Dalot or AWB?

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Dalot is a nothing player but AWB is an absolute travesty. I feel like we could actually get some money for him though, so I’d keep Dalot from the two of them. Personally I’d sign a right back and rotate him with Laird rather than watch either of them again.
Dalot. And he isn’t very good. AWB should consider a different sport and some driving lessons.

That's ETH's criteria. Now perhaps we all should start from that. Who has the closest attributes?
Both below standard, but on current form I'd have to say Dalot. Agree with others that I'd like to see Laird or another youth player be given a true chance to lock down a role in the two-deep at RB, but hard to say whether that will happen in ETH's first year.
Dalot is raw as feck but he has a first touch and can pick out a pass. There's more for a good coach to work with there than there is with AWB who is just far too technically limited.
I think it'll be easier to teach Dalot positioning and defensive tenacity. AWB is a former winger that literally tripped over the ball. He can't go forward, however, for a bottom half team he be outstanding in the low block.
Both have to go.

I can hold my hands up and say I was a big fan of Bissaka and genuinely thought even at the sky high fee, he would be a top signing and develop into a fantastic right back. I do still think he can develop into very competent one but he simply hasnt progressed here and the weaker areas of his game let him down.

But DAlot I simply see a piss poor modern full back. Carries the ball ok, simple passing ok, shooting can be good...........but one on one, positioning, crossing, decisive passes. tracking.......basically he does the bare minimum aspects of a modern full back going forward quite well, defensively he is an absolute shambles though, feels to me like 30% of the time he makes a tackle he gives away a foul.

Be a big mistake for me if we start next season with Dalot as our starting right back, though both should go, personally if we had to have one, I would still rather Bissaka all day long
I think it'll be easier to teach Dalot positioning and defensive tenacity. AWB is a former winger that literally tripped over the ball. He can't go forward, however, for a bottom half team he be outstanding in the low block.

I think this says a lot, of course players need to be improved with coaching. But we are talking about one of the very biggest clubs in the world with two full backs that cost about £70m between them and the general talk of which ti keep is who do we think can be taught the very basics better...Bizarre here we are now and arguably our full backs are worse than the Young/Valencia days we begged to end
I’ll take AWB thanks. He is solid defensively but he needs to be coached to make better decisions going forward and he, like most of the team, is desperately low on confidence. Dalot for me regularly seems to be out of position defensively and struggles to get back which leaves the CB on his side too much to do.
Both have to go.

I can hold my hands up and say I was a big fan of Bissaka and genuinely thought even at the sky high fee, he would be a top signing and develop into a fantastic right back. I do still think he can develop into very competent one but he simply hasnt progressed here and the weaker areas of his game let him down.

But DAlot I simply see a piss poor modern full back. Carries the ball ok, simple passing ok, shooting can be good...........but one on one, positioning, crossing, decisive passes. tracking.......basically he does the bare minimum aspects of a modern full back going forward quite well, defensively he is an absolute shambles though, feels to me like 30% of the time he makes a tackle he gives away a foul.

Be a big mistake for me if we start next season with Dalot as our starting right back, though both should go, personally if we had to have one, I would still rather Bissaka all day long
For me this is on coaches and managers for not developing him and giving him confidence. It was obvious when he was at Palace he was raw and far from the finished product. Even with the Utd tax on his asking price he was always going to be somebody to work on - id like to think ETH and his coaching staff can develope Aaron- originally I understand he was an attacking winger So he ought to be able to grow into a RWB role with the correct guidance.
Dalot but only because AWB in a possession based system would be horrendous
For me this is on coaches and managers for not developing him and giving him confidence. It was obvious when he was at Palace he was raw and far from the finished product. Even with the Utd tax on his asking price he was always going to be somebody to work on - id like to think ETH and his coaching staff can develope Aaron- originally I understand he was an attacking winger So he ought to be able to grow into a RWB role with the correct guidance.

Dont disagree and as I said I would rather keep him of the two and still think he can be developed into a competent player I dont see DAlot can be developed into that much, really think he is one of our wos players quality wise.

But though I have been a fan of Bissaka, the player himself needs to take responsiblity and the weak areas of his game are obvious, yet he doesnt seem to have improved them at all.

The season before this I had a certain amount of hope still, he seemed to be recieving the ball and giving it early and keeping things simple....but that has gone, his positioning at times (and this could go for virtually all of our full backs includign Shaw) is lacking so much it isnt just coachin, its simple basic common sense defending at times.

Its a shame and I am dissapointed as had high hopes for him. Yes he came at a bad time, yes this season has been so bad hard to judge a few, but I think he has had long enough now that he should have progressed regardless, he has probably regressed like pretty much every signing from that season which looking at it now was an awful one, we spent over £200m on Maguire, Bissaka, James and Fernandes
Neither of them in all honesty.

Agreed. I just think AWB would suffer massively in ETH's system, where "technical" attribute is the main priority. It's better for both side to part ways, imho, instead of forcing things. Dalot is a shit version of fullbacks the likes of City, Liverpool, Madrid, or Spurs have. But how do you think AWB would fit in those Clubs?

But who knows? I have seen few games in the past, where Shaw and AWB played out of this world; and there i thought we once again had FBs befitting United.
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Both are not good enough for what we need but I would sell AWB because we could maybe get a decent fee, 25m or 30m? Bring in Laird as back up for Dalot, and see how he pushes him at the start of the season. It could be Laird holding that spot before long ....
I think people saying AWB are too accustomed to the shit we've been serving over the years. There's no room in the modern game for a player who needs as many touches as he does with his total lack of technique to match.

