Graeme Sourness | Retires from “punditry”

He's a WUM, insists on calling us Manyoo too, how very professional. Clearly hates us.

Bitter washed up cnut, leave him to it.
Thats literally drawing parallels for the sake of drawing parallels. I could say us and NOTTINGHAM Forest are similar, both have European titles, both havent won anything notable for a while, doesnt make us in any way similar as clubs though does it?

United exploited their commercial potential heavily whilst we stagnated and they're still reaping the benefits of that to this day. The only parallel that exists is we're both rivals. They are far better resourced than we are and regularly make big name signings, honestly its not even close.

If there is going to be a parallel drawn it certainly wont be at this moment in time, more likely way in to the future. Also you cant just say the squad quality is irrelevant, that makes your attempted point far too arbitrary.
Not similar at all. Forest are generally liked.
You'll have to wait at least a decade and a half without Utd winning the league before your parallels kick in. There was a fifty year gap between Chelsea winning titles. Liverpool are more likely to match that than Utd are your three decade period of scorched earth bereftness.
Not similar at all. Forest are generally liked.
You'll have to wait at least a decade and a half without Utd winning the league before your parallels kick in. There was a fifty year gap between Chelsea winning titles. Liverpool are more likely to match that than Utd are your three decade period of scorched earth bereftness.
You realise my point was basically agreeing with you. :lol::lol:
Souness was yellow. He assaulted players in a cowardly fashion.
He was Liverpool's first choice on the teamsheet every match. united's Keane came closest as a player. Souness had much more to his game though. Much better player. Best at his position in England in the years he played for Liverpool
I've totally bought into the fact that Mourinho has stuck two fingers up at the FA (who he regularly blames for the schedule at the moment) and told the players to focus totally on the final - and above all...don't get bloody injured, just in case we need you. Hence the flatness of the performances recently, lack of attack and general apathy, lack of ambition in our play. Not saying it's totally the right thing to do, but I've accepted it. If Mourinho blows the final though, I can understand and appreciate a lot of the questions being asked about his behaviour, decisions and tactics now will and should be asked then. Until then I'm trusting his undoubted success when it comes to winning finals.
Agree with all this. It's quite obvious since the Swansea game the drop in intensity. I think players are being told to keep themselves ticking over and to look after themselves for the final if needed etc. I'd imagine they all go out with words ' don't get injured ' ringing in their ears.

As for what Mourinho says to the press, I actually think he's just trying to look after the players. I don't believe for one second he thinks they're tired and behind closed doors he tells them exactly what he expects come the Ajax game. Everything this last 3/4 weeks has been geared towards that.

Sounds and Redknapp should know better. Souness is pretty much critical of everyone, always comes across as the typical better in my day ex pro.
Whereas Redknapp just tries to be controversial.
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The man is a genius, leave him alone! Sure, the other night, when talking about United's fatigue, he introduced a new measurement of time called the "nano-minute." Not sure if Stephen Hawking could get his head around that!
Thats literally drawing parallels for the sake of drawing parallels. I could say us and Notts Forest are similar, both have European titles, both havent won anything notable for a while, doesnt make us in any way similar as clubs though does it?

United exploited their commercial potential heavily whilst we stagnated and they're still reaping the benefits of that to this day. The only parallel that exists is we're both rivals. They are far better resourced than we are and regularly make big name signings, honestly its not even close.

If there is going to be a parallel drawn it certainly wont be at this moment in time, more likely way in to the future. Also you cant just say the squad quality is irrelevant, that makes your attempted point far too arbitrary.
Very well said.

I suppose if there is a parallel it is that at the moment, we're shite. Liverpool may also have been shite back then too. But I don't know, it is before my time.
I see our Graeme has shown himself to be a hypocrite?

As for Redknapp he just has no clue. He's like matchday forum poster.
Agree with all this. It's quite obvious since the Swansea game the drop in intensity. I think players are being told to keep themselves ticking over and to look after themselves for the final if needed etc. I'd imagine they all go out with words ' don't get injured ' ringing in their ears.

As for what Mourinho says to the press, I actually think he's just trying to look after the players. I don't believe for one second he thinks they're tired and behind closed doors he tells them exactly what he expects come the Ajax game. Everything this last 3/4 weeks has been geared towards that.

Sounds and Redknapp should know better. Souness is pretty much critical of everyone, always comes across as the typical better in my day ex pro.
Whereas Redknapp just tries to be controversial.

