Fans are turning on Ole faster than they did on Moyes, LVG and Jose


Full Member
Jan 4, 2016
Maybe if he hadn't thrown his typical third season temper tantrum.
I have an issue with breaking up projects. Van Gaal was fired after winning the Fa Cup! With Mourinho, it was just easier to keep going with a project already in it's third season than to start all over again...


Full Member
Jan 20, 2017
Of course somebody has been a Negative Nancy and had a dig at you but if they are happy ignoring historical context, that's their problem. One constant of success at the highest level in sporting teams regardless of what sport it is - the managers/coaches are given the necessary backing and time especially when damage has been done.

Sustained success never comes from unrealistic deadlines placed on managers/coaches. And of course there is the issue of this is 2019 and the game has changed etc but essential values about how to find success when your club has dropped its bundle remain.
History is where we learn how to navigate the future.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
Well if that is true then this club will remain in the shitter. We have seen the match going fans to have zero standards and blind faith in every manager. They would cheer this team to the championship. While Real Madrid's fans standards mean they boo players like Ronaldo, Marcelo and modric when they are not up to scratch.

Why will the board change their ways when they can see the fans are happy with 6th.
Likewise, we've seen the online fan be increasingly toxic towards any manager we've had, irrespective of league position.

Real's fanbase are an absolute joke, who only support them when they're winning, with attendances dropping this season to 40-50k, so I'm not sure why you see fit to point to them. Being compared to that scummy lot is an insult.

Also Perez would have done a major rebuild irrespective of what the fans felt. This is the guy who sacked Del Bosque even after he won the double.

You are mistaken in thinking that supporting the club through hard times is a sign of acceptance. We know it's shit, but there is very little you, or I, can do about it. The main thing is to support the team and hope that the penny finally drops for those at the top. It will eventually, and when it does, the good times will be all the more sweeter for it. Acting a cnut when times are bad serves nothing to one and if you do, you're more than welcome to leave, cos "support" like yours is what the club can do without.


New Member
Mar 14, 2018
If Ole didn’t have history here as a player he would get the same treatment as Moyes, people mix their feelings for the player and the manager.

He is clearly not up to the standard, enough of his “United way, and Sir Alex used to do” bullshit. We should sack him.