Casemiro (Out)


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
Been linked to Saudi in recent weeks. Should we cash in already in January?

As long as there's funds there to replace, absolutely get rid.

Varane is consistently unavailable, and Casemiro was a short sighted signing who's getting old fast. Bring in Todibo for Varane, not sure who for Casemiro but I'm sure Mitchell has a couple of aces up his sleeve.
Would sell next summer. Personally think the decision to have a DM as such a low priority in the summer was silly. Selling him in January will probably leave us with limited replacement options and McT/Amrabat as the players to step in. There's no point selling him in January if that third option is a similar or only slightly better level than McT/Amrabat
If there's any truth in it then yes, absolutely. Red flags from the off really when he was talking about how much faster the league is compared to Spain, and how much less you have the ball. If he'd watched any of the PL he'd have known that, which suggests he just saw the pay packet and said yes regardless.

Not sure at his age he's got the desire or legs to play 50 games a season at high intensity. He'd be good if we could rotate him in 30 games a season but we can't afford to do that and his salary is too high for that.
He's still our second-top scorer this season and as long as injuries endure then our squad feels relatively thin. It seems unlikely we'd find a decent replacement for him in January so I'd be more comfortable waiting until the summer to cash in.
Been linked to Saudi in recent weeks. Should we cash in already in January?

Yes, and replace them with players 5 years younger and in their prime. Sell them in January if there’s a buyer, even if we have to wait until the summer to replace them. Season’s gone already.
If we can find a good replacement, yes. Feel like he's only going to get worse from here.

Really want us to avoid going for aging players looking for a nice fat end of career contract.
When he first came in it felt great to have a proper DM and you could just see how it transformed our game. If we leave our selves short in the position again then we’ll never compete! Every top team as a top DM.
If Fabinho is worth £40m to the Saudis, we should easily be recouping what we paid for him last season. I am all in favour for this - he's not been a good signing.
If Fabinho is worth £40m to the Saudis, we should easily be recouping what we paid for him last season. I am all in favour for this - he's not been a good signing.

He was absolutely brilliant for us last season but he came back after the summer overweight. If we can get anything close to what we paid for him we should take it.
I'm not sure why people care about a good replacement, he's not been great this season and looks to be on the decline, so the aim should just be to get him off the books while he has some value. If we can get in a youngster to fill the squad gap, perfect - if not, no big deal. We may even have a different coach come the summer.

He was fantastic last season and his absence when he was banned was there for all to see. Not to mention he stepped up hugely in the final to win us a trophy.
Yes, and replace them with players 5 years younger and in their prime. Sell them in January if there’s a buyer, even if we have to wait until the summer to replace them. Season’s gone already.

Yup we will replace with players equivalent to Jadon Sancho in the respected positions. Happy days.
Crazy how fast opinions have changed. I wasn't completely on board with the signing due to his age and price, which meant he was likely to slow down at some stage. What I will say though is that we've used him completely wrong. We've took a midfielder who has thrived in a midfield 3/double pivot and stuck him in midfield on his own. At his age, this plan was doomed to fail. And we've not once used him in anything like the system he thrived in. Just ridiculous really.
Been linked to Saudi in recent weeks. Should we cash in already in January?

Yes, start a proper rebuild with young hungry talent like Rangnick suggested in the first place.
Yup we will replace with players equivalent to Jadon Sancho in the respected positions. Happy days.

Casemiro and Varane were the Jadon Sanchos of the day in their positions when real signed them and even then once they are there Real keep the best and cut the rest if it doesn’t work out. Look at the players they’ve been able to let go of over the years? It’s crazy the gulf in talent at the two clubs.
Casemiro and Varane were the Jadon Sanchos of the day in their positions when real signed them and even then once they are there Real keep the best and cut the rest if it doesn’t work out. Look at the players they’ve been able to let go of over the years? It’s crazy the gulf in talent at the two clubs.
They replaced Casemiro, Kroos and Madrid with Bellingham, Touchemeni and Cavanigha (I know the spelling is shocking)! Also kept Madrid and Kroos.

We on the other hand add aging players (Cas/ Varane/ Ronaldo) or shite players (Sancho, Mount). Or we have a recent itch of adding shite loans too (Ighalo, Weghorst, Amrabat, Sabitzer).

note: Shite because of ability or attitude.

The gulf of talent is clearly ambition in the transfer market. Mount signing has really irked me.
Depends on the fee, as we’ve got precisely zero money to replace him with and Amrabat isn’t up to the job. If they come in with 30m plus then take it.
Let’s hope Jim’s Saudi connections can come into play and we get £120m for the pair. A snip when you consider their pedigree.
Personally think it's madness to sell both mid season, just highlights to me that we've abandoned this season completely and accept it's going to be a terrible year. Wonderful.

Nothing wrong with Casemiro, we've overplayed the guy. He needs rotation as proven last year he can still be quality and a big game player. But if you expect him to play twice a week at high tempo then no fecking shit he's going to get tired and breakdown.

Same applies to Varane too. If he's injury prone you don't fecking rush him back from injury and then push his body by playing him twice a week.
Personally think it's madness to sell both mid season, just highlights to me that we've abandoned this season completely and accept it's going to be a terrible year. Wonderful.

Nothing wrong with Casemiro, we've overplayed the guy. He needs rotation as proven last year he can still be quality and a big game player. But if you expect him to play twice a week at high tempo then no fecking shit he's going to get tired and breakdown.

