How important is football?


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Shed no tears for Liverpool: our football needs deflating

Bill Shankly was wrong. This unimportant game is an insatiable monster. Financial collapse would get it back in perspective

Martin Kettle,
Thursday 14 October 2010

There are things that matter. And then there are things one cares about. Sometimes the two coincide. In my own case the list of things that are both subjectively and objectively important includes family, a good education, and having a double-door American fridge with an ice-making machine.

On the other hand, there are also things that one cares about that do not ultimately matter as much as one sometimes imagines. This list includes things such as balsamic vinegar, foreign travel and the leadership of the Labour party. And then there are things that matter a lot, even though one does not care about them as much as one should – tackling the budget deficit, solving the Middle East problem and ironing my own shirts.

Finally, however, there are the things in the twilight zone about which one does not care and which don't matter either. At the top of this list, for me, is every single reality TV show ever devised. But somewhere close behind comes the ownership of Liverpool FC, followed by England's 2018 World Cup bid and, increasingly, by the precarious condition of English football in general.

Don't get this wrong. I'm a northern boy. I like football as well as gravy. I enjoy going to football matches. I have a season ticket. I'm loyal both to my birthright and to my adopted teams. I watch a lot of football on TV. I always at least scan the football news. I can speak fluent football if required. It's still the people's game. It's still the global game. Sometimes it is still the beautiful game.

But the truth is that English football has become an insatiable monster. And the truth is that we ought to face up to the fact, but have shied away from doing so. In the 1990s the culture bought the idea that we couldn't have too much football, and that it didn't matter how it was run as long as English football felt like the centre of the world. We lionised the players and thought lots more money in the game meant lots more satisfaction from it. Fatally, we also thought this was all really positive. In fact, football was too big. This wasn't living the dream. It was living the deception.

The parallels with what was happening in the financial sector at the same time and for many of the same reasons are absolutely unmissable. In some ways the processes were not even parallel, they were one and the same. The owners, the sponsors, the merchandisers – increasingly even the mercenary players and coaches – were more interested in the money, then leveraging the money into more money, than in the game, never mind the fans or the clubs.

No one regulated. No one objected. No one thought strategically. Stopping it was too difficult and too unpopular. We took the line of least resistance. Even the supporters, never great strategists, were more interested in today than tomorrow. If a billionaire bought their club they didn't boo, they cheered. They only objected when the money dried up.

That's why it is hard to feel sympathy for Liverpool, whose survival hangs on court cases on both sides of the Atlantic this week. The current owners, Tom Hicks and George Gillett, bought Liverpool in 2007 so they could borrow massive amounts of money against the club. They were not interested in football but wealth. It should have been stopped. Inevitably it wasn't. Now Liverpool are loaded with millions of pounds of extra debt that no one wants. But neither Hicks and Gillett nor Liverpool were unique in the deal they struck. Leeds, Portsmouth, Newcastle and West Ham have all been tempted down similarly ruinous paths. Even Manchester United are not wholly safe. There but for fortune go many other Premier League clubs too. Fortunes made and lost, the money is now heading elsewhere in Europe, leaving England's wrecks behind.

If it is Liverpool's fate to be the Lehman Brothers of the Premier League, then that is hard luck on them. But so be it. Shed no tears. A football club is not a bank. Lives do not depend on its existence, and no amount of anguish in the streets around Anfield can make it so. Governments have no obligations here. No football club is too big to fail, especially when, on the contrary, English football is too big not to fail. The moral hazard on which so much English football has partied for so long has to end somehow. The football authorities, so-called, are unwilling and incapable. If only a collapse will do, then bring it on.

Football is a game. Football is entertainment. Yes, it's a really good game. Yes, it's exciting entertainment. Yes, it is hugely enjoyable – or can be – to follow your own team through thick and thin. But that's all. Football is not more than that. It's not the reason we exist. It's not a way of life. It's not even a religion, except inasmuch as it is a comforting delusion. Football doesn't prove anything at all about anything. It certainly does not validate the worth of the disturbingly large number of people, still almost all male, who appear to think that it does. Great footballers are nothing more than great footballers.

Liverpool are simply one club among many. Their self-absorbed glamour, their tough, storied past and the iconic splendour of Steven Gerrard should not distract from the club's collective responsibility. Don't blame the Texans – at least not just because they are Texans. Liverpool are just another club that got greedy, got careless and, blinded by the allure of quick success, got their priorities wrong. Even a quarter sensible club would have got together with Everton to build a shared stadium on the Mersey years ago. The fans haven't been betrayed. They have just been blind.

The idea that English football deserves the World Cup can only be the work of an ironist. A tournament whose early rounds were played exclusively in the grounds of bankrupt clubs and which climaxed in the awful, debt-crushed, windswept new Wembley stadium with its bumpy pitch would, perhaps, have a kind of macabre metaphorical attraction. But the sight of David Cameron hosting Sepp Blatter and his fellow international football bigwigs at Downing Street this week in pursuit of the awful 2018 bid made the heart sink. Cameron has a country to run. He shouldn't follow New Labour down this demeaning route. There are no votes in football.

Get real about English football. It is a god that failed. Stop worshipping it. It is the reflection of the unbalanced, short-termist hedonism of the financial boom era. Bill Shankly was wrong. Football isn't more important than life or death. It is infinitely less important. Enjoy it and get it back in perspective.

