Club Ownership | INEOS responsible for the football side

As much as Jim is a shit remember that he's not part of a state that systematically oppreses and exploits people nor is he there to wash Britain's reputation.

There are virtually no good billionaires.
The club is a shitshow and it needs resetting from top to bottom, unfortunately along the way there will be casualties but this needs ruthlessly doing, there isn’t a nice way about it so…. Unlucky?
Cancelling the end of season awards dinner. The women's team just won the FA Cup and the U18s have been incredibly successful. What kind of message does this send to them? They don't matter?
And a bunch of important players in the women's team are at the end of their contracts and wondering ready to renew. Great way to incentivise them, Jim.
I don't like the cancellation of the end of season awards, as you point out both the women's side and U18 deserve to be acknowledged for their achievements this season. That was poor, but also nothing new with the club - so difficult to pin that on Ratcliffe
The women’s team have already had an awards dinner separately and been presented with their awards. If they haven’t already I would be surprised if the academy doesn’t do the same at some point.

Whilst it would have been a nice ego boost for these teams to get their flowers from the club in the presence of the first team and hierarchy I do think this decision is correct.
Remember, we are trying to create an elite culture at the club and change the mindset.

Rewarding the abject failure of the men’s team this season with a glitzy dinner would send entirely the wrong message - the message that has been drilled home under the Glazers. “We’re mediocre but it’s okay because we’re still Man Utd!”
I’m glad they’ve decided to hire in best in class footballing people to do the sporting side because I’ve not liked a lot of the other stuff I’ve seen so far from Ineos

They’re not making the wrong decisions per se it’s how they’ve communicated them, what they’ve chosen to focus on (petty stuff like office tidiness, hybrid working, cancelling socials) and who/what they’ve failed to consider (eg the women’s team) - it’s probably killed a lot of the initial good will they had with support staff which can’t help overall performance.

The stadium stuff (pushing for public money) is fairly icky from a PR perspective as well and the leaks about selling 90% of our squad at the business end of the season was mental. They’ve also failed to be decisive one way or the other on Ten Hag which has fed into dressing room issues.

SJR is clearly a very intelligent, successful man but he’s showing himself to be quite out of touch and he needs better PR advice. If anything it’s been worse than the Arnold/Murtough days so far in that respect.
This is exactly what needs to be said by the fans, just because Ineos spent £1.4billion to buy 27.7% of the club and started with a whirlwind of PR;

Sir Jim said the following;
1. He wants to be at the top of football pyramid in 3 years! (Deluded beyond Question!)
2. He said the Club should have a new stadium that is the Wembley of the North and the club should be able to tap into the levelling up Fund. (More Delusion!)
3. He said just before he was rubber stamped on 20th February that the club was improving already and he was right the form from Xmas Eve to February 18th was very good and then it plummeted! (wonder why, maybe not improving the squad in January had something to do with that!)
4. He said Newcastle were not acting like gentleman with regard to Dan Ashworth in the same way City did allowing Omar Berada to join United.(What did he expect, then to roll over and just hand him over free)
5. He said the club would change the infrastructure and then the decide a style of play and the manager/Head coach would have to implement that.(You need 25/26 fit players to do that, why not look at the real reason for the injuries)
6. He said that most of 1100 employed that work from home would now have into work and if they didn’t like that seek alternative employment.(Harsh but maybe he’s right!)
7. He said that on a recent visit, he found the tidiness of the club offices, changing rooms were disgraceful. (Could have been handled more in house!)

The awards ceremony which are suppose to encompass all teams not just the Men’s would be cancelled so the team could concentrate on wining the FA CUP.

However the under 18’s youth team
have won a domestic treble, the Ladies team won their first piece of major silverware since being founded in 2018 and to brazenly just discard this because the men’s team have stunk the place out shows you how detached Sir Jim and his merrry men may be!

So like you I’m not quite sold on INEOS right now, we all know you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette but the clear detachment from the real world doesn’t bode well going forward and let me be clear here, Nice are currently 5th, last year they were 9th, the year before 5th, the year before that 9th, the very definition of a yo yo club!

Man United could still finish 9th this year however coming 5th next year with competent English Clubs in Europe should mean that we are back in the CL. If he thinks this is success with United, he needs to pack up and leave now?

