Cole Palmer | Chelsea Player

Feck sake Gareth you have no Maddison or Wilson so why not call him and JWP up
According to Pep he was adamant about leaving, he asked him to stay even tried convincing him with Mahrez leaving.

He probably knew that despite Mahrez leaving his chances of getting any significant playing time was very limited.

Palmer's already played more PL minutes for Chelsea (605) than he ever did for Man City (489). That's quite a stat considering he's only been with us for a couple of months and the fact he was part of the first team squad at City for two full seasons. For the good of his career his adamancy to leave seems to have been well placed.
Really is shit that we have spent 160 odd million on Sancho and Antony - both out to be crap - and this guy shines for Chelsea almost instantly. I’m not sure whether he has top player potential but he looks a threat which Id love to see in one of our wingers.
He's a good player, and I think he'll be very good for Chelsea until his mid 20s and then that rangy pace of his will level off and he'll go into mediocrity.
Really is shit that we have spent 160 odd million on Sancho and Antony - both out to be crap - and this guy shines for Chelsea almost instantly. I’m not sure whether he has top player potential but he looks a threat which Id love to see in one of our wingers.
I mean, it's not as though we only signed Palmer. We've wasted far more money than you.

Palmer does look to be a good signing but as my old nan used to say, of you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it will stick.
Really is shit that we have spent 160 odd million on Sancho and Antony - both out to be crap - and this guy shines for Chelsea almost instantly. I’m not sure whether he has top player potential but he looks a threat which Id love to see in one of our wingers.
I think we'd get a few right if we spent 4.5 billion like they have.
Really is shit that we have spent 160 odd million on Sancho and Antony - both out to be crap - and this guy shines for Chelsea almost instantly. I’m not sure whether he has top player potential but he looks a threat which Id love to see in one of our wingers.

To add to the "throw enough shit at a wall" replies you've already had why not compare Palmer with a player we signed that plays the same position? The one who is currently the top scorer in this season's Champions League?
We have £100M worth of wingers sitting on the bench. Palmer working out is great but we still spent an eye watering amount on Mudryk and Madueke for very very little return so far.
Palmer, Sterling in current form, Nkunku & Jackson are a forward line that should be exciting to watch, with a little bit of everything in there.
To add to the "throw enough shit at a wall" replies you've already had why not compare Palmer with a player we signed that plays the same position? The one who is currently the top scorer in this season's Champions League?
I don’t want us emulating Chelsea or look at them as some sort of standard to aspire to. They’ve been terrible in the market for awhile now. Just a comparison of his short and quick impact (let’s see if it actually lasts) in isolation to our useless winger signings. I didn’t realise he was splaying at CF as I’ve been catching highlights only - is that his usual position or just a necessity at Chelsea due to them not having a 9?
To add to the "throw enough shit at a wall" replies you've already had why not compare Palmer with a player we signed that plays the same position? The one who is currently the top scorer in this season's Champions League?
I don’t want us emulating Chelsea or look at them as some sort of standard to aspire to. They’ve been terrible in the market for awhile now. Just a comparison of his short and quick impact (let’s see if it actually lasts) in isolation to our useless winger signings. I didn’t realise he was splaying at CF as I’ve been catching highlights only - is that his usual position or just a necessity at Chelsea due to them not having a 9?

He's played as a false 9 at times this season (notably against Arsenal) but he's predominantly a right winger.
Does "clear of" mean "better than"? If so, this season, sure. In the two season's Mount won our player of the year, obviously not.

