Last Man Standing 2023/24 | 327 competitors. Tony Banta is the Last Man Standing. Competition over.

Week 10 predictions
Week 10 predictions

(0) Crystal Palace v Tottenham (0)
(5) Chelsea v Brentford (0)
(8) Bournemouth v Burnley (0)
(12) Arsenal v Sheffield Utd (0)
(0) Wolves v Newcastle (2)
(4) West Ham v Everton (0)
(20) Aston Villa v Luton Town (0)
(2) Brighton v Fulham (0)
(4) Liverpool v Nott Forest (0)
(1) Man Utd
v Man City (1)

Eliminated due to three autopicks: 1

Down to 49.
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Let's go fellow Bournemouth-pickers. My next challenge will be fitting United into my predictions :( Here goes:

GW 11: Liverpool
GW 12: Man. United
GW 13: Newcastle
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I didn't pick West Ham in GW7 because I wanted the banker in GW10. Picked Everton the wrong week, twice over!
Who picked United over City? He should get the "Greatest Optimist" award for this season!
Not sure how we’ll be able to squeeze Sheffield United and Burnley into these.

Gigg's right foot is the only one remaining who's managed to pick Sheffield. He surely has to be the favourite at this point now.

I'm just going to pick the home team when they play each other and pray
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