Sir Jim needs a huge summer transfer window, and he needs sure things not maybe players who might come good, he needs players that seamlessly fit in, the delay at appointing Ashworth is not a great start just like our form plummeting since the David and Jim motivational Roadshow started at the end of February.

Talk is Cheap, let’s see how ambitious you really are Sir Jim because at any point if you wanted to inject another £200m of your money to rebuild the squad, now the time to do it, with no anchoring EPL rule to 25/26 and no premise of European qualification so UEFA 80%FSP rule would not apply to United, in the same way as it didn’t to Chelsea would allow the club to spend £300-350m this summer, but we all know that’s not going to happen as he has perfect excuse that the club tried that and did it wrongly which is why our way is right!
Not really impressed with two of their more immediate decisions.

The whole WFH fiasco just reeks of Ratcliffe being a bit of a boomer. It's especially audacious to ask them to come back when there isn't enough room for them there because some of the space got turned into hospitality. Also has there been any consideration at all for people who will have dramatically changed their lives due to WFH (got a pet, had a baby, moved house, etc..) only to have that torn away from them? Or any consideration for people with health issues that massively benefit from not having to commute/be in the office?

Cancelling the end of season awards dinner. The women's team just won the FA Cup and the U18s have been incredibly successful. What kind of message does this send to them? They don't matter?
Why do you care so much about WFH? Is that really your biggest focus right now? We are in a heavy crisis mode as a club (and company). Of course there need to be drastic measures now, and for that, people need to be present and approachable. Has nothing to do with being a boomer. Harsh on the others, yes, but the men's team is still the most important part of the club, and it is shit. So why would we judge the new owners about little things that do not matter but rather focus on what's really important. So far, they have done an excellent job and I personally care about the setup and success of the club on the pitch - everything else, all the nice add-ons, can come back once we're winning again. Like that other idiot fan who has a problem that the WAGs need to pay for their Wembley trip themselves now - how stupid can one be. I dont understand why anything else than success on the pitch (with a professional and top set up) matters right now and whoever employee does not like it, can resign and work somewhere else. It is a free market after all.
This is exactly what needs to be said by the fans, just because Ineos spent £1.4billion to buy 27.7% of the club and started with a whirlwind of PR;

Sir Jim said the following;
1. He wants to be at the top of football pyramid in 3 years! (Deluded beyond Question!)
2. He said the Club should have a new stadium that is the Wembley of the North and the club should be able to tap into the levelling up Fund. (More Delusion!)
3. He said just before he was rubber stamped on 20th February that the club was improving already and he was right the form from Xmas Eve to February 18th was very good and then it plummeted! (wonder why, maybe not improving the squad in January had something to do with that!)
4. He said Newcastle were not acting like gentleman with regard to Dan Ashworth in the same way City did allowing Omar Berada to join United.(What did he expect, then to roll over and just hand him over free)
5. He said the club would change the infrastructure and then the decide a style of play and the manager/Head coach would have to implement that.(You need 25/26 fit players to do that, why not look at the real reason for the injuries)
6. He said that most of 1100 employed that work from home would now have into work and if they didn’t like that seek alternative employment.(Harsh but maybe he’s right!)
7. He said that on a recent visit, he found the tidiness of the club offices, changing rooms were disgraceful. (Could have been handled more in house!)

The awards ceremony which are suppose to encompass all teams not just the Men’s would be cancelled so the team could concentrate on wining the FA CUP.

However the under 18’s youth team
have won a domestic treble, the Ladies team won their first piece of major silverware since being founded in 2018 and to brazenly just discard this because the men’s team have stunk the place out shows you how detached Sir Jim and his merrry men may be!

So like you I’m not quite sold on INEOS right now, we all know you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette but the clear detachment from the real world doesn’t bode well going forward and let me be clear here, Nice are currently 5th, last year they were 9th, the year before 5th, the year before that 9th, the very definition of a yo yo club!

Man United could still finish 9th this year however coming 5th next year with competent English Clubs in Europe should mean that we are back in the CL. If he thinks this is success with United, he needs to pack up and leave now?