Im talking in general in terms of attributes, Palmer has better dribbling ability, ball retention, passing and creativity.
Even his work rate and pressing is as good. Palmer has all ready overtaken Mounts all time PL assists in 114 less games.
And that second player of the season award was funny, Rudiger and Silva were robbed. The first one was fully deserved though.
Mount was a cracking player for Chelsea. Doesn't take you long to move on

Not the last 2 seasons he wasn't. Moved on? never that fussed he left. Gallagher gives you everything Mount does we dont miss him.
Not the last 2 seasons he wasn't. Moved on? never that fussed he left. Gallagher gives you everything Mount does we dont miss him.
In the last 2 seasons? The guy got 11 goals and 10 assists in 32 Premier League games in the 2021-22 season. I think he's a bit of a knob but he was quality for us until his last season.
Moved on yes. Yous are 10th in the league after 12 games and Cole Palmer and Conor Gallagher are already better than 2 time player of the year and Champions League winner for you Mason Mount

Are you trying to tell me every Chelsea fan has to rate Mason Mount?.
Gallagher and Mount are similar players, with similar attributes. Thats why i said we dont miss Mount.
Moved on yes. Yous are 10th in the league after 12 games and Cole Palmer and Conor Gallagher are already better than 2 time player of the year and Champions League winner for you Mason Mount
Problem with this is, Mount is nowhere near at the level he was back then.
Are you trying to tell me every Chelsea fan has to rate Mason Mount?.
Gallagher and Mount are similar players, with similar attributes. Thats why i said we dont miss Mount.
Only those with eyes who watch the games.

And no, that's not only what you said. But you know that of course.
Problem with this is, Mount is nowhere near at the level he was back then.
Because he’s barely played. Meanwhile Gallagher has had what? 4 games in a season and a half where he want being pillared by his own fanbase.
Can you at least win 2 in a row before we pretend to get deep with these discussions?
What since 2022?
Wasn’t he injured for large parts of last season, so yes?
Even if you argue against that It’s such a strange conversation because Gallagher and the rest of your team was just as shit last season as you will undoubtedly say Mount was so Conor doesn’t even get a pass on that. Mount was more productive in a shit team than Conor was as a teammate.

If you want to stay a mid table side then keep Gallagher in there but the hysteria Im reading from a 1 win in 4 team is hilarious. It’ll take a lot more than “well at least we didn’t lose that game” mentality for any of these player to be better than the players you’ve sold who performed for you over the last couple of seasons.
Wasn’t he injured for large parts of last season, so yes?
Even if you argue against that It’s such a strange conversation because Gallagher and the rest of your team was just as shit last season as you will undoubtedly say Mount was so Conor doesn’t even get a pass on that. Mount was more productive in a shit team than Conor was as a teammate.

If you want to stay a mid table side then keep Gallagher in there but the hysteria Im reading from a 1 win in 4 team is hilarious. It’ll take a lot more than “well at least we didn’t lose that game” mentality for any of these player to be better than the players you’ve sold who performed for you over the last couple of seasons.

You always have to use annoying bait language like 'hysteria' with your bait takes :lol:

This was a calm thread before you and Jakko started slinging shit everywhere, lowering the level of conversation to primary school playground chat.
We have £100M worth of wingers sitting on the bench. Palmer working out is great but we still spent an eye watering amount on Mudryk and Madueke for very very little return so far.

Would you like to swap them for Sancho and Antony?
Wasn’t he injured for large parts of last season, so yes?
Even if you argue against that It’s such a strange conversation because Gallagher and the rest of your team was just as shit last season as you will undoubtedly say Mount was so Conor doesn’t even get a pass on that. Mount was more productive in a shit team than Conor was as a teammate.

If you want to stay a mid table side then keep Gallagher in there but the hysteria Im reading from a 1 win in 4 team is hilarious. It’ll take a lot more than “well at least we didn’t lose that game” mentality for any of these player to be better than the players you’ve sold who performed for you over the last couple of seasons.
Speaking of thinking Mount is shit I assume you still don't think Weghorst is a better 10 than him?

He's dropped off since 2021, even at the end of 21/22 with the odd exceptions he looked a shadow of the energetic lad that broke through under Lampard and peaked under Tuchel.

