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Chris Smalling England flag

2014-15 Performances

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6.0 Season Average Rating
Clean sheets
Yellow cards
Red cards
He really needs to stop all those ambitious passes from the back. He simply doesn't have the technique to pull them off. He's a good enough defender but he seems to fancy himself some sort of ball playing defender, which he clearly isn't.
Played very well today and it was nice to see him made captain for the match. He's improved so much this season.
I think that community shield game did more harm than good in the long run to us...
He really needs to stop all those ambitious passes from the back. He simply doesn't have the technique to pull them off. He's a good enough defender but he seems to fancy himself some sort of ball playing defender, which he clearly isn't.

He didnt used to try to be. Clearly a LVG influence, and he's become much better at it
From the little I saw at the match, seeing him run up to join the attack was just badass even if it gave me a heart attack thinking we were exposed. Proper captain moments they were! :devil:
Sadly, or perhaps not too sadly, I was on a plane from Miami to the Dominican Republic during this match so missed it all. Sounds like another furthering of my #SmallingPlusOne campaign though. I think we should petition it and send it to Louis.
Sadly, or perhaps not too sadly, I was on a plane from Miami to the Dominican Republic during this match so missed it all. Sounds like another furthering of my #SmallingPlusOne campaign though. I think we should petition it and send it to Louis.

Well he made him captain today, so I think (hope) he has finally got the memo.
Beast of a defender but whats the point of his bursts past the halfway line if he can't complete a pass after it?
Smalling is possibly my favourite player at United, but he needs to cut that out or even better, learn how to pass the ball.
Was very good defensively but his passing was off. He hit one or two early on that were quite good, but after that he put them out which was disappointing. Hopefully he keeps working at it and can improve.
great defender but an awful passer. still he is like a brick wall for strikers to get through.

him and jones make a fine defensive partnership but we need a signing to get us to another level here.

hummels-smalling could be perfect, with jones and rojo as cover. they all will get 30 appearances each still.:wenger:
He played a worldy of a 50 yard pass to young early in the game, his passing went down hill from there. He had a really good game today and he is coming along nicely, one more in the summer to play alongside him and the legend that is Phil Jones as a backup, perfect.
He is good defender we all know it,
Only issue is, can he stay fit for at least 10 consecutive game?
As someone who's been quite vocal about not rating Smalling, I think he played well yesterday. Still a bit bambi on ice when on the ball but a much stronger showing imo.
He is developing into a top pure defender. He needs to stay at Carrington in the summer and work on his passing though, yesterday was a bit of a horror show in that regard.
The fact that he was captain yesterday really shows his development - he has definitely stepped up in that regard, and is much more vocal and commanding than previously.
Hull City 0:0 Man Utd
Thought he was pretty solid. A really good season for him overall. Hopefully he continues to improve and goes on to become a top, top CB.
It would be good if he kept developing as a leader too. The whole 'my captain must play' thing from van Gaal is going to cause issues as long as Rooney is captain and not performing well.
Again couldn't really fault his defending, but on the ball he has no confidence whatsoever in passing the ball forward. Also seems to get it stuck between his feet a lot.

Good season overall though for him but he needs to continue to improve and stay fit next year.
Only his constant injuries stand in the way of him becoming an excellent central defender. Please stay fit, Chris.
Put him next to a defender who's composed passing the ball and I think Smalling will pick it up slowly. That's his only downfall (as well as being a little bit injury prone but he can't help that at times).
If he keeps improving like he did over the last 6 months, he will become a top class defender and our new captain
He can look back on his performances after City away with some satisfaction. Now he needs to back that up for a full season next.
Can Smalling and Jones stay injury free for an entire season?

If they can then we don't really have a need to buy a new defender.
Can Smalling and Jones stay injury free for an entire season?

If they can then we don't really have a need to buy a new defender.

Apparently they've started nine games together at centre half this season and we haven't lost.

Those two, Rojo, a new central defender and McNair should be able to cope with the extra games next season. Evans sold and Blackett loaned out.
Apparently they've started nine games together at centre half this season and we haven't lost.

Those two, Rojo, a new central defender and McNair should be able to cope with the extra games next season. Evans sold and Blackett loaned out.

Its clear to see that those two are the future of the England national team etc. etc. etc.

Can we deal with another injury crises like we did this year though? Huge gamble for LVG to take if he chooses not to bring in a centre back.

In an ideal world both Smalling and Jones will stay fit for most of the season and we will have a similar backbone to teams like chelski.