Sir Jim needs a huge summer transfer window, and he needs sure things not maybe players who might come good, he needs players that seamlessly fit in, the delay at appointing Ashworth is not a great start just like our form plummeting since the David and Jim motivational Roadshow started at the end of February.

Talk is Cheap, let’s see how ambitious you really are Sir Jim because at any point if you wanted to inject another £200m of your money to rebuild the squad, now the time to do it, with no anchoring EPL rule to 25/26 and no premise of European qualification so UEFA 80%FSP rule United could spend £300-350m this summer, but we all know that’s not going to happen as he has perfect excuse that the club tried that and did it wrongly which is why our way is right!
Look at the table. Look at our setup. Look at our incompetence on various levels. Look at our facilities. Look at our stadium. If you think we should not be a bit drastic right now, the likes of you deserve to finish 8th or 9th.
SJR is a smart guy, and he knows how to make a company successful. People are in dreamland if you think it will be a romantic ride once you need to do a heavy turnaround and take this club back to glory again. I judge him only in 12 months, based on the manager, results, players bought and sold. The rest we will see
Why do you care so much about WFH? Is that really your biggest focus right now? We are in a heavy crisis mode as a club (and company). Of course there need to be drastic measures now, and for that, people need to be present and approachable. Has nothing to do with being a boomer. Harsh on the others, yes, but the men's team is still the most important part of the club, and it is shit. So why would we judge the new owners about little things that do not matter but rather focus on what's really important. So far, they have done an excellent job and I personally care about the setup and success of the club on the pitch - everything else, all the nice add-ons, can come back once we're winning again. Like that other idiot fan who has a problem that the WAGs need to pay for their Wembley trip themselves now - how stupid can one be. I dont understand why anything else than success on the pitch (with a professional and top set up) matters right now and whoever employee does not like it, can resign and work somewhere else. It is a free market after all.

Because how you treat others deemed 'beneath' what's most important shows what kind of person someone is.

Success on the pitch can also stem from an environment where everyone feels appreciated and listened to, and this goes all the way down to those who do the hard graft behind the scenes at the club and really keep it operating.

Imo there is a way to encourage people to come back without being callous, and still creating an environment where the expectations are much higher than they were. I understand there are certain roles where face to face is important but you can bet there's hundreds of others where it doesn't matter, and their only job is to keep Utd ticking, whether it be the nitty financials, tickets, parts of marketing, etc... I work from home in my own role and without what I do our company would grind to a halt, but it makes zero difference whether I am physically there or not. In fact I get less done when I go in. This kind of inflexibility just seems unnecessary to me.
And the moaning has begun. About time too, it's been what, 4 months?

I don't think there's anything wrong with voicing your opinions on certain decisions they've definitely made. It makes sense to hold off on judging on the football side but personally I'm not just going to ignore something I think is bad just because they own us.
The women’s team have already had an awards dinner separately and been presented with their awards. If they haven’t already I would be surprised if the academy doesn’t do the same at some point.

Whilst it would have been a nice ego boost for these teams to get their flowers from the club in the presence of the first team and hierarchy I do think this decision is correct.
Remember, we are trying to create an elite culture at the club and change the mindset.

Rewarding the abject failure of the men’s team this season with a glitzy dinner would send entirely the wrong message - the message that has been drilled home under the Glazers. “We’re mediocre but it’s okay because we’re still Man Utd!”
How have the women's team been given their awards when they haven't been awarded yet?
I don't think there's anything wrong with voicing your opinions on certain decisions they've definitely made. It makes sense to hold off on judging on the football side but personally I'm not just going to ignore something I think is bad just because they own us.
Exactly. Jim Ratcliffe is going to receive the exact same level of criticism as I would give the Glazers or any other owners. A bad decision is a bad decision, no matter who's making it, and wading into a situation and immediately forcing change on employees based on inklings about working practices in a totally different business is a bad decision.