And even if he didn't, it's a very odd signing from United, unless the plan was replacing Bruno? Ironically Gallagher should have been the player you targeted if you were looking to shoehorn an attack minded player into the double pivot.
You always have to use annoying bait language like 'hysteria' with your bait takes :lol:

This was a calm thread before you and Jakko started slinging shit everywhere, lowering the level of conversation to primary school playground chat.
It’s not bait. I’ve been correct every step of the way! Bit hysterical of you there @WeePat

Here’s my honest opinion, I do think something is there for you lot but it’s not top 4/5 level so any process you make is a waste of time. It’s the same as when Potter had you playing well and you just couldn’t score (as I was constantly told). Potters front 3 wasn’t good enough at any level, it wasn’t good enough after January and even now you’ll have to forge into the market to sign better attackers and not just better but suited to how you finally settled into playing as well. It does not matter how well this team meshes, you need an entire new front 3 and that completely changes the dynamic of any side meaning you’ll be in for an even longer integration process and that’s if the 3 attackers are even successful.

Not just that but Nkunku has to be integrated so that’s Gallagher out of the team since you aren’t dropping Caciedo or Enzo and neither can be in a midfield two with Conor anyway.

My biggest example would be Casemiro / Eriksen and Weghorst from last season. Look at how we’re stuck when we had one good season but had to move on from those 3 this season, we’ve gone back about 10 steps trying to relearn how to play Ten Hag football again. Our most creative player in Bruno can’t find Hojlund because it takes so much time to build up that synergy.
That’s why I can’t help jumping in when I see posts claiming this and that for you lot when results aren’t even backing you up!
It’s not bait. I’ve been correct every step of the way! Bit hysterical of you there @WeePat

Here’s my honest opinion, I do think something is there for you lot but it’s not top 4/5 level so any process you make is a waste of time. It’s the same as when Potter had you playing well and you just couldn’t score (as I was constantly told). Potters front 3 wasn’t good enough at any level, it wasn’t good enough after January and even now you’ll have to forge into the market to sign better attackers and not just better but suited to how you finally settled into playing as well. It does not matter how well this team meshes, you need an entire new front 3 and that completely changes the dynamic of any side meaning you’ll be in for an even longer integration process and that’s if the 3 attackers are even successful.

Not just that but Nkunku has to be integrated so that’s Gallagher out of the team since you aren’t dropping Caciedo or Enzo and neither can be in a midfield two with Conor anyway.

My biggest example would be Casemiro / Eriksen and Weghorst from last season. Look at how we’re stuck when we had one good season but had to move on from those 3 this season, we’ve gone back about 10 steps trying to relearn how to play Ten Hag football again. Our most creative player in Bruno can’t find Hojlund because it takes so much time to build up that synergy.
That’s why I can’t help jumping in when I see posts claiming this and that for you lot when results aren’t even backing you up!

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We are 9 points off 5th place with half the season to play. Most of the first half we had more than half the starters injured. The team is starting to play as a unit. There is no need for a new front three. Jackson/Nkunku Sterling and Palmer is fine. If Nkunku settles into the 10 spot after being integrated to the squad, There is no reason why Connor, Enzo, and Caicado cannot rotate. All of this assumes everyone stays healthy, which has not happened for us in a long time. There is a reason there is a lot of optimism about the second half of the season. We will need to see how it plays out.
He probably knew that despite Mahrez leaving his chances of getting any significant playing time was very limited.

Palmer's already played more PL minutes for Chelsea (605) than he ever did for Man City (489). That's quite a stat considering he's only been with us for a couple of months and the fact he was part of the first team squad at City for two full seasons. For the good of his career his adamancy to leave seems to have been well placed.

