff we’ve learned in ver the last few years all the worse.
I still don’t get it though.
The Club’s assets were not used as a guarantee and a mortgage wasn’t taken out on the stadium. The Club agreed financing with a total of 20 investors to the value of 1.450 billion Euro.
who loans 1.5 billion without using assets as a guarantee.

What's not to get?

Open corruption is open.
Good News

Limak cuts Spotify Camp Nou demolition phase by one month
, so FC Barcelona will have to pay a bonus of 1M euros.

The construction company has a penalty clause by which it must pay one million euros for each day of delay, the Blaugrana are obliged to pay Limak a specific amount in case of improving the deadlines.

June 2023 - Start of stadium work

November 30, 2024 - Limak must deliver 60% of the total works. On this date, Barcelona will be able to play at the Camp Nou with a capacity of 60%.

June 1, 2026 - Expected date of completion of the stadium.

I still don’t get it though.
The Club’s assets were not used as a guarantee and a mortgage wasn’t taken out on the stadium. The Club agreed financing with a total of 20 investors to the value of 1.450 billion Euro.
who loans 1.5 billion without using assets as a guarantee.

The securitization fund structure provides that if financial creditors aren’t paid what they are owed, they can only go after amounts in the fund, not club assets, said CFO del Rio.

Here is the full article Link
What's not to get?

Open corruption is open.
Specially in football. I mean just look at the state of FIFA and those world cup bids. They're not even hiding stuff like this anymore. Makes you almost nostalgic for Joao Havelange and envelopes full cash slid under a hotel door the night before a vote.
Don’t forget that it’s probable that the Spanish government will throw them a bone with the WC coming over there in 2030. Specially with the coming amnesty to the Catalana nationalists. They’ll be able to give Barsa all sorts of benefits and exceptions indeed. Mes Que un Club indeed.

You're probably right. It won't stop them moaning about Madrid getting all the help though.
You're probably right. It won't stop them moaning about Madrid getting all the help though.
Haha good one

Edit: totally misread that, thought it said it would stop then moaning. My bad :lol:
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People forget Barca and Madrid have been getting help from the government for 100 years.

Nobody in Spain will touch the Mes que un club.
"Ayuso (Mayor of Madrid) will spend €68 million to expand the Santiago Bernabéu station and complete the renovation of Real Madrid."

"The renovation project of the Santiago Bernabéu undertaken by Real Madrid and its surroundings will be completed in 2027 with a renovated Metro station that will provide access to the stadium and will be paid for by the Community of Madrid. Ayuso's government will dedicate 68 million euros to triple the space of the Santiago Bernabéu stop with works that will last three years."


"Lawsuit against Almeida for watering Florentino Pérez's Bernabéu business with public money."

"A court in Madrid admits the lawsuit of a neighbourhood association for the alleged misuse of power by the consistory by assuming the construction of an access tunnel to two new car parks awarded to a Real Madrid company. A complaint has also been lodged with the EU."

"Neither the car parks nor the tunnel are of public utility. They serve very specific private interests, which is a possible misuse of power"

"The association has also filed a complaint against the council at the Madrid office of the European Commission for alleged misuse of power, by spending public money on a private business initiative.

" The concession contract tendered by the Madrid City Council for the two car parks has an estimated turnover of 561 million euros. The winning company will assume the cost of the construction and will pay an annual fee of 150,000 euros to the City Council for 40 years; something that the complainants describe as "derisory".

Thus, the club chaired by Florentino Pérez will operate a business with a turnover of 561 million euros for four decades, "to which will also be added the management of 20,000 square meters of public space around the Santiago Bernabéu, also privatized for 40 years as an additional gift to the winning company"


You're probably right. It won't stop them moaning about Madrid getting all the help though.
And like clockwork here they are. Waiting for the Franco from the grave angle to come up soon....
I love how every 2-3 months we have a new bot in here serving as a blaugrana mouthpiece. It's like clockwork, and has the same pattern:
1 - Relatively innocuous posts about boring shit, copy pasting articles from Catalan newspapers and the official website
2 - Start posting more annoying stuff, highlighting how genius the handling of the club's finances is; usually deflect everything onto the former president, ignoring the fact that he was elected with their usual process, and that the current one is probably just as corrupt
3 - Ignore and deflect whenever the topic of the ref bribery comes up
4 - Address the ref bribery: there were reports made public (might be 11 year old drawings but doesn't matter they were produced!), it's totally normal to have had financial links with the boss of referees for 20 years, Real Madrid probably did it before, produce videos showing 2 instances in the Champions League where Barça were not awarded a 50/50 call
5 - Get more and more aggressive with posts calling out the nonsense, probably mention Franco (inaccurately, of course) and royal funding and stuff
6 - Get banned