Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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How are Chelsea going to be able to afford him plus another Central defender after spending €180 odd million so far and having sold no one just a few off the wage bill on loans. If they get him and Forfana that’s a good €300 million plus, so how does that fit in with financial fair play?

This is exactly what I thought.

Talk this morning they will need to pay over £80m for Fofana who you’d assume they need more than FDJ so how can they buy both after what they have already spent?

How do they cover that through FFP with such a small fan base and a 40,000 capacity stadium.
We have already said it will be De Jong or no one. It that the right decision? Probably not but that will be on the manager I agree. This does however justify chasing the player until it is absolutely off the cards if that is their thinking.
This isn't about alternatives. You just dont spend two months of the transfer window chasing a player who doesn't want to come.
I am fearful but I have a hard time believing he's off to Chelsea. I refuse to believe we are this naive as a club.
This isn't about alternatives. You just dont spend two months of the transfer window chasing a player who doesn't want to come.
I am fearful but I have a hard time believing he's off to Chelsea. I refuse to believe we are this naive as a club.
Couldn’t De Jong be lying to us as well? Surely that’s a possibility
Barca are crafty little arseholes aren't they?

However the tweet below says that COPE are reporting that all players can be registered for the first game of the season. What exactly is going on

They have some creative accounting/financial geniuses working for Laporta. Poached or contracted them from Wall Street.

The only thing that has not been denied or disputed is the $150million shortfall in their projected revenues calculated by Tebas & team.
I think that means a $50 million projected wages shortfall if my understanding of the La Liga Revenue/Wage ratio requirement is correct. So there will be a few who cant be registered unless they can offload a few players, shortish.
Nope we don't have any sellable assets that not important to team structure. Will be Werner,kepa,Alonso and ziyech who wanted to move. But no suitors are there except Alonso who wanted by Barca but they have no money. Italian clubs asking for loan for few. That's it.

But we are not having problem to spend some 300 mn but still within ffp. Not a problem for us.

We can take Kovacic from you for 40 million.
This isn't about alternatives. You just dont spend two months of the transfer window chasing a player who doesn't want to come.
I am fearful but I have a hard time believing he's off to Chelsea. I refuse to believe we are this naive as a club.

As I have said previously, no absurd possibility is off the table with these people in charge. Maybe this transfer falling through will make every Utd fan realise how incompetent and disjointed at completing transfers we actually are.
How are Chelsea going to be able to afford him plus another Central defender after spending €180 odd million so far and having sold no one just a few off the wage bill on loans. If they get him and Forfana that’s a good €300 million plus, so how does that fit in with financial fair play?

Call Laporta's financial consultants.
Couldn’t De Jong be lying to us as well? Surely that’s a possibility
Possible, but unlikely.

If his mind is made, and he wants to go to Chelsea, then surely it'd be in his best interest to let United know. We could either then back off, or try to change his mind with extra money/incentives etc.
He's not going to lie and say he wants to come to United when he clearly doesn't. It makes no sense at all. Plus he's dealing with someone who he respects, he'll want to maintain a good relationship with ten Hag regardless of what happens.
This is so blatant now.

"Ten Hag this...Ten Hag that..."

They're looking to shift the blame on to Ten Hag (and rightly so, to an extent) for this mindless pursuit. Murtough & Arnold cannot be absolved of this embarrassment.

Absolutely rubbish.
This is so blatant now.
"Ten Hag this...Ten Hag that..."
They're looking to shift the blame on to Ten Hag (and rightly so, to an extent) for this mindless pursuit. Murtough & Arnold cannot be absolved of this embarrassment.

Come on, don't be so common. Use the word humiliation instead if you mean what you say.
This is so blatant now.

"Ten Hag this...Ten Hag that..."

They're looking to shift the blame on to Ten Hag (and rightly so, to an extent) for this mindless pursuit. Murtough & Arnold cannot be absolved of this embarrassment.

ETH said in his press conference less that 24 hours ago that "its about buying the right player and if not, we will look in the squad"
You guys are going to look back on these daily (hourly? Minute by minute?) meltdowns and laugh to yours,eves when Frenkie is holding up a United shirt next week. Especially when he says something like “United were the only club who were ever in for me.” Because for the 100th time, it makes no sense for us to be in for him this summer.
You keep saying this yet Chelsea have spent £62m on a left-back just this week, with England's left-back returning from injury. It is obvious your owner wants to make a statement signing and the pressure is on him to deliver, having booted out the recruitment team from the previous regime. Chelsea are in the market for big, nonsensical signings.
We need to let go of FFP in conversation with a club buying players. It really is a weak regulation which can be bypassed easily if a club wishes. Unfortunately Man City have set the precedence. If a club is determined to spend 300m which is being reported chelsea are willing to do. Then FFP is the last thing that will stop them from doing so. It’ll just take one “sponsorship deal” through an allied company and the books are nicely cooked.
And how is that?

Can you actually provide some reasoning alongside your low IQ retorts?

Ten Hag is just a shiny new toy. He is to blame for poor transfers just as much as you blame everyone else.

Im a doctor btw, my IQ destroys yours :drool:
Possible, but unlikely.

If his mind is made, and he wants to go to Chelsea, then surely it'd be in his best interest to let United know. We could either then back off, or try to change his mind with extra money/incentives etc.
He's not going to lie and say he wants to come to United when he clearly doesn't. It makes no sense at all. Plus he's dealing with someone who he respects, he'll want to maintain a good relationship with ten Hag regardless of what happens.