No way he'd have played as much at City but he still would have played a lot, I mean he'll play every minute at Chelsea. No one at City bar Haaland and Rodri gets that luxury. I don't even think he was wrong to leave, just saying he was told if he stayed he'd play more and chose to leave anyway. A lot of folk are acting like City just binned him off, truth is he wanted to leave, not the other way round.
No way he'd have played as much at City but he still would have played a lot, I mean he'll play every minute at Chelsea. No one at City bar Haaland and Rodri gets that luxury. I don't even think he was wrong to leave, just saying he was told if he stayed he'd play more and chose to leave anyway. A lot of folk are acting like City just binned him off, truth is he wanted to leave, not the other way round.
Fair play to him for that.
I’ve read similar that he was adamant on leaving. If he turns into a superstar then it’s still a decent fee for a relatively unproven player at that point.
Maybe city will regret it in the long run but we’ve all had situations like that and if he couldn’t get guaranteed playing time then it’s the best move for all concerned.
Not like city will struggle without him
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We are 9 points off 5th place with half the season to play. Most of the first half we had more than half the starters injured. The team is starting to play as a unit. There is no need for a new front three. Jackson/Nkunku Sterling and Palmer is fine. If Nkunku settles into the 10 spot after being integrated to the squad, There is no reason why Connor, Enzo, and Caicado cannot rotate. All of this assumes everyone stays healthy, which has not happened for us in a long time. There is a reason there is a lot of optimism about the second half of the season. We will need to see how it plays out.
There’s too many ifs involved here and big assumptions that aren’t realistic imo. In the next 3 league games there’s every chance you’re looking down near the relegation zone than 10th because you simply don’t win enough games. Even now in your supposed good form it’s not happening, it’s 3 home games in a row without a win. This optimism of playing well in big games had exactly 1 win against these teams which isn’t a great return when you still struggle so badly against smaller sides.
To me it just reads like a mid table team who raises their game for the big boys without quite beating them or occasionally gets a win ala Brentford. The top sides (i include us in it) simply don’t drop enough points v lower sides that absolutely kills you. After your next 3 tough games you have Everton away which really looks like a home banker to me.
But we’ll see I suppose.
Looks a really good player to be honest. England have got about as good a squad as they’ve had in my lifetime.
Looks a really good player to be honest. England have got about as good a squad as they’ve had in my lifetime.
It a never ending conveyor belt of quality but they really need to produce a Kane replacement pretty soon
It a never ending conveyor belt of quality but they really need to produce a Kane replacement pretty soon
Kane's going to be ticking along for another 5-6 years, Lewa and Benzama style (if not Ronaldo longevity), barring serious injury. Combination of discipline and (in footballing terms at least - the whole Chingford everyman lisp probably makes us under-rate this even now) intelligence means we could be seeing him lead the line in 2028, hopefully post-Southgate and with a quicker CB replacing Maguire, a settled technical no.8 alongside Rice etc.
Wasn’t he injured for large parts of last season, so yes?
Even if you argue against that It’s such a strange conversation because Gallagher and the rest of your team was just as shit last season as you will undoubtedly say Mount was so Conor doesn’t even get a pass on that. Mount was more productive in a shit team than Conor was as a teammate.

If you want to stay a mid table side then keep Gallagher in there but the hysteria Im reading from a 1 win in 4 team is hilarious. It’ll take a lot more than “well at least we didn’t lose that game” mentality for any of these player to be better than the players you’ve sold who performed for you over the last couple of seasons.
Would you do a swap tomorrow or would you give Mount a bit more time?
Only those with eyes who watch the games.

And no, that's not only what you said. But you know that of course.

Thats exactly what i said.
And the irony of you saying that when you called Mount a boring player on this forum. Your own manager isn't starting him but apparently 'Only those with eyes" rate him.
Mount along with Jorginho were 2 of the most polarising players in the fanbase online.
That misplace though ball he did VS Fulham the other week, I have seen so many times before and is one of the reasons alot of Chelsea fans didn't rate him.
In the last 2 seasons? The guy got 11 goals and 10 assists in 32 Premier League games in the 2021-22 season. I think he's a bit of a knob but he was quality for us until his last season.

His general all round play that season wasn't good in my opinion. 6 of those goals came VS Norwich and Leeds. When we played the top teams in the PL his performances were usually underwhelming.