Barcelona: Charged with corruption .... again!

Well, don't accept and stay or go to another club.
You guys do this enough though and people will simply decide to not go there in the first place; avoid the problem entirely.

What you keep missing with this talk of contracts is that they HAD to be written. When Barca had to defer payment of their wages it had to be listed as a restructured contract, because I’m positive it would violate league rules to simply “promise” to pay later. But that was supposed to be formality. In good faith those players were to get the money they had earned for the games already played. Reading the articles written at the time we know this not just because they said it, but because they agreed to write in up to 3% interest on the portion of their future salary that was remuneration for games already played. They were in essence “loaning” you that money. That was from quotes from your teams reps in ESPN in an article from November 2020.

You owed them money, and the answer being given is that they can accept you not giving it to them, or they can leave … and also not get the money.

Now, anyone who plays for you, coaches for you, or represents you in any way is a champion of abusing players, plain and simple.

Nothing your club says to a player can ever be trusted again.

And using the club media outlets for what is essentially emotional blackmail and harassment takes it to a level that is well beyond “not ok”

Barca could have done the right thing by their players, and they would have been fine. They just might not have been able to sign Lewandowski. Not being able to sign a striker is not a good reason to destroy the credibility of an entire club, defraud players, and possibly cause them genuine harm.
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You've said it a dozen or more times now, it's a shit excuse and I don't know if you believe it but if you do, wow...

Can't pay? Rewrite the contract and it's all ok?

Run out of cash again? Rewrite the contract again.

It's such an easy (lazy) 'out'. If it was United, I'd be slating them.

They have rewritten so many contracts that they are out of ink now, Laporta will pull one more lever to buy ink.
Barca are still basically in a two horse race most seasons. Even if the likes of Atletico Madrid have a good season, they are usually not going to kick on and replace Barca/RM at the top outside of that one season.
While I agree that United obviously have stronger competition, it should still be noted that Atleti doesn't just fight for the Top2 every now and then...

21/22: Real, Barca, Atleti
20/21: Atleti, Real, Barca
19/20: Real, Barca, Atleti
18/19: Barca, Atleti, Real
17/18: Barca, Atleti, Real
They have rewritten so many contracts that they are out of ink now, Laporta will pull one more lever to buy ink.

We do not need a lever to buy ink, we simply ask Murtough, since he neither signs nor sells anything.
You guys do this enough though and people will simply decide to not go there in the first place; avoid the problem entirely.

What you keep missing with this talk of contracts is that they HAD to be written. When Barca had to defer payment of their wages it had to be listed as a restructured contract, because I’m positive it would violate league rules to simply “promise” to pay later. But that was supposed to be formality. In good faith those players were to get the money they had earned for the games already played. Reading the articles written at the time we know this not just because they said it, but because they agreed to write in up to 3% interest on the portion of their future salary that was remuneration for games already played. They were in essence “loaning” you that money. That was from quotes from your teams reps in ESPN in an article from November 2020.

You owed them money, and the answer being given is that they can accept you not giving it to them, or they can leave … and also not get the money.

Now, anyone who plays for you, coaches for you, or represents you in any way is a champion of abusing players, plain and simple.

Nothing your club says to a player can ever be trusted again.

And using the club media outlets for what is essentially emotional blackmail and harassment takes it to a level that is well beyond “not ok”

Barca could have done the right thing by their players, and they would have been fine. They just might not have been able to sign Lewandowski. Not being able to sign a striker is not a good reason to destroy the credibility of an entire club, defraud players, and possibly cause them genuine harm.

I have already answered all these questions.
You have a created opinion and I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise.

Contracts rule over words. Azpilicueta was also promised to facilitate chelsea's exit this year, after 10 impeccable years, a new owner arrived and the words were carried away by the wind.
This causes Chelsea to lose credibility and the players don't want to sign for them? No.
Sure, they have a lot of followers. But how many of them are fans who would actually carry the club through dark times without true superstars and big success? Would they create enough revenue to be able to return to the top (like it happened with Liverpool and might happen similarly to United)? I still have doubts about that, and obviously even some Barca fans posting here have similar thoughts.

