Good football podcasts (after the Redcafe one)

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Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
I used to be a fan of the Guardian podcast which had James Richardson as the host. Then I followed him to the Totally Football Weekly podcast, but I'm finding 1-2 reoccurring guests really annoying.

Michael Cox is one such wanker who just annoys me and has weird views which I don't really find relatable. I like Duncan Alexander as the calm and neutral stats guy, and enjoy the views of Raphael Hogenstein. Julien Laurens is just a clown for the most part so I don't mind hearing him (particularly as others rip into him on the show).

One thing I do enjoy is the wide array of guests they do bring though. Problem is the couple I dislike keep appearing! They seem to have covered experts on most clubs I guess.

Are there any other podcasts out there anyone can recommend? Ones with good insight, decent banter and a strong host?

Edit - I could have gotten Michael Cox mixed up with another guy. If anyone listens to the podcast it's the guy that claimed our 4-0 victory was "the least deserving 4-0 he's ever seen". Would be good to know which guest said just to be sure!
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