Cristiano Ronaldo leaves by mutual agreement | SIUUU Later

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Mutual consent means an agreement was made. Ronaldo isn’t agreeing to getting the boot with no payout.

Of course he could be. 6 months on the bench for a 37 year old is no way to finish a career. United hold all the cards.
He would cause more harm than good. It benefits Utd in no way to keep him till summer. We would be paying him silly wages, he would have a terrible attitude and disrupt the squad and he would be useless every time he plays.
Ok Chief! time will give him what he deserves for this circus i think, but you are right, the club is always first.
When he left Juve he posted a long ass statement about all his memories and we basically get a line. I know this is different circumstances and he might write or say something else but fans deserve more.

Shocking ending to his career, he couldn't handle aging and not scoring.

Was an absolute legend in hsi first spell, he and the clcub can be proud of the trophies and progress made towards making him the best player in the world. I personally have no problem with his departure first time round, he left to jpin his dream club after grea success here and we got a record fee (obviously too small looking back)

I think it was a mistake signing him when we did....the bigger need was a central midfielder, but I was happy we did. Lets not forget he was our best player last season, kept us in Europe and got a good goals reord, especially for a veteran...he did better than Ibra and Cavani who got a lot of praise, we were obviously not signing the old ROnaldo...he did well.

As for his interview. The first part I thought a lot of what he said oudl be agreed with, the club has stood still (gone backwards) since he left, i wasnt being ran well for sucess, there was maybe some treatment that wasnt compassionate.....

However at the end of the first part I did think, anybody who has riticised him...he has slated. And there criticism was jsutified with what they said. Anybody who sasid nice things he lauded...yet he said he never criticises others....erm

The fact is, he shouldnt have doen the interview as a player still at the club...and the secodn part of the interfview, he let himself down badly.

His talk of being oo good to ome on for 3mins, criticism of the manager for nto respecting him, slating of ex-team mates who had ritiised his behaviour, rightly you are on £500k a weeek and a professional, if you are told to play for 30seconds you do it, you havent performed well enough in your opportunities this season to justify the arrogance irrespective of your history.

He will always be a legend of the club but its sad the way it has ended and that is down to HIM....but at the end of the day, its good for us, he has shown signs both mentally and physically of being unable or unwanting (which he pretty much admitted) of reaching alst seasons performanes, which thoughgood, still dont jsutify the salary even with what he brings in terms of marketing. It is good for us he leaves now too....what is important is that we sign a long term quality forward now, not a short term one which we have done for the last few seasons.

Thanks for th ememories Ronaldo, thank you for last season....but feck you for the second aprt of that interview and why it was engineered bringing publicity to that utter weazel of a man Morgan

Was an absolute legend in hsi first spell, he and the clcub can be proud of the trophies and progress made towards making him the best player in the world. I personally have no problem with his departure first time round, he left to jpin his dream club after grea success here and we got a record fee (obviously too small looking back)

I think it was a mistake signing him when we did....the bigger need was a central midfielder, but I was happy we did. Lets not forget he was our best player last season, kept us in Europe and got a good goals reord, especially for a veteran...he did better than Ibra and Cavani who got a lot of praise, we were obviously not signing the old ROnaldo...he did well.

As for his interview. The first part I thought a lot of what he said oudl be agreed with, the club has stood still (gone backwards) since he left, i wasnt being ran well for sucess, there was maybe some treatment that wasnt compassionate.....

However at the end of the first part I did think, anybody who has riticised him...he has slated. And there criticism was jsutified with what they said. Anybody who sasid nice things he lauded...yet he said he never criticises others....erm

The fact is, he shouldnt have doen the interview as a player still at the club...and the secodn part of the interfview, he let himself down badly.

His talk of being oo good to ome on for 3mins, criticism of the manager for nto respecting him, slating of ex-team mates who had ritiised his behaviour, rightly you are on £500k a weeek and a professional, if you are told to play for 30seconds you do it, you havent performed well enough in your opportunities this season to justify the arrogance irrespective of your history.

He will always be a legend of the club but its sad the way it has ended and that is down to HIM....but at the end of the day, its good for us, he has shown signs both mentally and physically of being unable or unwanting (which he pretty much admitted) of reaching alst seasons performanes, which thoughgood, still dont jsutify the salary even with what he brings in terms of marketing. It is good for us he leaves now too....what is important is that we sign a long term quality forward now, not a short term one which we have done for the last few seasons.

Thanks for th ememories Ronaldo, thank you for last season....but feck you for the second aprt of that interview and why it was engineered bringing publicity to that utter weazel of a man Morgan
I don’t see him as a club legend
Who would have guessed Ronaldo would get his face off the United player profiles page before Greenwood.

Was an absolute legend in hsi first spell, he and the clcub can be proud of the trophies and progress made towards making him the best player in the world. I personally have no problem with his departure first time round, he left to jpin his dream club after grea success here and we got a record fee (obviously too small looking back)

I think it was a mistake signing him when we did....the bigger need was a central midfielder, but I was happy we did. Lets not forget he was our best player last season, kept us in Europe and got a good goals reord, especially for a veteran...he did better than Ibra and Cavani who got a lot of praise, we were obviously not signing the old ROnaldo...he did well.

