If the squad is so poor, then how is last season's winning streak explained?


Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Outraged snowflakes
Apologies if there is a thread that is already devoted to this, I haven't seen it. Some of this has been argued about in the Ole Performances thread, but I felt a specific thread could help focus the issue.

The main argument I've seen from fans who want to give Ole more time, is that no other manager would be able to get any more out of this squad of players.

I've given it thought, but come to the conclusion that this just defies logic. When Ole came in, he talked up the potential of the squad. We also went on that winning streak, picking up 35 points from the first 14 games, which was title winning form. Not only that but the football being played was expansive and free flowing. We spent a lot time winning games and looking like we were going to win games.

If you compare that to this season's form and the form from the tail end of last season I see teams that are world's apart (despite a brief upsurge right at the start of the season). We do look dismal it has to be said. There seems to be little evidence of a finely tuned, well-oiled machine which has a clear setup and method of penetrating other teams. We are toothless in attack, creating few chances from open play. Many of the players seem to have regressed to shadows of what they're capable of. Fred, our £50m signing from Brazil, looks like a bona fide pub player. Rashford is becoming a meme version of himself that now blazes free kicks over the bar from a ridiculous angle, instead of whipping the ball into the box when we're chasing a game. Lingard has become entirely impotent as an attacking threat and is widely derided by the fanbase. DDG is not looking like the unbeatable force he once was and now you're worried every game he might let a routine save creep in. Pogba, by far our best player, is cutting a disconsolate figure who might only stay if we agree to pay him the GDP of a small country.

To me this all indicates squad mis-management. And the logical conclusion to that is that Ole has to be the person who is responsible for this, this is his remit. He talked up the squad when he got the job, but now it looks like the goalposts are moving. All of a sudden the squad is not good enough and somehow we are now overachieving with this squad by getting to midtable!

From my perspective, I am sad to say that I don't think Ole is a good manager. I don't think he's a good tactical manager or even that good a motivator. The impression I get is that his main failure is trying to be SAF-lite. Whereas SAF was respected, liked and - most crucially - feared, Ole seems to be mainly liked and to a lesser extent, respected. Ole seems to be too chummy with some of the players, calling them nicknames and the like, while at the same time he has alienated others, such as Lukaku and Matic, to our detriment. Say what you want about those players, I would probably agree with you, but I get the feeling that a top manager like SAF would have kept those players on side and got what he needed out of them. Instead, Lukaku felt justifiably frozen out and was sold. Fair enough, but a bit dumb (this is being kind) when no replacement has been lined up ready to bring in. It indicates a serious and concerning lack of foresight.

I think he is good at making his favourites in the squad feel great about themselves, but terrible at giving harsh doses of reality and the hairdryer when it's required. And that would indicate that he would rather be liked than respected. Which is not a bad quality in a person, but it's not what is required to manage an elite football club.

What should be said I think, is that Ole's plan A works. When all players are fit and available, we look very capable. Pogba, Martial, James and Rashford (when he is not in Rashinaldo mode) are a potent attacking force and we saw it in the first couple of games of the season, I thought we were unlucky at Wolves. Additionally the players brought in have been successes in general, but can this be said to be a real success? If you spend £80m on a centre back, you really should bloody hope they turn out to be good for you.

But our strength is incredibly brittle. Injuries to Pogba and Martial make 'midtable side' seem like a generous description. Whereas elite managers rely more on their systems than individual players; ie. when one player is injured, another albeit less quality player can fulfil the same role in the interim. Conversely, Ole's system seems to be very easily ruptured in more of a 'single point of failure' kind of way.

And this is what defines Ole as a poor manager to me. There is no indication of any system being developed that is capable of withstanding external stressors and pulls the maximum out of the considerable resources we have available. We simply should not be this bad, despite any injuries.