I don’t think it’s the superstars, Barca needs a competitive team that can challenge for titles. Lewandowski has already created a ton of hype going into the new season but more importantly if Barca fields a squad that can genuinely challenge for the league they’ll be fine. Just need to avoid how poor we were to start last season like we did when Koeman was in charge.

They literally had nearly 60,000 people show up at the stadium just for Lewa’s unveiling this morning.
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I have already answered all these questions.
You have a created opinion and I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise.

Contracts rule over words. Azpilicueta was also promised to facilitate chelsea's exit this year, after 10 impeccable years, a new owner arrived and the words were carried away by the wind.
This causes Chelsea to lose credibility and the players don't want to sign for them? No.

Wasn't the problem with Azpilicueta that Barca told him to continue waiting and he had a option to extend at Chelsea? Not being funny, but if I was in Azpilicueta's situation (wait for Barca or take a 2 year deal at Chelsea) it would be Chelsea all day long due to the uncertainty.
Barca taking the 9 shirt away from Memphis and giving it to Lewandowski... what a shambles of a summer and yet no one talks about it? Just taking the shirt from a player to give it to a new shiny toy. Didn't they do the same thing to Braithewaite?
Barca taking the 9 shirt away from Memphis and giving it to Lewandowski... what a shambles of a summer and yet no one talks about it? Just taking the shirt from a player to give it to a new shiny toy. Didn't they do the same thing to Braithewaite?
United have done the exact same thing to Martial and Cavani in recent years
While I agree that United obviously have stronger competition, it should still be noted that Atleti doesn't just fight for the Top2 every now and then...

21/22: Real, Barca, Atleti
20/21: Atleti, Real, Barca
19/20: Real, Barca, Atleti
18/19: Barca, Atleti, Real
17/18: Barca, Atleti, Real
Yeah it's basically those 3 clubs with a fight for the 4th place
Well they made €868M thanks to the levers according to Laporta and now they're about to activate the final lever
It's not just FDJ they owe. Other players are rightly refusing to leave without getting paid their due, new signings can'tbe registered. This is so going to end up in court.
I don’t think it’s the superstars, Barca needs a competitive team that can challenge for titles. Lewandowski has already created a ton of hype going into the new season but more importantly if Barca fields a squad that can genuinely challenge for the league they’ll be fine. Just need to avoid how poor we were to start last season like we did when Koeman was in charge.

They literally had nearly 60,000 people show up at the stadium just for Lewa’s unveiling this morning.
Were literally 55,000 of them sitting behind the cameraman?

Were literally 55,000 of them sitting behind the cameraman?

Literaly yes.
The stand that is closest to the presentation was quite full if they had shown the reverse angle in this clip.

You mostly see the part where the sunlight hits, most people were on the other side because there's shade and it's hot today.

It seats over 90,000 people so well over more than half full. Largest attendance for a player unveiling in camp nou history.

I have already answered all these questions.
You have a created opinion and I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise.

Contracts rule over words. Azpilicueta was also promised to facilitate chelsea's exit this year, after 10 impeccable years, a new owner arrived and the words were carried away by the wind.
This causes Chelsea to lose credibility and the players don't want to sign for them? No.
Yes, YOUR contracts promised interest on the money LOANED to your team by those players. That isn’t opinion.

I am not aware of Azpi having anything specific to leaving after a certain period of time in his contract. He isn’t just staying though; HE initiated an extension. Possibly because he sees Barca for what they really are now?

Maybe he likes getting paid money for working.

The fact that your team is using it’s media to bully and harass players isn’t opinion.

Your team borrowed money from them to be repaid, and then Jordi Cruyff comes out and says “if you love Barca you should be willing to make less” as a pretext to find ways to steal that money and default on your own people.

That’s not opinion. I cited the ESPN article, and there were others from that time period, stating (proudly at the time) that part of those contracts were structured as loan repayments, complete with interest. Telling the public that these are simply “new” contracts and painting the picture that the contracts are solely the future earnings of greedy, overpaid players is a lie.

Implying they can “just leave” if they don’t like it is a lie.

The things Barca has done to its players would absolutely be violations of the law in America. That’s not opinion.

Now, if I say what Barcelona is doing is vile and will have devastating long term effects on its sporting image, that IS opinion.