As for his interview. The first part I thought a lot of what he said oudl be agreed with, the club has stood still (gone backwards) since he left, i wasnt being ran well for sucess, there was maybe some treatment that wasnt compassionate.....

However at the end of the first part I did think, anybody who has riticised him...he has slated. And there criticism was jsutified with what they said. Anybody who sasid nice things he lauded...yet he said he never criticises others....erm

The fact is, he shouldnt have doen the interview as a player still at the club...and the secodn part of the interfview, he let himself down badly.

His talk of being oo good to ome on for 3mins, criticism of the manager for nto respecting him, slating of ex-team mates who had ritiised his behaviour, rightly you are on £500k a weeek and a professional, if you are told to play for 30seconds you do it, you havent performed well enough in your opportunities this season to justify the arrogance irrespective of your history.

He will always be a legend of the club but its sad the way it has ended and that is down to HIM....but at the end of the day, its good for us, he has shown signs both mentally and physically of being unable or unwanting (which he pretty much admitted) of reaching alst seasons performanes, which thoughgood, still dont jsutify the salary even with what he brings in terms of marketing. It is good for us he leaves now too....what is important is that we sign a long term quality forward now, not a short term one which we have done for the last few seasons.

Thanks for th ememories Ronaldo, thank you for last season....but feck you for the second aprt of that interview and why it was engineered bringing publicity to that utter weazel of a man Morgan

What makes his return last season better than Ibra’s? I can’t remember but was Ibra on pens? Also that period Ronaldo went on last season with no goals and terrible performances was painful. A strong finish to the season it must be said where as Ibra’s was cut short.

It would be good to see a Ibra 16/17 vs Ronaldo 21/22 comparison or analysis.
Firstly, good riddance.

More importantly, though, what do I do now with 24 CR7 boxers I own (excellent quality needs to be said) :lol:
When he left Juve he posted a long ass statement about all his memories and we basically get a line. I know this is different circumstances and he might write or say something else but fans deserve more.

Shocking ending to his career, he couldn't handle aging and not scoring.
To be fair we got more than a line. We got 2 hours of drivel come out of his mouth.
Firstly, good riddance.

More importantly, though, what do I do now with 24 CR7 boxers I own (excellent quality needs to be said) :lol:
All the more reason to shit in your pants now! Don’t wash them either.
Morgan wouldnt mind him at Arsenal he said.

feck me this channel is tailor made for the worst figures in the history of British media. Jeremy Kyle interviewing Piers Morgan about Cristiano Ronaldo is other-dimensional.

Ronaldo is someone I see as lingering in these weirdo reactionary right wing spaces since he went all Jordan Peterson on us.
feck me this channel is tailor made for the worst figures in the history of British media. Jeremy Kyle interviewing Piers Morgan about Cristiano Ronaldo is other-dimensional.

Ronaldo is someone I see as lingering in these weirdo reactionary right wing spaces since he went all Jordan Peterson on us.
The fact that Ronaldo only likes Piers because he praises him unmitigatedly and Piers only does so because Reinaldo giving him the same in return is sickening. Piers was a Messi ‘fanboy’ before. They literally like (or pretend to like) each other due to expediency. Piers enjoys the attention that Messi, who has much more class, wouldn’t ever give him. Ronaldo loves the unthinking admiration.

Morgan wouldnt mind him at Arsenal he said.

Piers Morgan looks gutted. He'll have wanted this to drag out for another few weeks at least, so his interview could get the maximum amount of clicks and publicity. With the double news today that Ronaldo is gone and the club (or at least a portion of it) is up for sale, this interview will be buried and forgotten about overnight.

"Please go to YouTube and watch it, pleeeeeaaassseee!" Feck off Jeremy, you shouty tit.
What makes his return last season better than Ibra’s? I can’t remember but was Ibra on pens? Also that period Ronaldo went on last season with no goals and terrible performances was painful. A strong finish to the season it must be said where as Ibra’s was cut short.

It would be good to see a Ibra 16/17 vs Ronaldo 21/22 comparison or analysis.

Zlatan won us a Cup. A domestic cup I accept.
Watching Piers and Jeremy Kyle talking is literally like having two idiots with megaphones going through a transfer windows worth of headlines from the Sun, Mail and Star one after the other. They talk entirely in gutter rag headlines.
Am I the only one that wants to know whether we’ve been done financially?!? Are we having to pay £10m for his parting comment about always having affection for the club?? Makes me sick to think it’s the fans money - paying for TV, shirts and tickets - that he’s walking off with and nobody even seems to care. This only works as a win for the club if we didn’t let him rob us! Otherwise who’s going to go on Tele at our expense next?

Why are you such a one-eyed doom and gloom merchant? You set up a false premise (as we didn't pay him off) and then complain about it as if it were true.
Am glad he has left the club but what sort of precedence does this set? Can any player that wants to leave now sh*t on the club, get his contract cancelled and sign for someone else on a free?
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