Additionally, the man-management has been poor. Freezing out Lukaku with no replacement. Indulging Rashford and giving the OK to the club to press ahead with his superstar contract with no evidence that he could be relied upon in the event of injuries or sale of other players reeks of post-peak Rooney with Moyes. Dybala would only come for stupid money as a result of these kinds of deals. Furthermore, there is talk of renewing Lingard's contract, Pogba also looks disillusioned and wants ridiculous money to stick around. £50m worth of Brazilian talent that was also coveted by Guardiola is now in abject freefall. Mata looks shot despite being only 31 and having never relied upon pace as part of his game anyway

Ole simply doesn't have the mettle of a SAF, the resoluteness to create a true siege mentality that can withstand the incredible stress that comes with being Manchester United. After 9 months the squad shows no signs of being greater than the sum of its' parts. He lacks innovation tactically, which probably could have been said of SAF as well, but SAF knew how to bring the right people in could fulfil this role for him. And to top it all off the players are looking worse than ever. Tepid, uninspiring performances are the order of the day

The red flags with this appointment keep piling up and I find blaming the squad an unacceptable excuse. There is enough talent in the squad to be comfortably top 6 form, and to put more than one goal past Astana. It is Ole's job to get the most out of the squad, to get the £50m version of Fred back. To ring the last drops out of Matic and Mata's career. To instil Gomes as the next bright English talent in the #10 role. To come down on Rashford like a ton of bricks for his over indulgent and reckless disregard for the team. To implement a system that allows these players to shine for him.

Ole is a nice guy, a club legend who clearly loves the club and it's deeply offensive when posters here personally insult him. But there is no way that he is elite, or I think, even top half manager material. And the sooner the penny drops with the fanbase, the better I say.
For what it's worth, Lukaku and Herrera were still in the squad.
For what it's worth, Lukaku and Herrera were still in the squad.

Yes, I mentioned the Lukaku part of that. I should probably edit to include sale of Herrera as that is a big factor.
:lol: coming up with this complicated explantion to "blame" Ole. It's called luck, new manager effect and piss-easy schedule at the start
It's got to be (partly) the new manager phenomena. There's loads of examples of a new manager coming in, the player getting a lift, trying to impress the new manager or whatever going on a run as we did, then fading back into type.

However, also - Ole went on that winning streak playing 4-3-3 attacking football. He got a few injuries and changed his strategy. He has never reverted back to what worked when he came in. He's now playing 4-2-3-1 and what looks like (an attempt at) counter-attacking football.

I cannot understand why he doesn't deviate from 4-2-3-1. He is now stuck on this formation. I can't get my head round why he won't try and get back to what worked.
:lol: coming up with this complicated explantion to "blame" Ole. It's called luck, new manager effect and piss-easy schedule at the start

I'm not "blaming" him, I am blaming him :lol:
The squad isn't shit at least not according to most posters in the summer, in fact anyone who dare say that it was shit was mocked. Suddenly these same people are all throwing out that its a midtable side and Ole can't possibly do better.

We have so many hypocrites on here who flip flop their opinion routinely.
Look at the teams we faced against recently and played shit. While we don't have a great squad player for player it is way better than any of those. The problem runs much deeper. No real game plan and no winning mentality. Only a few seem to really care and try to be the best if any. Sometimes yesterday I thought I was watching a game in training. One situation particularly when Williams had a great run pretty late in the game passing the ball expecting to get it back but matic(?) played it back to the defenders instead. That pissed me off.
:lol: coming up with this complicated explantion to "blame" Ole. It's called luck, new manager effect and piss-easy schedule at the start

Comprehensive wins away at Arsenal and Chelsea were part of the run.
Apologies if there is a thread that is already devoted to this, I haven't seen it. Some of this has been argued about in the Ole Performances thread, but I felt a specific thread could help focus the issue.

The main argument I've seen from fans who want to give Ole more time, is that no other manager would be able to get any more out of this squad of players.

I've given it thought, but come to the conclusion that this just defies logic. When Ole came in, he talked up the potential of the squad. We also went on that winning streak, picking up 35 points from the first 14 games, which was title winning form. Not only that but the football being played was expansive and free flowing. We spent a lot time winning games and looking like we were going to win games.

If you compare that to this season's form and the form from the tail end of last season I see teams that are world's apart (despite a brief upsurge right at the start of the season). We do look dismal it has to be said. There seems to be little evidence of a finely tuned, well-oiled machine which has a clear setup and method of penetrating other teams. We are toothless in attack, creating few chances from open play. Many of the players seem to have regressed to shadows of what they're capable of. Fred, our £50m signing from Brazil, looks like a bona fide pub player. Rashford is becoming a meme version of himself that now blazes free kicks over the bar from a ridiculous angle, instead of whipping the ball into the box when we're chasing a game. Lingard has become entirely impotent as an attacking threat and is widely derided by the fanbase. DDG is not looking like the unbeatable force he once was and now you're worried every game he might let a routine save creep in. Pogba, by far our best player, is cutting a disconsolate figure who might only stay if we agree to pay him the GDP of a small country.

