Dalot or AWB?

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AWB and its not even close, anyone who puts dalot has no idea about football, people have this perception dalot is an attacking fullback.. and although he seems more active in the attacking 1/3 his deliveries are horrific. Defensively AWB is one of the best rb's in the league its just a shame he doesn't have it in his locker to contribute offensively
The best solution is to sell both of them and get a proper RB. LB - Shaw is fine and hope no injury issues next season. If we get in a proper attacking RB it will improve our attacking play from both LB&RB position. We need this for proper modern attacking games.
AWB. I genuinely think in a team where we have more passing options he’ll be fine for now.
Neither are good enough as a starter. With what we expect of how ETH will have us playing, Dalot as a squad player will more likely be able to slot in without changing our entire style better than AWB would.

AWB and its not even close, anyone who puts dalot has no idea about football, people have this perception dalot is an attacking fullback.. and although he seems more active in the attacking 1/3 his deliveries are horrific. Defensively AWB is one of the best rb's in the league its just a shame he doesn't have it in his locker to contribute offensively
Dalot isn't an attacking fullback. What he is much better at is his build-up play out of the back, helping control the ball and develop possession play. He's not particularly good at it or anything, but he is much better than AWB.

It's also debatable whether AWB is one of the best defensively. He's an incredible 1v1 defender, but he's not that good positionally, fairly lazy at getting back once the opposition get in behind him, often breaks our offside line, and terrible at dealing with crosses coming in from the opposite side. Opposition teams have noticeably started changing how they attack down his side so that they reduce how often they attempt to take him on 1v1 and instead look to play quick passes around him, which avoids his strengths and targets his weaknesses.

AWB actually has a better final ball into the box than Dalot. It's just that he doesn't get in position to show it enough, and he doesn't provide enough in the build-up.
AWB seems more coachable to me. He is athletic and good defensively, but doesn't overlap and doesn't time his runs well. I think there's a player there somewhere.
Dalot and it's just because IMO no amount of coaching can make AWB an attacking player.
It depends on what the boss wants from a right back. Clearly they both of strengths and weaknesses. At Ajax his right back practically played centre mid, so that is very flexible
AWB has been treated unfairly at United. He is perhaps the best defensive and 1v1 fullback in football if not in the top 5, and his confidence has certainly taken a hit once Ralf came in charge. Something strange happened to our starting fullback once Ralf came in as him and shaw was not playing at the top of their game anymore. Even though some managers wants a more maurading fullback, AWB can still be an important player to have. I definitely have him over Dalot if I am selecting a squad of players.

---—Awb - Linderlof/Maguire - Varane ——
Lamptey ——————————-—-———-shaw

very solid in the back and good system for cup tournament
Both are very mediocre. I’d happy sell one to raise the funds for another RB and keep the other as a squad option.
Dalot and it's just because IMO no amount of coaching can make AWB an attacking player.
My view would be no amount will make him a play maker capable of being involved heavily in build up, but he could well make wide / overlapping contributions, take players on and put balls into the box. It just depends what ETH wants from his full backs. Generally he has wanted them to be play makers, especially last season
AWB has been treated unfairly at United. He is perhaps the best defensive and 1v1 fullback in football if not in the top 5
There’s far more to a defender than slide tackles and isolation one v ones against wingers. Wan Bissaka is the top percentile in those traits, no denying. But he massively lacks in other areas of defence — he’s pretty terrible in the air for his size, which makes backpost defending a no-go. Pair that in with his nonchalant jog-backs on turnovers and his general concentration levels and you can see why he just wasn’t fancied by Rangnick, nor will be by Ten Hag.

EDIT: I also think he might be a little bit of a bad seed off the pitch. I am sure he’s had numerous driving offences and I think he’s banned as of right now
I have hopes that AWB could make a good right sided centre back in a back 3 but quite clearly he's got to show it.
The way I look at these things is…who’s name am I happier to see on the team sheet at 3pm. AWB definitely for me- although he’s nowhere near the quality we need going forward with ETH’s system
There’s far more to a defender than slide tackles and isolation one v ones against wingers. Wan Bissaka is the top percentile in those traits, no denying. But he massively lacks in other areas of defence — he’s pretty terrible in the air for his size, which makes backpost defending a no-go. Pair that in with his nonchalant jog-backs on turnovers and his general concentration levels and you can see why he just wasn’t fancied by Rangnick, nor will be by Ten Hag.

EDIT: I also think he might be a little bit of a bad seed off the pitch. I am sure he’s had numerous driving offences and I think he’s banned as of right now
I believe those are just people nitpicking things to complain about. I am sure with belief and a manager that knows how to utilize him properly, he will have an amazing career uturn similiar to Fred. But I see his career only stalling when we got Ralf. If we sell him, a club will be very happy with that acquisition. If I was spurs or Chelsea, I would definitely inquire and have him play as the right sided cb in their system, alternating with the right back position depending on game circumstances.

Need two new right backs.

Would rather give Laird and Williams a shot next year than see these two gowls play for the club again.
Dalot > AWB.

But if we do bring in Timber it’s not hard to see him be the perfect answer at RB.
Both are poor, but AWB can at least tackle. I'm not sure what Dalot is good at
Sell anyone who is sellable. As per rumors, Dalot can bring 20 mil, while AWB nothing. So sell Dalot. Also, irrc, Dalot's contract expires next year.

