David Squires In The Guardian

"Solskjaer's appointment at Man Utd came just in the nick of time, off the back of two straight defeats and with no other clubs circling for his signature...

Ed Woodward's reputation as a shrewd negotiator and Machiavellian businessman remains intact".

Ah, sweet, sweet sense.

I was beginning to think I was the only person who questioned the move.
Also the panel about better giving Moyes an extension :D
Best Squires in a while.
Is he required to make an obligatory brexit pun every time because it's The Guardian? Football should be an escape from politics.
Is he required to make an obligatory brexit pun every time because it's The Guardian? Football should be an escape from politics.
This is a cartoon about football besides more or less everything else going on on the planet, and always has been. It's part of Squires' style and appeal.
Is he required to make an obligatory brexit pun every time because it's The Guardian? Football should be an escape from politics.
Wears a bit thin after a while, but like you say it’s the guardian.
This is a cartoon about football besides more or less everything else going on on the planet, and always has been. It's part of Squires' style and appeal.

Yeah but I'm a neutral fan when it comes to PL clubs (a bit United because my mother was born there), and neutral in brexit/remain (it's not my country, I'm just watching and eating popcorn). When it comes to football, Squires makes fun of any and all sides, when it comes to politics, Squires is into one side's propaganda. That's so meh, a proper cartoonist should make fun of both sides. Now he excludes people who don't have his political views.
Am I the only one who finds these comics a bit meh? Not just this one but I've been trying to get into them all season. Just not impressed, maybe I'm not a guardian type after all. :eek:
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