To me this all indicates squad mis-management. And the logical conclusion to that is that Ole has to be the person who is responsible for this, this is his remit. He talked up the squad when he got the job, but now it looks like the goalposts are moving. All of a sudden the squad is not good enough and somehow we are now overachieving with this squad by getting to midtable!

From my perspective, I am sad to say that I don't think Ole is a good manager. I don't think he's a good tactical manager or even that good a motivator. The impression I get is that his main failure is trying to be SAF-lite. Whereas SAF was respected, liked and - most crucially - feared, Ole seems to be mainly liked and to a lesser extent, respected. Ole seems to be too chummy with some of the players, calling them nicknames and the like, while at the same time he has alienated others, such as Lukaku and Matic, to our detriment. Say what you want about those players, I would probably agree with you, but I get the feeling that a top manager like SAF would have kept those players on side and got what he needed out of them. Instead, Lukaku felt justifiably frozen out and was sold. Fair enough, but a bit dumb (this is being kind) when no replacement has been lined up ready to bring in. It indicates a serious and concerning lack of foresight.

I think he is good at making his favourites in the squad feel great about themselves, but terrible at giving harsh doses of reality and the hairdryer when it's required. And that would indicate that he would rather be liked than respected. Which is not a bad quality in a person, but it's not what is required to manage an elite football club.

What should be said I think, is that Ole's plan A works. When all players are fit and available, we look very capable. Pogba, Martial, James and Rashford (when he is not in Rashinaldo mode) are a potent attacking force and we saw it in the first couple of games of the season, I thought we were unlucky at Wolves. Additionally the players brought in have been successes in general, but can this be said to be a real success? If you spend £80m on a centre back, you really should bloody hope they turn out to be good for you.

But our strength is incredibly brittle. Injuries to Pogba and Martial make 'midtable side' seem like a generous description. Whereas elite managers rely more on their systems than individual players; ie. when one player is injured, another albeit less quality player can fulfil the same role in the interim. Conversely, Ole's system seems to be very easily ruptured in more of a 'single point of failure' kind of way.

And this is what defines Ole as a poor manager to me. There is no indication of any system being developed that is capable of withstanding external stressors and pulls the maximum out of the considerable resources we have available. We simply should not be this bad, despite any injuries.

Additionally, the man-management has been poor. Freezing out Lukaku with no replacement. Indulging Rashford and giving the OK to the club to press ahead with his superstar contract with no evidence that he could be relied upon in the event of injuries or sale of other players reeks of post-peak Rooney with Moyes. Dybala would only come for stupid money as a result of these kinds of deals. Furthermore, there is talk of renewing Lingard's contract, Pogba also looks disillusioned and wants ridiculous money to stick around. £50m worth of Brazilian talent that was also coveted by Guardiola is now in abject freefall. Mata looks shot despite being only 31 and having never relied upon pace as part of his game anyway

Ole simply doesn't have the mettle of a SAF, the resoluteness to create a true siege mentality that can withstand the incredible stress that comes with being Manchester United. After 9 months the squad shows no signs of being greater than the sum of its' parts. He lacks innovation tactically, which probably could have been said of SAF as well, but SAF knew how to bring the right people in could fulfil this role for him. And to top it all off the players are looking worse than ever. Tepid, uninspiring performances are the order of the day

The red flags with this appointment keep piling up and I find blaming the squad an unacceptable excuse. There is enough talent in the squad to be comfortably top 6 form, and to put more than one goal past Astana. It is Ole's job to get the most out of the squad, to get the £50m version of Fred back. To ring the last drops out of Matic and Mata's career. To instil Gomes as the next bright English talent in the #10 role. To come down on Rashford like a ton of bricks for his over indulgent and reckless disregard for the team. To implement a system that allows these players to shine for him.

Ole is a nice guy, a club legend who clearly loves the club and it's deeply offensive when posters here personally insult him. But there is no way that he is elite, or I think, even top half manager material. And the sooner the penny drops with the fanbase, the better I say.

