Ed Woodward | Groundhog Day Edition

If only his football related “skills” were as good as his PR skills ...
I think he obviously knew longer about the plans, but he is also the puppy of the Glazers and had to do what they asked him for. In bad times, they throw you under the bus, like now.
There is no way that the CEO would not work on this from the beginning. Else what's the point of paying a CEO in the first place? Woodward knew about it. If Woodward wanted to weasel his way out of this then he should have toed in line in terms of 'I had no choice, the owners forced that on us' followed by a letter asking for an immediate resignation. That would have probably ruined his career (no one likes a CEO who throw owners under the bridge) but might have edged things with fan. Woodward's excuse is quite frankly ridiculous.

These were my criticisms off him. He inherited a dated football structure that was built by Fergie for Fergie and placed Moyes in it due to his naivety which is understandable considering his inexperience in the role.

I also spoke about the below info years ago about the manager being given too much freedom in the transfer market, and a stop was finally put to it in 2018 when the transfer committe was formed. And some argued with me when I said it wasn't the club scouts but the managers that were being given precedence when it came to recruitment.

This sums up what they were saying on one of The Athletic's podcasts. Woodward was learning on the job and made a load of mistakes along the way to the detriment of the club. They even mentioned how under him they didn't invest let the youth system rot but then claims credit for building it back up again in the past couple of years.
Guys keep it Nice, sure he is a money Guy, is he bad for us, not really should he have found someone who could help him with transfers, he should. Will he be fired if this New league fall, No, he have delivered. The only problem i have is that he have never hired someone to see if transfers make sense, do they match the team and the focus, we have had many stupid transfer with players we should never have gone for or overpaid.
Your name is naff. And I disagree with you. Politely.
Just imagine after all shit he and the glazer family have done to this club and now even dragging the clubs name into this SL shithole there are still actual human beings defending the lot....

Always talk on the caf in particular on our manager threads about who are real fans and bla bla... Well in this thread it's crystal clear who is and who is not.. Those of you who spent years on here defending them are an embarrassment.
Post of the year
Not a great look for Jamie Jackson to print this sort of stuff without questioning it

Ho one is going to believe it because there will be too many other sources happy to contradict eds lies
Good points. Also - this in a way is a severing of ties with JP Morgan and the Owners. Woody wanting to get onside with the fans (and potential new owners?) is interesting.
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One more thought on this sunny lockdown morning. There is sometimes a grain of truth in these spin things. I would think that while Woodward was aware of the plans and ESL idea (as a minion of the Glazer poison) the decision around timing might have caught him Unawares and made him seem like an utter two faced (expletive) to the UEFA president for example. He probably wants a future in finance and football and this explains his PR effort.
This sums up what they were saying on one of The Athletic's podcasts. Woodward was learning on the job and made a load of mistakes along the way to the detriment of the club. They even mentioned how under him they didn't invest let the youth system rot but then claims credit for building it back up again in the past couple of years.
The youth system rot had begun long before he took up the reigns. I know this because I live 10 minutes away and went down to watch numerous games involving the youth.

There's plenty to criticise him for, but the youth team isn't one. I will go into greater detail later about what he inherited as far as the youth and football structure go and what he's gonna leave behind.
I absolutely refuse to believe that the Glazer Family did all this ESL plotting and didnt include Woodward until a day before it got announced. He’s been their point man into football. He undoubtedly went to Joel Glazer and told him we can make a shitload of money if we get all these financial backers and top European clubs together.

Remember those photos years ago of the Glazers meeting Saudi royalty? And there was some excitement in the air that they were going to sell up? I wonder if those meetings involved this Super League idea.
I heard on the radio (I forget which one) some speculation that the owners panicked about the imminent announcement of the new UEFA setup and decided to go prematurely with their own announcement. Thus half-cocked, thus managers (and maybe even Ed) caught off guard. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t part of the planning but maybe not of the execution, if that’s the right word.
I heard on the radio (I forget which one) some speculation that the owners panicked about the imminent announcement of the new UEFA setup and decided to go prematurely with their own announcement. Thus half-cocked, thus managers (and maybe even Ed) caught off guard. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t part of the planning but maybe not of the execution, if that’s the right word.
Why would they panic? Everyone involved in this decision knew what the set up was and when it was going to be introduced, woodward and agnelli were clearly leading the negotiation from all club's side with uefa.