Denis' cuff

Full Member
May 13, 2007
I think the answer to the original question is "very important - until something truly important happens to you" and that's coming from somebody old enough not to let a crap United performance affect my mood as much as it does. But it does. I suppose it fills a gap in our lives of make believe amongst the mundanaties of work/play merry-go-round. At times it's the best day of your life or the worst - until real life intervenes

It wouldn't do any harm at all for the game to be brought crashing down to earth


Desperately wants to be a Muppet
Sep 30, 2004
Thing is, it's always been this way in England, and it was more so during the recession times of the 70's and 80's. So bringing it crashing to earth would have no affect whatsoever.


Full Member
Aug 11, 2008
Sport in general is a lot more important than some tend to believe.

I was watching some terrific documentary on Baseball through our era the other week, and there was this terrific thing from one of the players talking to security guard from the first Yankees game back after the break they had because of 9/11, and the guard was like "I'm glad you guys are back and I can't to see the game tonight, it's important that we win so we can make the playoffs", to which the player(forgot who) replied "How can you feel that way in these circumstances?", and then he was "Well obviously I don't legit mean it as important, but for a few hours tonight, I get to forget all about this and just enjoy something I love again"

Sure some parts of it are incredibly overblown and over the top, but it's important to those who love it and find solace at a stadium, or watching a game on tv. It lets you forget the whole around you for a few hours.


Aug 18, 2007
Welcome to Manchester reception committee
Sure some parts of it are incredibly overblown and over the top, but it's important to those who love it and find solace at a stadium, or watching a game on tv. It lets you forget the whole around you for a few hours.
Absolutely. Football links generations together, it links communities. Despite the tribal aspect, you feel a connection when you meet fans of another team, another country. It's something you share.

What doesn't matter are the players, the managers and the trophies. What matters is the game - that seasons come and go.

When real tragedy or drama strikes in your own life, it's actually annoying that football just carries on regardless. But once that immediate, "can't think of anything else" moment is past you look at football and there it is again. Whether it's a new season, a new player or another match - that sense of continuity, and of being part of something bigger, can be amazingly comforting - and if that sounds quasi-religious I'm not surprised.

Going back to the article I'd be more comfortable if the financial model of the UK clubs was like the member owned models of may Bundesliga clubs. But remember Real Madrid and Barcelona are also member-owned and carry most of the same excesses (including debt) as their PL equivalents. But ultimately I believe the financial excesses will also be a self-limiting thing, even if a couple of clubs go bankrupt in the process. Meanwhile blaming Everton/Liverpool fans for not sharing a stadium (when they had no vote in the matter, nor on anything else affecting how the clubs spend their money) is just posturing.


From Barca to Orient - back down to earth with a b
Sep 1, 2007
"Thomas..It's up for grabs now - Thomas, righ
naa football is a fking game.

Real life it aint - not on an ongoing 'life changing' basis

Its a fun divertion away from the mundanities of life for me anyway and I cant see how anybody can make it more important than that

It is and should be fun and its a great way for us to get our heads into something we feel is more serious but in fact deep down -we all know it is'nt

Should you miss the birth of your son, daughter cos of football? miss turning up for your wedding? an important family party/function an important exam if your a student? an important interview?

Naa its a game - a great one - but only a game


New Member
Jan 1, 2010
Crawling Up Sunnys Jim
People often over estimate the importance of football. To say it links communities together, is probably true (if your not a glory supporter and go watch your home team week in week out). However, in this day and age supporting a team means nothing, children simply pick the team they want to support, obviously choosing the best at the time.



Dawn’s less famous husband
Jun 25, 2009
It used to matter to me but not anymore.
It's so far detached from reality at this stage my love for it is dying. Money has ruined it.
Yeah people deserve to be paid for whet they do but 100 grand a week!!! That's feckin outrageous when there doctors and nurses getting paid feck all on the NHS for saving lives

It's not even a fair competition anymore off the field... It's now about who has the richest owners to buy the best players ...Chelsea and city will move away from every other club that hasn't got a billionaire owner...
Money has and is ruining the game. Players are getting paid too much and play for cash rather than the jersey, and some of them think that they are messiahs.
It's only a game, a game that's rapidly losing it's heart and soul because of money and it's pitfalls.

I mean Rooney, for example, gets a stupid amount of cash every week yet the average fan is finding it harder and harder to afford tickets to go see the team but would you expect Rooney to help you out on a personal level ... Not a hope


There is non worthy of worship except God
Jul 7, 2006
I think if football matters to you past the age of 21 as it did in your childhood and teens, then you have a problem. Not a bad problem to have, mind you, if only life were that simple.

Sonny Feehan

Full Member
Sep 10, 2004
I think if football matters to you past the age of 21 as it did in your childhood and teens, then you have a problem. Not a bad problem to have, mind you, if only life were that simple.
I must be getting better. A United loss only depresses me for about 24 hours. Used to be the whole week but I am getting on a bit.


Aug 6, 2010
The Champions League
naa football is a fking game.

Real life it aint - not on an ongoing 'life changing' basis

Its a fun divertion away from the mundanities of life for me anyway and I cant see how anybody can make it more important than that

It is and should be fun and its a great way for us to get our heads into something we feel is more serious but in fact deep down -we all know it is'nt

Should you miss the birth of your son, daughter cos of football? miss turning up for your wedding? an important family party/function an important exam if your a student? an important interview?

Naa its a game - a great one - but only a game

Not having that for a second. The sense of sheer desolation when we lose is just horrendous, and it goes on until the next game, when we can repair some of the damage.

In my family, you miss a game when there's a funeral, and the dead person has to be connected by blood. If not, you go to the game. End of. Weddings are organised around football.