The initial 5 games were the easiest run of fixtures, confidence grew at the point. The usual new managerial appointment bounce because the players stopped working for Mourinho.

Regardless what people said having Lukaku, Sanchez and Herrera on the bench is much better options than what we have now.
I thought about this too and came up with;

1. New manager bounce.
2. Herrera was playing in the midfield. Now he didn't do anything special, but he did enough to mean Pogba could do the special stuff.
3. Lingard was in really good form, probably form of his life.
4. Shaw, Martial, Rashford, Lingard, Pogba were all fit. Right now they're injured to varying degrees and they are our attacking capability. Outside of these players we have no attack.
5. We still had Lukaku who could score goals, albeit in patches and usually against the lesser sides.
6. We played 433 with attacking intent not 4231 relying on the counter.

The new manager magic wore off pretty quick. With Herrera gone, we have nobody to free up Pogba (we need McTomminay to replace Matic who's turned to rubbish). Lingards run of form ended ages ago. 4 out of these 5 players are injured, Lukaku has left and not been replaced, and we've been found out on the counter, we have no plan B.
The initial 5 games were the easiest run of fixtures, confidence grew at the point. The usual new managerial appointment bounce because the players stopped working for Mourinho.

Regardless what people said having Lukaku, Sanchez and Herrera on the bench is much better options than what we have now.

I agree with all of that. My main point is the drop in form should not be this precipitous and these players should have been kept onside and not sold.

Jose got more of this squad long before ole added maguire and awb and James.

You might not like his style or him, but there are managers that can make us work.

No managers cant win with this squad is just a nice excuse for the deluded. We're not asking for winning the league, he cant even manager a top 6 performance.
Herrera was playing in the midfield. Now he didn't do anything special, but he did enough to mean Pogba could do the special stuff.

Is it me or that people are over rating Herrera here as if not having him has changed how we play completely.

Does no one remember we had Herrera last season and under Jose we were just as bad?
Alright, Ole got way too much credit during his winning streak and too much blame now
You are right he got way too much credit for that "new manager bounce", no manager is that good to make such an instant improvement. But he should get more blame now for what's happening right now.
I agree with all of that. My main point is the drop in form should not be this precipitous and these players should have been kept onside and not sold.

It’s a difficult one. Herrera clearly wanted too much money. He was important to our team but £300k plus a week is a ridiculous amount of money for a player of his quality. But at the same time considering the new contracts all our other players have got recently that looks about right.

Lukaku and Sanchez both wanted to leave, Solskjaer admitted that in a recent interview. So the club and management have known that for months yet did nothing about replacing them in the summer. At that point who’s to blame? Ole for expecting youth to bridge the gaps, Ole for only wanting certain targets and wouldn’t compromise or the board for not backing him in the market? I suspect it’s a mix of all three.

We went after Jadon Sancho and was told no. Dybala I can’t help but feel was a non-starter but merely a story to keep the fans on side that the club was trying to sign world class players. Once we can’t sign these types of players we simply needed numbers. I would have taken Llorente on a free because I knew once we got injuries we would be so short up front. Rashford and Martial’s injury history speaks for itself. Then the club let go of Sanchez to make the situation even worse. How exactly is a couple of youth players and a player from the Championship going to be better than Sanchez? The club’s complete lack of planning for injuries has caused this problem. That’s on the board and manager.
It’s a difficult one. Herrera clearly wanted too much money. He was important to our team but £300k plus a week is a ridiculous amount of money for a player of his quality. But at the same time considering the new contracts all our other players have got recently that looks about right.

Lukaku and Sanchez both wanted to leave, Solskjaer admitted that in a recent interview. So the club and management have known that for months yet did nothing about replacing them in the summer. At that point who’s to blame? Ole for expecting youth to bridge the gaps, Ole for only wanting certain targets and wouldn’t compromise or the board for not backing him in the market? I suspect it’s a mix of all three.

We went after Jadon Sancho and was told no. Dybala I can’t help but feel was a non-starter but merely a story to keep the fans on side that the club was trying to sign world class players. Once we can’t sign these types of players we simply needed numbers. I would have taken Llorente on a free because I knew once we got injuries we would be so short up front. Rashford and Martial’s injury history speaks for itself. Then the club let go of Sanchez to make the situation even worse. How exactly is a couple of youth players and a player from the Championship going to be better than Sanchez? The club’s complete lack of planning for injuries has caused this problem. That’s on the board and manager.

