I've got some things to say by Romelu Lukaku

He's a good shout, Belgium although they might fall short against the bigger teams, have a habit of battering the smaller teams.

Yea that's what I'm hoping for. If they can get 2 good results v Panama and Tunisia, then even 1 in the England game or the knockout stages he's in with a shout.
He's one player I never doubt will make it here in Manchester United. Has age on his side, good mentality and keeps improving.
Very amazing story and just mad respect for Romelu. He will succeed without a doubt.
Reading that was inspirational. I have a bit of a climb ahead of me atm, and reading this made me want to pull up trees!

Always did come across as level-headed and mature. If he keeps his drive and keeps learning, he’ll be a monster for us.
He started his adventure with United by bagging goals against City and R.Madrid. He will always be loved if given chance to prove himself to the point when without him our attack looks like a legit banter piss.

Lucky to have him.
I knew his story but still a very good read. He actually grew up about 8 miles from where I live. He breathes football.
Not a Lukaku fan, but that is a good read; fair play to the guy for what he's achieved.
I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen the website. Scrolling through the football stories and found this. Which I enjoyed reading.

I’ve been on a bit of an Iceland tip this morning because a close friend is a big cheese at Pepsi, so I was obliged to forward him this fantastic bit of viral advertising, created, directed and produced by the Icelandic goalkeeper.

Apparently Pepsi has 90% market share in Iceland. Not for long!

I'm not sure where you read that about Pepsi but I can assure you that much like rest of the world Coke is more popular here.
I'm not sure where you read that about Pepsi but I can assure you that much like rest of the world Coke is more popular here.

I didn’t read it. I was told it by my pepsi peddling friend. Who presumably has access to actual sales data.

Have to say, my own experience of Iceland backs him up. I hate Pepsi and would always ask for coke if I was eating out but I was repeatedly told in restaurants that “we only have pepsi, is that ok?”
Great article, well written to convey his character and personality.

Have a feeling he will do well at the world cup!
We're never going to win the league with him though, no matter how many inspirational stories he puts up. Football's unfair that we only got 1 great season out of RVP, 1 season with Zlatan, absolutely incredible strikers but if only we had them 5-10 years younger. Lukaku is gonna stick around for a while considering his transfer fee and he will get you loads of goals but he's not the complete package I'm afraid
These stories break my heart but these are ultimately the lives of successful athlete's. That burning desire to never go back to that way of life ever again is ultimately what propel people like Lukaku to becoming successful in their field. Look at the kids who grow up in the slums of Brazil and Argentina.

It's an interesting study in sociology, and perhaps why teams in the Scandinavian region don't produce great players that often. The quality of life there is much better and easier, even if you're poor, you definitely wouldn't be mixing milk with water to get by, the social system won't let you get that bad.
I like him not only as a player, but now also as a man. Always thought he had a great attitude, but I'd love for him to smash it for United - he could be Captain material for us one day.

I just hope Jones has his number for the England game. Other than that, best of luck to him!
Just goes to show - we all need inspiration from somewhere. Rom found his very young and fair fecks to him. He brings that warrior attitude to the pitch - a prime example to talent only getting you so far, a strong will to succeed is what gives you the extra 10%+.

It isn't a unique story of course. Unfortunately poverty is at every turn - as well as other far more gut hitting stories. But credit to anyone who has turned a challenging background into a path to glory. They are the ones that bring true inspiration to others.
I didn’t read it. I was told it by my pepsi peddling friend. Who presumably has access to actual sales data.

Have to say, my own experience of Iceland backs him up. I hate Pepsi and would always ask for coke if I was eating out but I was repeatedly told in restaurants that “we only have pepsi, is that ok?”

That's always irritated me to an irrational level.

"I'll have a diet coke please"

"It's Pepsi is that OK?"

Well no, it's not ok, Pepsi tastes like shit and I don't want it, that's why I asked for coke, but I can't turn around and say that because I'll look like a knob and you'll spit in my drink, so...

"Yea that's fine"

That's always irritated me to an irrational level.

"I'll have a diet coke please"

"It's Pepsi is that OK?"

Well no, it's not ok, Pepsi tastes like shit and I don't want it, that's why I asked for coke, but I can't turn around and say that because I'll look like a knob and you'll spit in my drink, so...

"Yea that's fine"


That's always irritated me to an irrational level.

"I'll have a diet coke please"

"It's Pepsi is that OK?"

Well no, it's not ok, Pepsi tastes like shit and I don't want it, that's why I asked for coke, but I can't turn around and say that because I'll look like a knob and you'll spit in my drink, so...

"Yea that's fine"


I have sufficiently little self-respect to flat out refuse every time. It helps that one of my best friends has turned into a pepsi zealot and it annoys him immensely every time I rub his nose in coke being the superior drink. I've been on holiday with him a few times and my first purchase is always a six pack of coca cola for the fridge (and I stopped drinking coke, other than in restaurants, years ago)
Great read.

Always frustrates me to see pundits, fans, and journalists getting up in arms over athletes enjoying the fruits of their success when so many of them came from poor, struggling families. Someone like Lukaku isn't out partying all night and wasting his abilities yet gets treated exactly like that. He's come from nothing and is able to provide a whole new life for his family, for generations. He (and others like him) should be celebrated for living a dream, not derided.


I have sufficiently little self-respect to flat out refuse every time. It helps that one of my best friends has turned into a pepsi zealot and it annoys him immensely every time I rub his nose in coke being the superior drink. I've been on holiday with him a few times and my first purchase is always a six pack of coca cola for the fridge (and I stopped drinking coke, other than in restaurants, years ago)

Brilliant article! Such an immense work ethic and dedication. I was upset when Chelsea bought him from Anderlecht but I'm sure he'll go on to be considered the greatest Belgian player ever while with us.
I didn’t read it. I was told it by my pepsi peddling friend. Who presumably has access to actual sales data.

Have to say, my own experience of Iceland backs him up. I hate Pepsi and would always ask for coke if I was eating out but I was repeatedly told in restaurants that “we only have pepsi, is that ok?”
There are two major suppliers of drinks in Iceland and the bigger one supplies Pepsi so at restaurants it's not a surprise to find it there instead of Coke but that's not where most of the sodas are sold. Also you went to how many restaurants? Your sample size isn't very large.

I know of like 2 people that prefer Pepsi out of like 50 off the top of my head. The reason I know such a weird number of people that prefer Pepsi is because it's unusual to come across someone that does.

Hearing the number 90% should tip you off that your mate is talking shit.
We're never going to win the league with him though, no matter how many inspirational stories he puts up. Football's unfair that we only got 1 great season out of RVP, 1 season with Zlatan, absolutely incredible strikers but if only we had them 5-10 years younger. Lukaku is gonna stick around for a while considering his transfer fee and he will get you loads of goals but he's not the complete package I'm afraid

There are two major suppliers of drinks in Iceland and the bigger one supplies Pepsi so at restaurants it's not a surprise to find it there instead of Coke but that's not where most of the sodas are sold. Also you went to how many restaurants? Your sample size isn't very large.

Not very large but accurate, evidently.

I know of like 2 people that prefer Pepsi out of like 50 off the top of my head. The reason I know such a weird number of people that prefer Pepsi is because it's unusual to come across someone that does.

Hearing the number 90% should tip you off that your mate is talking shit.

Like I said, he works for the company. So I'll take his actual sales data over your/my anecdotes. Tempted to tell him that "some Icelandic bloke off redcafe thinks you're talking shit" so he can suggest they revise their marketing strategy in the region, mind you.