Unfortunately for all Barca apologists, it is an opinion that a majority of people seem to share.
Literaly yes.
The stand that is closest to the presentation was quite full if they had shown the reverse angle in this clip.

You mostly see the part where the sunlight hits, most people were on the other side because there's shade and it's hot today.

It seats over 90,000 people so well over more than half full. Largest attendance for a player unveiling in camp nou history.

The lower stand was completely empty and the top stand wasn't full. Now I do think that it looked like good attendance but it wasn't 60k.
Barca taking the 9 shirt away from Memphis and giving it to Lewandowski... what a shambles of a summer and yet no one talks about it? Just taking the shirt from a player to give it to a new shiny toy. Didn't they do the same thing to Braithewaite?
Didn’t we do the same with cavani and Ronaldo?

whilst we are no where near treating our players as bad as they are currently, we did a pretty shite thing to cavani to get him to extend for-another year only to sign Ronaldo and then give up his shirt
What i find most bizarre about this situation is how the Barcelona fans are responding. I'd be absolutely disgusted at my club and the owner for what they are doing.

Why don't teams that play them protest? It would send a strong message.
Completely agree about the Barca fans, I’m astonished how some are acting on here as I’d be disgusted if our club treated our players like this.

but regarding the protest, besides possible employment laws (treating an employee like shite surely must be illegal as a company can get sued for calling someone all sorts these days) they aren’t doing anything illegal but instead taking a massive financial gamble and risking the future of the club
Completely agree about the Barca fans, I’m astonished how some are acting on here as I’d be disgusted if our club treated our players like this.

but regarding the protest, besides possible employment laws (treating an employee like shite surely must be illegal as a company can get sued for calling someone all sorts these days) they aren’t doing anything illegal but instead taking a massive financial gamble and risking the future of the club

There is debate over whether the ESL stuff was legal or illegal though and that was quashed by fans, not by anyone else. Fans are able to protest and fight moral issues in football if they really want to, but in this case it's difficult as the Barca fans are seemingly happy to get on with it like everything is sunshine and rainbows.
Enough is enough!

I have had it with these motherf*cking levers in this motherf*cking transfer window!
What a disaster of a club. They didn't even know the rules before they started splashing the loan away. Idiots
Literaly yes.
The stand that is closest to the presentation was quite full if they had shown the reverse angle in this clip.

You mostly see the part where the sunlight hits, most people were on the other side because there's shade and it's hot today.

It seats over 90,000 people so well over more than half full. Largest attendance for a player unveiling in camp nou history.

How odd that a medium sized club would show the only half empty part of the ground and not the full bits?
Ten Hag reportedly speaking to the player himself and then telling United to be calm says to me the story that he would not consider United is put to bed.

Barca lying? Unfathomable. Actually at this point I’m more curious if they are capable of telling anyone the truth.

They were hoping Chelsea would step in and cover the cost of those payments, or at least force United to do so. Chelsea saying they would consider bidding “if the player gave the green light” is very telling to me. To me that says, despite reports, that he hassaif yes to United, but hasn’t said yes to Chelsea yet.

If United hold them to the coals over the back wages, they might not be clear for registration even if they sell him. Secretly they probably know this, hence the public pressure on people like Pique.

Leeds calling them out or suing them for missing payments on Raphinha …..that would be so entertaining
What a disaster of a club. They didn't even know the rules before they started splashing the loan away. Idiots

Obviously they knew. That is why they had prepared the sale of 49% of BarcaStudios in 2 parts.
You don't find 2 buyers who give you €100M each overnight.
Laliga gives Barcelona a salary cap of about €530M currently and Barcelona has a salary bill of €620M. These are the approximate figures.
With the €100M of the last lever should give to register the players.

I suppose Barcelona will look to sell Depay, give the letter of freedom to some players to make room for Bernardo Silva and M. Alonso.
Obviously they knew. That is why they had prepared the sale of 49% of BarcaStudios in 2 parts.
You don't find 2 buyers who give you €100M each overnight.

obviously! none of this is at all embarassing. it’s all a part of the plan. not even slightly humiliating at all. nothing to see here guys.