Must have been so disappointing for Woodward to think Johnson was in favour of the ESL given he was obviously so set against it himself. What a relief it must have been when it all came crashing down (leaving him looking inept), because that was surely what he wanted from the beginning.
Woodward hasn gone yet. He’s still very much here and in charge.
He still works for the Glazers and will still be doing their bidding, otherwise he’d be out on his arse already.

Feeding the press stories about meetings with Boris is just like burglars throwing a load of fresh meat to distract and draw away a guard dog, so they can nip in, while the dog is busy feeding itself.
It’s an attempt to undermine the governments stance in opposing the Super League proposals.
The press can’t help themselves. Throw them some political meat and they’ll willingly put the blinkers on, only having eyes for a possible feeding frenzy and the chance to gorge themselves on a political target.

Don’t fall for it.
Yeah but, no but, see thing is right, this is what actually happened before that n stuff, and then this happened
He knew everything and reached an agreement for the new shirts

These are the shirts they prepared, new era with the Superleague logo. From 35€, now for sale at 2.29

He’s a money guy out of his depth at a football club. I don’t get the animosity. He isn’t evil he’s just not suited to run a football club. Without Ferguson, Gill might have been considered the same
Gill trusted Fergie to run the football side of the club and relied on his judgement on business decisions that directly affected the football aspects.
Even with the Glazers holding the purse strings, Gill and Fergie was very much a partnership.
Just imagine after all shit he and the glazer family have done to this club and now even dragging the clubs name into this SL shithole there are still actual human beings defending the lot....

Always talk on the caf in particular on our manager threads about who are real fans and bla bla... Well in this thread it's crystal clear who is and who is not.. Those of you who spent years on here defending them are an embarrassment.

There is no way that the CEO would not work on this from the beginning. Else what's the point of paying a CEO in the first place? Woodward knew about it. If Woodward wanted to weasel his way out of this then he should have toed in line in terms of 'I had no choice, the owners forced that on us' followed by a letter asking for an immediate resignation. That would have probably ruined his career (no one likes a CEO who throw owners under the bridge) but might have edged things with fan. Woodward's excuse is quite frankly ridiculous.

Guess what one (actually, two) of the deep narcissist's behavior patterns is. (there are many others)

It's making excuses post-facto.

(second is being unable to take responsibility for one's actions)
That's a good goodbye present before he fecks off. Now sign few more players and kiss us a goodbye.
"Woodward fights tooth and nail to deliver Sancho"

"Woodward says 'not on my watch' to doubters"

"Woodward was ready to pay £120m before the Euros, held back by 3 men"
Gotta love how his PR team are so quick to absolve him of all blame when shits comes up and give him credit for everything when things go well.
This thread needs to die alongside any memory of this man and his involvement with the club. We have had a good couple days as Man Utd fans let's not tarnish it.
Yeah but they do it in such an obvious manner that nobody really believes the shit they spout.

Oh yeah I agree. He’s beyond redemption with utd fans after the superleague. PR means nothing at this stage Stepping down was the only option. I think his recent deals and appointments (if he’s been involved in the internal recruitment process) have looked solid though.
Gotta love how his PR team are so quick to absolve him of all blame when shits comes up and give him credit for everything when things go well.

Because it works on certain people. There are now average fans regurgitating how he was 'the main point of contact' for the Sancho transfer and thinking that equates to 'instrumental' or 'heavily involved' and therefore 'Good job, Ed'.
If he signs Varane and dmc, extends contract with Paul and sells Lingard, James and Jones......all is forgiven. Seriously. This is his redemption summer
Because it works on certain people. There are now average fans regurgitating how he was 'the main point of contact' for the Sancho transfer and thinking that equates to 'instrumental' or 'heavily involved' and therefore 'Good job, Ed'.
Credible journalists have said it. Last year our contact with Dortmund was through Sancho’s agent and a third party. This year Woodward literally picked up the phone and spoke to the Dortmund chairman to iron our differences. Hence, the conditions of the transfer were being negotiated but the outcome was never in doubt.

Although I don’t necessarily give him any extra credits. It is his job to do that.