Dalot isn't a good option but in a modern system, and let's hope we're building towards that, he's a much better type of fullback - a stopgap if you will.
Agreed. I just think AWB would suffer massively in ETH's system, where "technical" attribute is the main priority. It's better for both side to part ways, imho, instead of forcing things. Dalot is a shit version of fullbacks the likes of City, Liverpool, Madrid, or Spurs have. But how do you think AWB would fit in those Clubs?

But who knows? I have seen few games in the past, where Shaw and AWB played out of this world; and there i thought we once again had FBs befitting United.

Dalot isn't good enough going forwards to make up for his defensive frailties and A.W.B is good enough defensivley to make up for his attacking frailties.

Given a straight choice between the two I would pick A.W.B personally but there isn't alot in it. A.W.B is at least outstanding defending one on one with decent recovery pace and last ditch tackling. Dalot dosent really offer any good traits he is distinctly average at most things and genuinely poor where A.W.B shines.

Neither of them really fit into E.T.H's system or philosophy, with Dalot as much as he is better in possesion will constantly get stripped one on one and caught out defensivley and A.W.B will be a dead weight for us in possesion and attacking but at least will cope better being asked to defend higher than dalot.
Dalot isn't good enough going forwards to make up for his defensive frailties and A.W.B is good enough defensivley to make up for his attacking frailties.

Given a straight choice between the two I would pick A.W.B personally but there isn't alot in it. A.W.B is at least outstanding defending one on one with decent recovery pace and last ditch tackling. Dalot dosent really offer any good traits he is distinctly average at most things and genuinely poor where A.W.B shines.

Neither of them really fit into E.T.H's system or philosophy, with Dalot as much as he is better in possesion will constantly get stripped one on one and caught out defensivley and A.W.B will be a dead weight for us in possesion and attacking but at least will cope better being asked to defend higher than dalot.
You're probably right.

Although other manager had openly said that they're targeting AWB as the weakest link in our team. These were happening too frequently to ignore. Why would they're targeting him if he's THAT good defensively?
No club looking to play modern day football would have a use for a player like AWB
Neither of them realistically but Dalot if I had to pick.

Least he looks like a footballer. AWB isn't even related to a footballer.
People writing off dalot too soon. If hes that bang average then why so much interest from European clubs? AC Milan, Dortmund (who rarely get it wrong with young players) and some spainish club (cant recall who).

Theres obviously a player in dalot that we arent seeing at the moment. Right system, right coaching and who knows....
Both awful. If we go into next season with either as first choice we're in trouble.

Completely agree, we should be able to sell both easily and combined fee to be used on a replacement. I've no doubt there are full backs in the Spanish or French leagues who we could buy that are better.

It's good that ETH recognises AWBs limitations but worrying if he thinks Dalot can do a job.....he can't, nowhere near good enough.
Got to say that I don’t think either are good enough as long term options. However, I think we should be keeping AWB as an option. Without doubt he is poor when going forward but as a one on one defender I don’t think there are any better in the premier league. Given his outstanding ability in this area of the game I think it makes sense to keep him and use him in certain games and against certain opponents. Like I said I don’t see him as a long term starter but surely if your selling one rb you sell dalot who is average at all aspects of a full back rather than AWB who is average going forward but outstanding in certain aspects of defending.
Dalot is younger, has a better touch than AWB and, most importantly, is a harder worker. AWB is no slouch, and he’d be fine in a stop-start style of play, but Dalot can keep going with greater intensity.

So Dalot. Though AWB is by no means a bad player; if he’d cost £30m he wouldn’t have so many bitter detractors.
Dalot, easy. But I dislike both. I'm still sad we didn't make a move for Mazraoui before Bayern did.
I've seen bits and pieces of Dalot enough to think Ten Hag might get some sort of a player out of him. Probably never a starter for us, but enough to be an ok backup.

I see absolutely nothing in Wan-Bissaka to suggest he'll ever get that far. Take his tackling away and I genuinely think I might be a better footballer than him.
I think we've seen a higher level from AWB than Dalot. I've seen clear positives in AWB that I just don't see in Dalot. It might be delusional, but I'd hope with better coaching, we could get a lot more out of him on a consistent basis. I look at someone like Kyle Walker and think maybe AWB can get to around his level. If we're looking for a Reece James or TAA, yeah, we're gonna have to look elsewhere.
Decision is probably on Telles, AWB, Dalot, and should be simple.

AWB is expensive, fail to provide, so unlikely to hold on to his starting slot, regardless of fitness. Get rid even at a loss, get it over with.

If further decision need to be made between Telles and Dalot, as both have plenty of flaws and strength, I would keep Dalot, since Dalot can play on both side, useful backup to Shaw and whoever recruit on the RHS.
Would you rather shag your mum or your dad?

If there's no alternative, mum

would you prefer to be shot in the arm or the legs?

arm without a doubt

Between Dalot or AWB i'd say Dalot seems the more gifted player, capable of progressing. It's a restart for both and I don't think we are getting a new RB so we have what we have. Maybe ETH can work some miracles, who knows.
If there's no alternative, mum

arm without a doubt

Between Dalot or AWB i'd say Dalot seems the more gifted player, capable of progressing. It's a restart for both and I don't think we are getting a new RB so we have what we have. Maybe ETH can work some miracles, who knows.

But AWB is really good at what he does albeit limited to that. Dalot ain't great at any thing
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