I thought Herrera was after £200k a week, which considering what we are paying other players...

I'm certainly not absolving the board of any blame, they are up their eyeballs in blame at this point. But top managers have got a way of wringing the last drops out of the majority of their players. Lukaku wanted away because he felt frozen out with Ole making it extremely clear Rashford was gonna be his first choice and always would be. I feel like SAF would have kept him on side, knowing how indispensable strikers who are proven effective in front of goal are, even ones with the first touch of a dehydrated mule. Similarly, like you say there was more to be got out of Sanchez, rather than paying him to go score goals for Inter. That's on the manager. Alongside the visible wilting of players like Mata and Matic who are definitely capable of delivering more. Mata is only 31 but he's playing like he's 40, he never relied on pace anyway. I just think you have to hold the manager accountable. I'm not saying it's an easy job. It's obviously extremely difficult and requires a rare skillset, but one which Ole clearly doesn't have.
Is it me or that people are over rating Herrera here as if not having him has changed how we play completely.

Does no one remember we had Herrera last season and under Jose we were just as bad?

Herrera was better than Fellaini, Fred, Matic and McTominay (who's only just learning his game). He wasn't Eriksen, Silva, Kante, Fernadinho; but he was a tidy player. He circulated the ball, didn't lose posession, won it back. Pogba was better when he was in the team, than when he wasn't. Alongisde Matic (even more so alongside McTominay in my opinion), he created a safe base that allowed Pogba to play - if he felt like it.

He provided nothing going forwards, his passes were always the safe option - but now we don't even have that.
Herrera was better than Fellaini, Fred, Matic and McTominay (who's only just learning his game). He wasn't Eriksen, Silva, Kante, Fernadinho; but he was a tidy player. He circulated the ball, didn't lose posession, won it back. Pogba was better when he was in the team, than when he wasn't. Alongisde Matic (even more so alongside McTominay in my opinion), he created a safe base that allowed Pogba to play - if he felt like it.

He provided nothing going forwards, his passes were always the safe option - but now we don't even have that.

Our biggest problem is creating chances and fans who are saying if we had Herrera as if he is some sort of world class player, he isnt.

He wanted 300k a week, no way was he worth that. Get over it.

Why do we keep living in the what ifs? Lukaku, Herrera, Sanchez are NO LONGER here, there is no point keep pointing it out.

Mistakes have been made in the transfer window but that will not change our situation now.
Our biggest problem is creating chances and fans who are saying if we had Herrera as if he is some sort of world class player, he isnt.

He wanted 300k a week, no way was he worth that. Get over it.

Why do we keep living in the what ifs? Lukaku, Herrera, Sanchez are NO LONGER here, there is no point keep pointing it out.

Mistakes have been made in the transfer window but that will not change our situation now.

cut the shit. Why are you obsessed with one point of my post? I mentioned the fecking attack being a bag of cnuts ages already. The midfield being shite is just as important a problem. We had 1 good midfielder and 1 okay one. We got rid of the okay one and didn't replace him.

Now Enjoy Fred, Matic and Mata with a sprinkling of Jlingz.
You could say the same in reverse, "If Ole is so poor, how is last season's winning streak explained".

In reality, both the manager and the squad are poor and below the standards we need.
cut the shit. Why are you obsessed with one point of my post? I mentioned the fecking attack being a bag of cnuts ages already. The midfield being shite is just as important a problem. We had 1 good midfielder and 1 okay one. We got rid of the okay one and didn't replace him.

Now Enjoy Fred, Matic and Mata with a sprinkling of Jlingz.

You think I am happy with us letting load of players go and not replacing them? You think I am happy watching laboured football?
NO to both.

But I am not going to make myself feel better by saying, oh we should have kept Herrera like he some sort of WC player who would transform this team.
We had a relatively easy schedule, the players were fresh because they hadn't been running for Mourinho and the feel-good factor carried us through.

The only tough game we played during that early period was against Spurs, and they hammered us. We could easily have lost 4-1 that day. Some might argue it would have been better if we had.
It’s a fairly simple explanation that has been provided by many posters previously.