Add forcing people into an office that can't accommodate them to poor salaries and temporary contracts, and you'll lose decent members of staff and be left with whoever happens to live a bit closer but no other organisation wants to employ.
If they're looking into how the club and stadium is staffed there's a lot of work to do, its a mess, things like working from home and scaling down Wembley trips are just the tip of the iceberg, Glazernomics have infested the place, I wouldn't be suprised if they go with an easier option and break things down and put entire departments out to tender. The club used to do certain things for kudos, now these things are becoming another stick to beat us with.
If they're looking into how the club and stadium is staffed there's a lot of work to do, its a mess, things like working from home and scaling down Wembley trips are just the tip of the iceberg, Glazernomics have infested the place, I wouldn't be suprised if they go with an easier option and break things down and put entire departments out to tender. The club used to do certain things for kudos, now these things are becoming another stick to beat us with.
Another thing Ratcliffe won't be aware of is the raft of excuses that have been made by management for years against improving facilities such as the shop and museum.

It's all very well him coming in and calling them 'crap', but the staff in those places have been strung along for a decade by senior management with the idea that there's no point investing in them because a new purpose-built facility in one of the car parks was on the horizon. It encouraged a cheap make-do and mend culture where you were almost literally being directed to paper over the cracks and denied cap-ex funds to make significant improvements.
Do we really know what's really wrong internally within the club to criticise SJR? The work culture, team work, spirit, performance and etc? If the system works we wouldn't be the laughing stock for more than a decade. Drastic changes need to be made if you want to see results to transform the club. We are running out of time and things need to be carried out at pace and at times need to be ruthless.

We have many problems, from IT Room mess, leaking roof and toilets, medical team, fitness and many more all need to have major reform. We are also running very close to FFP limits where cost cutting is a must.

There maybe many other problems which we don't know. Even SJR himself went to the stadium earlier to observe anything that can be improved on. When you take over a 6B business with a mandate to transform and modernising it, there will be a lot decision that may not be beneficial to some people but it's necessary to be carried out. He is not here to be Mr. Nice to please everyone. Even much larger corporations like Microsoft, Google, Facebook and whatnot retrenched people, cut benefits, reform and etc
Another thing Ratcliffe won't be aware of is the raft of excuses that have been made by management for years against improving facilities such as the shop and museum.

It's all very well him coming in and calling them 'crap', but the staff in those places have been strung along for a decade by senior management with the idea that there's no point investing in them because a new purpose-built facility in one of the car parks was on the horizon. It encouraged a cheap make-do and mend culture where you were almost literally being directed to paper over the cracks and denied cap-ex funds to make significant improvements.
Exactly, the elephant in the room that needs addressing is one group of owners are money oriented with little regard to overall standards the other group claim to be about operating at the highest possible standards and the staff are caught in the middle, trapped within a contradiction.
Look at the table. Look at our setup. Look at our incompetence on various levels. Look at our facilities. Look at our stadium. If you think we should not be a bit drastic right now, the likes of you deserve to finish 8th or 9th.

SJR is a smart guy, and he knows how to make a company successful. People are in dreamland if you think it will be a romantic ride once you need to do a heavy turnaround and take this club back to glory again. I judge him only in 12 months, based on the manager, results, players bought and sold. The rest we will see

No I completely agree with radical change but when your ladies team just thrash Spurs 4-0 and win their first domestic title you as joint owner must come out and congratulate the team as well.

If you can’t celebrate the victories you don’t deserve them in the first place, I’ve gone on record numerous occasions agreeing with reducing the costs at the club you can’t have a wage bill of £331m with turnover of £648m and make a loss of £41m net, that’s the pinnacle of how badly the club been run by incompetent fools.

But you can have two types of Billionaire football owners ?
1. Impatient
2. Impulsive (normally when your relying on too many voices to create a successful formula and those voices are not always alligned)

Our new Joint owner looks like he’s the deadly combination of both, he’s had 6 years at Nice and they’ve not made the top 3 once in a much less competitive league, I’m a huge fan of Sir Jim, but now he’s got the power stop playing at it, go get £200m from the £3billion cash reserve you have in the bank, pay Newcastle £12/15m for Dan Ashworth so he can start next week.

By all means be present at the first transfer meeting and express your wishes for the type of players you want to see next season, I applaud the new CFO appointment, but now the hard work starts, let Blanc and Berada manage out the 300 employees who are currently part of the problem, let them create org charts and structural changes, let Ashworth and Wilcox present a list of players that they believe will take the club forward and then do what strokes your ego, get on the phone to Glazer Rats, tell them that the club needs another £200m investment this summer for squad overhaul and your share allocation now goes up to 30/31%.