Is he wrong though ?, Did you ever hear players back then complaining they were tired ?, for UTD could you imagine Roy Keane saying to SAF "i cant play today boss im feeing a bit tired",
Theres really no point moaning about pundits' having digs at us when we make it easy for then with how we play and how we are performing

That's why it doesn't bother me what they say as at the moment they are usually correct and it will be all the sweeter to see them change their tune when we do get back on top
Is he wrong though ?, Did you ever hear players back then complaining they were tired ?, for UTD could you imagine Roy Keane saying to SAF "i cant play today boss im feeing a bit tired",

Roy Keane was finished at the top level in his early 30s and retired at 34, he's hardly the best example.
Is he wrong though ?, Did you ever hear players back then complaining they were tired ?, for UTD could you imagine Roy Keane saying to SAF "i cant play today boss im feeing a bit tired",

Which players have complained they are tired then?
Arghhh not the Roy Keane thing againnnnnn!

Caf said:
Roy Keane wouldn't squeal like you just did
Bugger off.
Which players have complained they are tired then?

According to your Manager the majority of your squad are and besides that it seems to be an excuse that's used a lot these days, tired ?, these footballers usually join there clubs straight from school, they've never done a hard days work in there lives.
He's a WUM, insists on calling us Manyoo too, how very professional. Clearly hates us.

Bitter washed up cnut, leave him to it.

Or maybe your just being petty and he's calling you Man Utd, like the majority of the country do.
Souness is a bit like Keane; he sees certain players of the modern era who receive heightened praise and adulation and it's a bit too showbiz. It's not for them. Souness, for some Liverpool fans (older generation) is regarded as the best player to wear the shirt - or a close second behind Dalglish. He was a monster of a footballer and he's possibly a little too intolerant of the way certain players go about their business these days.

Pretty much. In attitude and outlook they're very similar, though Souness is clearly the better pundit. He's at least able to suppress his gruff, frustrated old school hang ups for the most part (largely through a veneer of disinterest) except when it comes to big games, or ones involving Liverpool, and to a lesser extent United, when the impulse to become an angry codger overwhelms him.

Keane on the other hand, has no filter whatsoever. Which is why he occasionally crops up on ITV or RTE, but isn't trusted with a permanent high profile punditry position, for fear of imploding with rage at the momentary lack of effort shown in an 80th minute thrown in during a goalless dead rubber between West Brom and Sunderland. Or indeed the very debasing indignity of punditry itself, let alone the notion of sitting in a studio for more than an hour with anyone sporting a plausibly trendy haircut.
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Actually think he's a decent pundit.

I agree I think he is pretty fair to be honest. He has slated Liverpool many times. If anyone thinks Uniteds performances don't deserve criticisim in some form then they are deluded.
We have simply been not good enough this year. I am convinced he will hand out praise if for example we build upon solid foundation next year and add some actual goals to the game. He has done it in the past. I think he is fairly honest and open.
According to your Manager the majority of your squad are and besides that it seems to be an excuse that's used a lot these days, tired ?, these footballers usually join there clubs straight from school, they've never done a hard days work in there lives.

Nah Mourinho hasn't said that the squad are complaining they're tired.

He's simply complained himself about the fixtures. Despite the big drama it's nothing new. Fergie himself used to do it regularly.
Nah Mourinho hasn't said that the squad are complaining they're tired.

He's simply complained himself about the fixtures. Despite the big drama it's nothing new. Fergie himself used to do it regularly.

Of course, all Jose is doing is creating a scenario to fit our current situation, as Fergie often did, if the pundits want to let off steam and criticise us about it then let them, hopefully it'll give us an extra edge in the final.
Jose has absolutely slated him.
From MEN:

"Our biggest problem is the number of matches is unbelievable,"Mourinho said "But I know some people like to lie. I think they are paid not to lie, they are paid to be honest and speak from their knowledge to the people that watches TV and reads newspapers, but some of them lie.

Edit: also " It's not my fault if their managerial career was very poor"
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Is he wrong though ?, Did you ever hear players back then complaining they were tired ?, for UTD could you imagine Roy Keane saying to SAF "i cant play today boss im feeing a bit tired",[/
Yes. I've haven't heard any player complain of tiredness!
Jose has absolutely slated him.
From MEN:

"Our biggest problem is the number of matches is unbelievable,"Mourinho said "But I know some people like to lie. I think they are paid not to lie, they are paid to be honest and speak from their knowledge to the people that watches TV and reads newspapers, but some of them lie."
That's the sort of shite Trump comes out with.
I don't see Souness saying anything pretty bad in those. Jose will build a strong team with you, but he's showed cowardice in the league, treats your squad like they are Southampton and all to cover his own shortcomings this season. Theres is no excuse for Jose with a half a billion pound squad not to be able to manage 60 odd games.
Wish roy keane and souness played in the same era so that keane could snap his legs
So much bitterness tonight. Horrible pundit in club football, doesn't even try to hide his biases.