1. Players delighted to be free after Mourinho’s reign. In particular Pogba who was great for a month or 2.
2. The perfect fixture schedule for a new manager to come in.
3. Squad depth worse than ever now with Herrera & Lukaku gone. Who despite not being the cafs favourites, were vital squad members.

We fecked up big time appointing Ole. As much as I love the man, he has no clue what he is doing. Even in the dark times under Klopp, it was clear they were working towards something promising. We have none of that going on. No progress whatsoever.

Despite making 3 good signings, it wasn’t nearly enough. I don’t know what the board were thinking but you can’t expect to sell Lukaku and hope his goal contribution will be magically implemented after his departure. An absolute disgrace we didn’t bring in a replacement. Our midfield has feck all quality or depth, which was common knowledge before the season started.
Is it me or that people are over rating Herrera here as if not having him has changed how we play completely.

Does no one remember we had Herrera last season and under Jose we were just as bad?

Nah, Herrera has always been underrated and appreciated in my opinion. The fact we didn't purchase a midfielder is ridiculous. There's no flow within the team at all and our midfield is why. No player knows how to create chances on this team bar Pogba.
Nah, Herrera has always been underrated and appreciated in my opinion. The fact we didn't purchase a midfielder is ridiculous. There's no flow within the team at all and our midfield is why. No player knows how to create chances on this team bar Pogba.

I liked him as a player but under no circumstances is he worth 300k for us. Ole and the clubs fault to trust the youngsters.
cut the shit. Why are you obsessed with one point of my post? I mentioned the fecking attack being a bag of cnuts ages already. The midfield being shite is just as important a problem. We had 1 good midfielder and 1 okay one. We got rid of the okay one and didn't replace him.

Now Enjoy Fred, Matic and Mata with a sprinkling of Jlingz.

If only ole got his longstaff
I liked him as a player but under no circumstances is he worth 300k for us. Ole and the clubs fault to trust the youngsters.

The club struggles in terms of coordinating high turnover. Hence we only signed 3 players this summer. Now We gave long term contracts to deadwood like jesse, Jones and Mata. However we stalled with herrera. That's crazy

I hope we enjoy the few pounds we spared from giving herrera a deal when we have spared when we are 10th and out of Europe
The dressing room euphoria of Jose out and a clean slate to work with.

Yes ok I get that, but why the precipitous drop in form from end of last season then? Surely shows the squad is or at least was better than we are currently. So who is mainly responsible?

If Ole could motivate them then, why can't he now etc...
The club struggles in terms of coordinating high turnover. Hence we only signed 3 players this summer. Now We gave long term contracts to deadwood like jesse, Jones and Mata. However we stalled with herrera. That's crazy

I hope we enjoy the few pounds we spared from giving herrera a deal when we have spared when we are 10th and out of Europe

Add Smalling's new deal but only to loan him this season seems bonker. We can let Jones, Mata, Young go on free and give the money to Herrera and/or buy new midfields and it seems more believable. Instead we choose the most stupid way to do it.
No need for such a long analysis, Pogba and Martial were integral to the winning streak. Both got injured and it fecked us completely - simple
I thought about this too and came up with;

1. New manager bounce.
2. Herrera was playing in the midfield. Now he didn't do anything special, but he did enough to mean Pogba could do the special stuff.
3. Lingard was in really good form, probably form of his life.
4. Shaw, Martial, Rashford, Lingard, Pogba were all fit. Right now they're injured to varying degrees and they are our attacking capability. Outside of these players we have no attack.
5. We still had Lukaku who could score goals, albeit in patches and usually against the lesser sides.
6. We played 433 with attacking intent not 4231 relying on the counter.

The new manager magic wore off pretty quick. With Herrera gone, we have nobody to free up Pogba (we need McTomminay to replace Matic who's turned to rubbish). Lingards run of form ended ages ago. 4 out of these 5 players are injured, Lukaku has left and not been replaced, and we've been found out on the counter, we have no plan B.
Agree with all of that. Lifted mood, easy games, fully fit squad.
The more I soul search the more I have to agree with the majority that OGS is out of his depth 1) No tactical plan or awareness 2) formation 3) Coaching. The fourth is given re Woody & structure.