Same applies to Varane too. If he's injury prone you don't fecking rush him back from injury and then push his body by playing him twice a week.

therein lies the problem, 2 players that form the spine of the team, our 2 highest paid players and we can't be expecting them to play 2 games a week. Our transfer policy is recent seasons has been woeful. Our top paid players are Casemiro, Varane, Rashford, Sancho, Mount, Martial, Bruno and Antony. Nothing wrong with bringing in experience, we did it with Ibra, but he was free, we paid big money for Casemiro and give him a 4 year deal. He played a part in what we needed last season ie top 4 and a cup. We saw how poor he was towards the end of last season, we saw how he looked overweight in preseason, and we waited until last day of window and brought in Amrabat on loan.
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Imagine getting rid of Casemiro, Varane, Martial and Sancho all in one window. (3 injury broken down players and a spiritually broken down one)

And getting some decent money in return.
therein lies the problem, 2 players that form the spine of the team, our 2 highest paid players and we can't be expecting them to play 2 games a week. Our trnasfer plicy is recent season has been woeful. Our top paid players a

Most players can't play twice a week at the tempo of the PL and retain their form throughout. The issue is having players return from injury too quickly and then get baffled why they immediately break down again.

But I do agree, our transfer policy has been a joke. Casemiro would be a quality player to have in your squad if you had a working midfield with a younger deputy. We don't. Same for Varane, we don't have a younger CB to rotate with him either.
Yes and replace him with Amadou Onana from Everton. We need to act like a normal club with signing young hungry players
It's an easy story to write...and I expect the rags to run with it for a while until the window opens and Sancho can take centre stage.

I believe about 2% of the story. The rest is just the endless shite that is written about United to get a few thousand clicks.

Imagine getting rid of Varane, Casemiro and Sancho in January. No one would have seen that coming 2 years ago :lol:
Crazy how fast opinions have changed. I wasn't completely on board with the signing due to his age and price, which meant he was likely to slow down at some stage. What I will say though is that we've used him completely wrong. We've took a midfielder who has thrived in a midfield 3/double pivot and stuck him in midfield on his own. At his age, this plan was doomed to fail. And we've not once used him in anything like the system he thrived in. Just ridiculous really.
I think the concern is if/when we finally get a suitable system in play, Casemiro would have declined considerably more, especially considering his ageing trajectory as a footballer, to the extent he'd be considered a liability by that point, and an expensive one at that.

I think you can share opinion that he was an impactful signing for us and even one of our more important players today, while conceding that selling him now while his stocks remains relatively high to the Saudi market would be an astute bit of business and long term planning.

Its not so much about being fickle but rather understanding the long term picture.
We should only be selling in January if we replace in January

Sell Varane if it means signing one of these targeted CBs to immediately replace him.

Sell/release Martial if it means signing some support for Hojlund (even if it's just someone like Taremi)

Only exception is Sancho since he doesnt count as a football player for us and isnt an option regardless.
Imagine getting rid of Varane, Casemiro and Sancho in January. No one would have seen that coming 2 years ago :lol:
I wouldn't have expected us to be lining up with a CB partnership of Maguire and Evans and having McTominay as one of our biggest goalthreats in 2023 yet here we are.
I think the concern is if/when we finally get a suitable system in play, Casemiro would have declined considerably more, especially considering his ageing trajectory as a footballer, to the extent he'd be considered a liability by that point, and an expensive one at that.

I think you can share opinion that he was an impactful signing for us and even one of our more important players today, while conceding that selling him now while his stocks remains relatively high to the Saudi market would be an astute bit of business and long term planning.

Its not so much about being fickle but rather understanding the long term picture.
Exactly, I love Casemiro and still rate him as one of the best players in the squad, but this is quite obviously the right time to sell him if we can.
Imagine getting rid of Varane, Casemiro and Sancho in January. No one would have seen that coming 2 years ago :lol:
Well to be fair we only signed them 2 years ago. Them two and Ronaldo was meant to be us closing the gap on city.
Real shame we couldn't have got Casemiro and Varane earlier. But I guess that's why they're legends of Madrid. Both at their best were great.
His comments last month were telling, he's clearly had enough of the lack of winning mentality in the dressing room and phoned it in. As soon as I read those comments I knew he'd be gone in January and I thought the same about Varane too.

They need replacing with players who actually fit a pressing system if thats how we aim to play, my picks would be Vermeeren and Todibo.
His comments last month were telling, he's clearly had enough of the lack of winning mentality in the dressing room and phoned it in. As soon as I read those comments I knew he'd be gone in January and I thought the same about Varane too.

They need replacing with players who actually fit a pressing system if thats how we aim to play, my picks would be Vermeeren and Todibo.

He came back into preseason though overweight, off the back of what was considered a good season for us.
Great players but one has rapidly declined since last season and the other has probably declined but moreover is always injured. Both are probably paid an enormous amount in wages. Get rid of them both as well as Eriksen and hopefully Martial and add younger players who have more to offer.
Would be logical if there are fees there. We shouldn't hire other clubs' legends moving forwards.
His comments last month were telling, he's clearly had enough of the lack of winning mentality in the dressing room and phoned it in. As soon as I read those comments I knew he'd be gone in January and I thought the same about Varane too.

They need replacing with players who actually fit a pressing system if thats how we aim to play, my picks would be Vermeeren and Todibo.
What comments mate?
What comments mate?
He didn't like the mentality in the dressing room, players (Rashford) going out partying after the loss vs City. Said he missed the mentality and dedication Ronaldo showed, from those comments it made me think he'd spoke with Ronaldo and he had been talked into moving to Saudi.