In terms of quality? Dalot is a better football player. It's no surprise that no team wants AWB, apart from the odd loan. Our only hope is Crystal Palace, now that Burnley has been relegated.
My view would be no amount will make him a play maker capable of being involved heavily in build up, but he could well make wide / overlapping contributions, take players on and put balls into the box. It just depends what ETH wants from his full backs. Generally he has wanted them to be play makers, especially last season

i don't think he can even do that consistently. his decision making is just slow and labored in anything other then having to make a 1 on 1 tackle. that's the only time he makes quick decisions.
You've got to consider who will be playing RW also.

If it's Sancho, I'd want AWB behind him for that defensive cover. Especially if we're going to have a Shaw/Rashford (?!) on the left where it'll be equally quite attacking.
Dalot for me. Bissaka would be great for a defensive, counter attacking team but I hope to God we're not gonna play that way under Teny.
If you're looking to build attacks from the back then Dalot is obviously much better suited to doing that. His technical ability is far far better than Bissaka.
Dalot is fecking shit. I have no problem with AWB being let go if he doesn't fit our plans but the amswer is certainly not Dalot.

AWB is the much better fullback but I suppose his limitations are harder to fix than Dalot's.

AWB has never been given the run around the way Danjuma did Dalot. I mean look at the Liverpool game at Anfield this season, Liverpool were creating at will and got goals from Dalot's side. We switched AWB to LB and he stops the bleeding and does a decent job on Salah.

Dalot has no business being here.
AWB and its not even close, anyone who puts dalot has no idea about football, people have this perception dalot is an attacking fullback.. and although he seems more active in the attacking 1/3 his deliveries are horrific. Defensively AWB is one of the best rb's in the league its just a shame he doesn't have it in his locker to contribute offensively
:lol: Way to make a fool of yourself, well done.
AWB seems more coachable to me. He is athletic and good defensively, but doesn't overlap and doesn't time his runs well. I think there's a player there somewhere.

Dalot is younger by a year and a half but most importantly, Dalot has actual footballing technique which at this age you can't teach.
Defensive fullbacks are a thing of the past. No successful team plays with a fullback who can’t contribute on build up or with the ball on his feet. AWB is bambi on ice when he has the ball, and defensively he isn’t that great either, he just tackles the ball out of play, recycling possession for the opponent team.
On the other hand, there’s a player in Dalot. A player that has been hold back by terrible management but can still progress into one of the best fullbacks of the actual game.
AWB. I genuinely think in a team where we have more passing options he’ll be fine for now.
Teams try and force us to play the ball over to Bissaka so they can pressure it off him. You can't play progressive passing football with such a weak link.

He is clearly working on his first touch getting him away from the press tbf, but if he cuts onto his left side, which opponents always try and get him to do, then he has to hit a backwards or sidewards pass because he has absolutely no left foot. You can't be that limited and play for Man United imo
AWB and its not even close, anyone who puts dalot has no idea about football, people have this perception dalot is an attacking fullback.. and although he seems more active in the attacking 1/3 his deliveries are horrific. Defensively AWB is one of the best rb's in the league its just a shame he doesn't have it in his locker to contribute offensively
No you can put Dalot if you know about football. Bissaka is a great 1v1 defender Dalot is a much better technical footballer.
Dalot. Wan Bisakka is too poor at too many things. The whole driving ban thing reflects poorly on his character too. I'd want to sell him regardless of my other options. Dalot being a possibly competent stop gap just makes the decision very easy.
People might be very surprised at some of the players that are going to be part of squad. AWB I think will be one of them.

ETH plays a very high line and relies heavily on 1 vs 1 defenders when hit on counters.

Think logically for a second, is AWB a good 1 vs 1 defender? Probably on of the best ones we have.

Also, what good features does Dalot have? He is good at dribbling, and that's about it really. He is more like a very poor man's Shaw.

Now I know that ETH plays with attacking fullbacks, but not always.

This season for example Mazraoui was expected to hold back or tuck inside and form a second line of defense, while the CMs like Gravenrberch would push up.

I think ETH can use AWB as one of our back 3 when in possession, while one of our CBs pushes up into the midfield(Lindelof or Varane). That and if it's time to defend, than we know AWB is really good at it.
Both crap defensively and offensively but if forced I'll slightly favor Dalot as he actually looks like a footballer on occasion.
Dalot and it's not even close. Not that Dalot should be a starter for us, but he's a decent backup.
I was a big supporter of Dalot getting an opportunity. AWB had ran his course and we knew what we were going to get. Decent one one defending interspersed with positional mistakes, and awkward passing.

However I think we have to say that he had a good run at it and did not impress. You can only ask for a fair opportunity as a player, you have to take it. He has been totally mediocre in all departments, for the most part. Occasionally an outright weakness. And virtually never a strength. The best of Dalot is generally 6/10 and it only gets worse from there.

I think it's a problem position. Left back is not great but you can pray Shaw is kicked into shape but I don't see a workable RB.
Don't feel particularly confident in either, but Dalot seems like he'll fit in better if Ten Hag is prioritizing a high defensive line that aims to keep possession. Dalot's final ball delivery has been awful, but his general technical ability to work the ball up the field and complete passes in tight windows is actually pretty good.

I don't think Dalot is good enough to start for us. I don't think Dalot is even close to be good enough to be a regular starter for us.

However, he's about as good as AWB defensively and it's better offensively so he's the obvious choice. I
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