I keep hearing about we need 4 or 5 players and 8 or 9 need to go?

No we need 8 or 9 in including some free transfers and loan deals and need 12 to 13 to leave!

And for the record all United fans deserve the club to finish 8th or 9th because we support the club through the good and the bad times and this season is definitely one of those very dark bad times, yet when the new season starts, all of us will still be supporting the club.
No I completely agree with radical change but when your ladies team just thrash Spurs 4-0 and win their first domestic title you as joint owner must come out and congratulate the team as well.

If you can’t celebrate the victories you don’t deserve them in the first place, I’ve gone on record numerous occasions agreeing with reducing the costs at the club you can’t have a wage bill of £331m with turnover of £648m and make a loss of £41m net, that’s the pinnacle of how badly the club been run by incompetent fools.

But you can have two types of Billionaire football owners ?
1. Impatient
2. Impulsive (normally when your relying on too many voices to create a successful formula and those voices are not always alligned)

Our new Joint owner looks like he’s the deadly combination of both, he’s had 6 years at Nice and they’ve not made the top 3 once in a much less competitive league, I’m a huge fan of Sir Jim, but now he’s got the power stop playing at it, go get £200m from the £3billion cash reserve you have in the bank, pay Newcastle £12/15m for Dan Ashworth so he can start next week.

By all means be present at the first transfer meeting and express your wishes for the type of players you want to see next season, I applaud the new CFO appointment, but now the hard work starts, let Blanc and Berada manage out the 300 employees who are currently part of the problem, let them create org charts and structural changes, let Ashworth and Wilcox present a list of players that they believe will take the club forward and then do what strokes your ego, get on the phone to Glazer Rats, tell them that the club needs another £200m investment this summer for squad overhaul and your share allocation now goes up to 30/31%.

I keep hearing about we need 4 or 5 players and 8 or 9 need to go?

No we need 8 or 9 in including some free transfers and loan deals and need 12 to 13 to leave!

And for the record all United fans deserve the club to finish 8th or 9th because we support the club through the good and the bad times and this season is definitely one of those very dark bad times, yet when the new season starts, all of us will still be supporting the club.
They already had their dinner, as stated above. So no issue there. SJR just took over, and so far, he has done more, or at least we go into the right direction, compared to the Glazers.
Because how you treat others deemed 'beneath' what's most important shows what kind of person someone is.

Success on the pitch can also stem from an environment where everyone feels appreciated and listened to, and this goes all the way down to those who do the hard graft behind the scenes at the club and really keep it operating.

Imo there is a way to encourage people to come back without being callous, and still creating an environment where the expectations are much higher than they were. I understand there are certain roles where face to face is important but you can bet there's hundreds of others where it doesn't matter, and their only job is to keep Utd ticking, whether it be the nitty financials, tickets, parts of marketing, etc... I work from home in my own role and without what I do our company would grind to a halt, but it makes zero difference whether I am physically there or not. In fact I get less done when I go in. This kind of inflexibility just seems unnecessary to me.
How has he treated anyone poorly "beneath" him? By telling them to come back to the office? Give me a break
Exactly, the elephant in the room that needs addressing is one group of owners are money oriented with little regard to overall standards the other group claim to be about operating at the highest possible standards and the staff are caught in the middle, trapped within a contradiction.
I don’t think so. There was the old way, and now the new way. As Sir Jim has said if you aren’t onboard with the new way you are free to final alternative employment. There is no room for sentiment here, it’s just business.
Insulting another member
How has he treated anyone poorly "beneath" him? By telling them to come back to the office? Give me a break
Cuckoo isn’t it. Poor wet wipe wants to work fwrom home :’(
I don’t think so. There was the old way, and now the new way. As Sir Jim has said if you aren’t onboard with the new way you are free to final alternative employment. There is no room for sentiment here, it’s just business.
Pure shite workers have got rights fella we ain’t in the United States I’ve said before in this thread a lot of employees at united are probably minimum wage a good employer should treat every member of staff with respect
They already had their dinner, as stated above. So no issue there. SJR just took over, and so far, he has done more, or at least we go into the right direction, compared to the Glazers.
When? There's been no coverage of it. The fan votes are still underway.

