Gaming Gothic 1 Remake


Full Member
Apr 19, 2021
I didn't find a thread to the Gothic remake, so I'll open this one. THQ Nordic is working on a remake of one of the best RPGs ever made in my opinion.

Gothic 1 was an inspiration going forward in that genre, not only for the fans, but for other devs as well. CDPR for example was inspired by Gothic to start making their own Witcher RPG.
A playable teaser was released in 2019, but the reviews were pretty mediocre or even bad I'd say. So THQ Nordic promised to listen and started reworking the entire project.

A year ago, we got a teaser from the old mine:

Now, they've released a new showcase trailer. This time inside the old camp:

It looks like they were really listening to the reviews back in 2019. I feel the atmosphere of the classic Gothic 1 in both trailers and that's the most important part of a remake in my opinion. I replayed Gothic 1 & 2 countless times, so I'm really excited about the remake. But we still don't have a release date yet.
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