No creativity, no depth or quality to squad. The defence has improved and there is an element of depth (OK Jones liable to a howler if required) but hey ho defence is marginally better. However, there is a serious issue with the attack. We in effect have a bunch of kids leading the line. Last night was absolutely woeful. 1 shot on target and 1 corner. This is not aided by the formation which is defensive - there is no intent. If the formation is like this because Martial is out then that equals failure in a pre season plan as to back up in striking options and there in lies OGS as a failure and Woody too. They let Lukaku deal drag on and then cornered as to a replacement. To me it was about the financials on Lukaku we want 10m more etc.

At this stage I do not see anything in the kids to say there are going to be world beaters = is the academy up to it. Its a numbers game the more you process through it the more chance of having a quality output. Greenwood maybe but as for the rest decent pro's. Or is this the coaching issue/OGS ideology re 1st team killing how these youngsters play. Sorry but do not follow the u21's so no idea. Most clubs have an ethos in play from the under 10's right the way through. Does the latter exist to any degree at lower levels and then is falls over at elite level?

I see a lot of draws this season as we can't create let alone score. the interim solution on the pitch putting OGS aside has to place Pogba as the creator further up the pitch (even though he needs to be shipped out) with McTominay (don't rate him - but he has got stuck in) & Rojo or Jones or Shaw behind him. The next issue is Rashford (Lingard well need I say anything..... at least he is now injured). No more free kicks end of, intense coaching as to his vision & decision making which have been woeful for 18 months. He is not a striker so his role is wide right end of. He needs a kick up the proverbials after his crazy contract and be dropped.

Flirting with relegation is a real prospect as we now no goal threat in the PL & you are in trouble. Although, at this stage we are in trouble with no plan B, OGS or coaching staff who seem inept and there is no leader on the pitch to sort certain individuals out.
We also went on that winning streak, picking up 35 points from the first 14 games, which was title winning form. Not only that but the football being played was expansive and free flowing. We spent a lot time winning games and looking like we were going to win games.

That’s not title winning form these days, City won their last 14 league games, 42 points from 42, that was title winning.

The football wasn’t expansive and free flowing, apart from those first 3 games. Although we were still winning games, we rode our luck, which you need but the football wasn’t great.

Newcastle we struggled to break down, Spurs away could’ve gone the other way, played well for 10 minutes away at Leicester, the others 80 minutes we were terrible. Brighton, Southampton, Watford at home wasn't free flowing, games we won but games where on another day, we could’ve easily dropped points.

Good cup wins away at Arsenal and Chelsea, but the 3rd round game at Home v Reading wasn’t expansive or free flowing it was a real struggle.

Results masked performances.
Not a single post on pressing, how it’s done. What was the difference then and now. Not a single post. The difference then and now was the team managed to stay compact. After all the injuries they lost that part, and it’s still missing now. That was the key success factor at the beginning. I don’t know if anyone noticed, but that was actually an improvement last night. The team pressed when compact and stand off when they are not. Key factor when you don’t have the legs in the team. Could also write an essay on that unbalance effecting runs and rythm on the play, which again makes players look for easy options on the passing. But what’s the point. Ole probably didn’t work enough on Fred’s passing and Matic defense runs last week, so he is shit..
Add Smalling's new deal but only to loan him this season seems bonker. We can let Jones, Mata, Young go on free and give the money to Herrera and/or buy new midfields and it seems more believable. Instead we choose the most stupid way to do it.

I would have got rid of the lot and added 7 players. Herrera was good but I don't like having decent players threatening us. Unfortunately our transfer people are incompetent. In such circumstances keeping herrera was a must

If I was ole in January I would go on players at their last 1-2 years of contract. Fraser would cover both flanks, Verratti will take herrera's role releasing Pogba in a more advanced position while milik would add options upfront. That can save our season
No need for such a long analysis, Pogba and Martial were integral to the winning streak. Both got injured and it fecked us completely - simple

Well I did say that in the post. Also should point out that Lukaku had a hot scoring streak in that period but still got frozen out. It does seem like single point of failure territory and after 9 months there has been no robustness or plan B implemented.

Point of thread is a rebuttal to the poor squad argument that is used to justify what we are seeing now. We had a top 6 squad at least, we don't now, and it was a bad way of going about a rebuild, responsibility for which lies with the manager.