MU Foundation who run the girls academy teams have had a party for their U16s - is that what you read?
Because how you treat others deemed 'beneath' what's most important shows what kind of person someone is.
I feel like you’ve got this all wrong. It’s not about us and them or Ratcliffe lording it over the plebs.
This is simply about introducing a new way of working and introducing new standards. These measures say ‘this is how we are going to work moving forwards’. It’s putting people straight in the picture and getting off on the right foot. If you pussyfoot about introducing standards in dribs and drabs the first changes will have slipped before you implemented the next ones. And the sooner these changes are effected the sooner standards will rise.
It is not exactly wrong to ask them all to come into work, it is wrong if there are not enough facilities to cater for them all to come back to work. I imagine they might have taken more staff on when they did need folk to work from home. It is likely a way of laying some off to bring the staff figures more into line but making it the staffs own decision to go.
Pure shite workers have got rights fella we ain’t in the United States I’ve said before in this thread a lot of employees at united are probably minimum wage a good employer should treat every member of staff with respect
It doesn’t matter how much someone is paid, respect should be universal.
As for workers rights, WFH isn’t one of them in law currently. As long as it’s handled reasonably by the employer a worker will struggle to refuse to come back to the office.
For a self made billionaire running a 6B football club and 60B corporation (Ineos), I think he knows what he is doing whether you like it or not. He has the capabilities and experience to save the club. We need to trust his methods. He has been doing this successfully all his life. This will be a painful period but necessary for total reform. It's no different from any other big companies that need to be saved/reformed.
For a self made billionaire running a 6B football club and 60B corporation (Ineos), I think he knows what he is doing whether you like it or not. He has the capabilities and experience to save the club. We need to trust his methods. He has been doing this successfully all his life. This will be a painful period but necessary for total reform. It's no different from any other big companies that need to be saved/reformed.
Quite right.
Because how you treat others deemed 'beneath' what's most important shows what kind of person someone is.

Success on the pitch can also stem from an environment where everyone feels appreciated and listened to, and this goes all the way down to those who do the hard graft behind the scenes at the club and really keep it operating.

Imo there is a way to encourage people to come back without being callous, and still creating an environment where the expectations are much higher than they were. I understand there are certain roles where face to face is important but you can bet there's hundreds of others where it doesn't matter, and their only job is to keep Utd ticking, whether it be the nitty financials, tickets, parts of marketing, etc... I work from home in my own role and without what I do our company would grind to a halt, but it makes zero difference whether I am physically there or not. In fact I get less done when I go in. This kind of inflexibility just seems unnecessary to me.

I agree with this to an extent. Go ham on the men’s team and the first team staff. They will know they have been far from good enough and are all set for life or will at least find high paying jobs relatively easy. The PR about the club staff and tightening up is cheap though. I’d prefer all that was kept in house and I would rather a billionaire had at least a bit more class when publicly addressing this stuff. These guys have all had bosses feeding into the glazers, ie one hand tied behind their backs. Yes there will be some people who weren’t performing but once again that can be kept in house and dealt with in a more sensitive manner
I agree with this to an extent. Go ham on the men’s team and the first team staff. They will know they have been far from good enough and are all set for life or will at least find high paying jobs relatively easy. The PR about the club staff and tightening up is cheap though. I’d prefer all that was kept in house and I would rather a billionaire had at least a bit more class when publicly addressing this stuff. These guys have all had bosses feeding into the glazers, ie one hand tied behind their backs. Yes there will be some people who weren’t performing but once again that can be kept in house and dealt with in a more sensitive manner
This is Manchester United, it’s not just our stadium that leaks. :wenger:
I doubt Ratcliffes emails were intended to be public, as it’s pretty ordinary stuff in any business but at Utd it’s leaked to the press and blown out of proportion. I don’t think we have an ability to ‘keep it in house’ at the moment.
I don't think there's anything wrong with voicing your opinions on certain decisions they've definitely made. It makes sense to hold off on judging on the football side but personally I'm not just going to ignore something I think is bad just because they own us.
Agreed. Very few people have judged them negatively on the actual performances of the team and transfers because that's not sensible.