He'll want to have options even if United aren't his first choice. For starters it puts him in a stronger negotiating position than if he was to rule one club out. If the Chelsea move breaks down then he has an alternative option.
This isn't about alternatives. You just dont spend two months of the transfer window chasing a player who doesn't want to come.
I am fearful but I have a hard time believing he's off to Chelsea. I refuse to believe we are this naive as a club.
I just can't see it either. We've spent 2 months chasing de Jong, we clearly want him and he knows that.
Barca are having issues with his wages and need him to leave, but don't want to pay his deferred wages. Chelsea have shown interest and Barca are using that to try and force Uniteds hand by saying that they're willing to do this, that and the other. Looks like journos are using that to put 2+2 together and because the "links" to Chelsea are hot at the moment, they're saying that de Jong wants to go there. In turn, Barca want United to panic thinking they're going to lose their main target, pay his wages and take him.

Obviously United aren't falling for it, and whilst the links and the sorts to Chelsea may be true, United obviously feel differently, as they're still sticking around.
You keep saying this yet Chelsea have spent £62m on a left-back just this week, with England's left-back returning from injury. It is obvious your owner wants to make a statement signing and the pressure is on him to deliver, having booted out the recruitment team from the previous regime. Chelsea are in the market for big, nonsensical signings.
This. If Chelsea fans thinking signing FDJ is absurd because they having “numbers” in that position, then Chelsea signing a wing back for £62m when they have a v good one already is even more absurd. But to me, that is a sign chelsea still have plenty more buying they are willing to do.

FDJ walks into their team without any question. There’s absolutely no reason for them not to be interested. Having too many players on their books has never been a problem. They’ve been used to having so many players out on loan that half the world doesn’t even realise the players parent club is Chelsea. This is their model. They’ll happily have Kante and Jorginho sat on the bench for the last year if it means they’ve brought someone in to improve their team.
How are Chelsea going to be able to afford him plus another Central defender after spending €180 odd million so far and having sold no one just a few off the wage bill on loans. If they get him and Forfana that’s a good €300 million plus, so how does that fit in with financial fair play?

Right now there is no FFP as far as I know. The FFP as we know it got scrapped because of COVID and new rules were introduced but they aren't in effect yet.

In 2025/26 season clubs' spending is capped to 70% of revenue for wages + amortisation. In the two seasons before then it will be 80% and 90% caps but I'm pretty sure for 22/23 there isn't anything in place. If Chelsea really do spend 300M€ this year, it will likely just mean the heavy spending can't continue in future seasons but otherwise no problem. If the club intend to continue spending like that, the revenues need to increase accordingly.
United have been able to speak to De Jongs camp for a while now. Since Barca agreed on a fee.

No one said the salary isn’t an issue but if there’s still a shortfall of money lingering it’s in Barcas and De Jongs interest to have more teams at the table and push for what they can.

From a transfer fee perspective it makes sense. But then they're apparently asking Chelsea for less than we offered :lol:
There will be a United brief on Sunday night or Monday

United will speak to the attending journalists in private after the Brighton game
You guys are going to look back on these daily (hourly? Minute by minute?) meltdowns and laugh to yours,eves when Frenkie is holding up a United shirt next week. Especially when he says something like “United were the only club who were ever in for me.” Because for the 100th time, it makes no sense for us to be in for him this summer.
It kind of makes sense? Kante is getting old and is injury prone. Jorginho is 30 years old. You might start thinking about refreshing that midfield sooner rather than later.
United have had Frenkies agent at United a-lot this summer and there is a good relationship there. Malacias agent with the same company and also Lindelofs agent. If United are still confident I would say the Chelsea rumours are hot air to put pressure on United to pay Frenkies deferred wages

Good thing is, we will find out one way or another in a few weeks
Ten Hag is just a shiny new toy. He is to blame for poor transfers just as much as you blame everyone else.

Im a doctor btw, my IQ destroys yours :drool:
I have no idea what you're trying to say. Ten Hag shares blame in this pursuit.

Okay? And? I studied at one of the best Unis in the world and Medicine is "rote memory", not indicative of high IQ. Trust me, I know.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. Ten Hag shares blame in this pursuit.

Okay? And? I studied at one of the best Unis in the world and Medicine is "rote memory", not indicative of high IQ. Trust me, I know.
Was about time someone started an IQ pissing contest :drool:
It was indeed Ten Hag who more or less said Frenkie or bust. Haven't heard from Murtough and Arnold
Right, and I've said elsewhere -

"If this season goes tits up, Ten Hag is going to be in a world of pain and he's going to have a large portion of blame too.

Chasing with such single mindedness over Antony and De Jong could/will cost him."

But what is happening with these briefings are obvious, they are trying to shift the blame entirely on Ten Hag.
Possible, but unlikely.

If his mind is made, and he wants to go to Chelsea, then surely it'd be in his best interest to let United know. We could either then back off, or try to change his mind with extra money/incentives etc.
He's not going to lie and say he wants to come to United when he clearly doesn't. It makes no sense at all. Plus he's dealing with someone who he respects, he'll want to maintain a good relationship with ten Hag regardless of what happens.
But he can use United to get a massive deal out of Chelsea since their owner hasn’t got a clue how football transfers work? Ronaldo loved SAF but didn’t stop him continually using United to get a pay raise from Madrid
Barcelona putting pressure on United with Chelsea links makes sense especially as they need to sell him now. But wouldn't we know that's bs simply by calling his agent or ETH contacting de Jong?

His agent will be pushing the links too, he’s trying to ensure his client gets 17m, that he gets a big fee, and all of that can be made easier by United panicking.
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