People are allowed to disagree/agree with other stuff in the meantime while holding out judgement on the full picture and give them a season or two to for that.
The Glazers were more generous and compassionate with staff it appears. Less so better business people.

It's not that SJR is a better owner.

Well, depending on how you see it. Glazers are destroying the company and ultimately the employees jobs.

SJR is building a strong and sustainable company for the employees long term benefits.
I don’t think so. There was the old way, and now the new way. As Sir Jim has said if you aren’t onboard with the new way you are free to final alternative employment. There is no room for sentiment here, it’s just business.
I can't imagine there's many that aren't on-board with ineos but you can't pick a side when both are still very much a factor in how you are able to perform, years of cutting corners can't be erased by rhetoric. We all want the best for the club but the existing staff need to be recognised for their endurance not chastised because its easier to publicly throw them under the bus than critise the Glazers.
I can't imagine there's many that aren't on-board with ineos but you can't pick a side when both are still very much a factor in how you are able to perform, years of cutting corners can't be erased by rhetoric. We all want the best for the club but the existing staff need to be recognised for their endurance not chastised because its easier to publicly throw them under the bus than critise the Glazers.
It’s not rhetoric. It’s clearly a very concrete raising of standards to address that historic corner cutting. It’s also not a case that the staff are picking a side. Simply the must work the way INEOS want or they will find alternative employment. Sounds harsh but it’s fairly straightforward really. As you say many will be onboard and enthused by the new standards and they will also recognise improvements in the workplace and the need for change.
I feel like you’ve got this all wrong. It’s not about us and them or Ratcliffe lording it over the plebs.
This is simply about introducing a new way of working and introducing new standards. These measures say ‘this is how we are going to work moving forwards’. It’s putting people straight in the picture and getting off on the right foot. If you pussyfoot about introducing standards in dribs and drabs the first changes will have slipped before you implemented the next ones. And the sooner these changes are effected the sooner standards will rise.

There's no wrong or right here. It's just my opinion on the way it's been handled. You've got staff who've likely been there for years who have been told they can work from home and have likely made adjustments in their lives in those 3/4 years that would make going back permanently a lot more difficult. A grace period could have been a better way to do this but to basically order them in by Monday or find new jobs is incredibly harsh and won't make people feel very appreciated. These people aren't footballers. They don't need to have elite mentalities. They're allowed to want to feel heard and that the club can allow them some flexibility because life happens.

It is not exactly wrong to ask them all to come into work, it is wrong if there are not enough facilities to cater for them all to come back to work. I imagine they might have taken more staff on when they did need folk to work from home. It is likely a way of laying some off to bring the staff figures more into line but making it the staffs own decision to go.

Yeah I just think it's a harsh way to lay them off, forcing them to essentially quit. There's been very little consideration for those who WFH provided a great benefit, those who improve when WFH and those who may have adjusted their lives to suit that since 2020. According to the articles it was all based on a lack of email traffic which feels a bit silly.
There's no wrong or right here. It's just my opinion on the way it's been handled. You've got staff who've likely been there for years who have been told they can work from home and have likely made adjustments in their lives in those 3/4 years that would make going back permanently a lot more difficult. A grace period could have been a better way to do this but to basically order them in by Monday or find new jobs is incredibly harsh and won't make people feel very appreciated. These people aren't footballers. They don't need to have elite mentalities. They're allowed to want to feel heard and that the club can allow them some flexibility because life happens.

Yeah I just think it's a harsh way to lay them off, forcing them to essentially quit. There's been very little consideration for those who WFH provided a great benefit, those who improve when WFH and those who may have adjusted their lives to suit that since 2020. According to the articles it was all based on a lack of email traffic which feels a bit silly.
These people work for Manchester United, not the other way round. The club pay their wages and it’s reasonable for the club to expect certain standards - if one of those is working in the office not at home then so be it.
With specific reference to the emails thing, it was another part of INEOS’s business where a distinct drop in email traffic on a Friday highlighted people taking the mickey with WFH. Whilst that doesn’t necessary reflect what’s going on with Utd staff, it’s not unreasonable to expect them to fall inline with INEOS working practises now they are running the club.